· Oct 17, 2023
Debugging a SOAP web-client

Pointers please for debugging a SOAP web-client.

We have several clients in different productions all accessing a web-service. We are trying to add another client in a new production, and its not working. The messages between the relevant Process and the SOAP web-client Operation are the same in the working and the non-working productions. But the web-service is reporting an XML parsing error to the non-working production. Here's the error as reported in the SOAP web-client Operation...

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0 196
· Sep 13, 2023
Cache: Binary export output

I have an odd binary result exporting a specific routine via Studio, Export. Below is the beginning. The seemingly same routine in a different directory is exported fine, regular human readable code. Inspecting ^ROUTINE and ^rIndex did not give me any clues. Any insights?

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· Sep 28, 2023
Dynamic Rendered Connections


I'm trying to configure a specific process which dynamically sends messages to different endpoints based on datalookup keys, I've configured this aspect. What I'd like is to be able to visually see these connections without hardcoding them so is there a way to dynamically link them, i'll share what I tried below.


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InterSystems FAQ rubric

To remove InterSystems products installed on your Windows system, use Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel (in Windows 10, select Apps from Windows Settings).

Since we will be making changes to the system, you will need to log in as a user with administrator privileges.

1) Log in to the system as an administrator.

2) From the system tray, exit the launcher of the InterSystems product instance you want to uninstall (click launcher → exit).

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0 196

Our application has a ZEN report that accepts a sorting parameter and a fundraiser parameter. Sorting tells us which order the pages are to be in and the fundraiser limits the data shown (e.g. which user has requested the report)

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1 189

Hi Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Introduction to InterSystems Products
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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1 182

I am sending an httpRequest from ObjectScript to a python server. I am not receiving a response in OS

OS config On the client side

// Create an HTTP request object
Set httpRequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()

// Set the server URL
Set httpRequest.Server = ""

// Set content type to JSON
Set httpRequest.ContentType = "application/json"

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0 174

InterSystems FAQ rubric

You can use the %IndexBuilder class to perform index rebuilding using multiple processes.

Here is an example for the purpose of defining the standard index HomeStateIdx for the Home_State (state information of contact address) column of Sample.Person.

The steps are as follows:

1. Hide the index name to be added/rebuilt from the query optimizer.

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1 177


After upgrading from Cache to IRIS while running the web application I am getting an error in message.log

Error: Create Gateway - Unable to create new gateway connection: ERROR #5023: Remote Gateway Error: <NOTOPEN>%AddToCurrentClassPath+6^%Net.Remote.Gateway.1

Cache Version : Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.7 (Build 721U) Fri Mar 18 2022 22:07:35 EDT

Upgrade to IRIS Version : IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2022.1.2 (Build 574_0_22511U) Thu May 11 2023 22:36:05 EDT

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

There is no need to recompile the routines after the version upgrade, but since the version update overwrites %SYS, user-created INT and OBJ format routines (*.INT,*.OBJ) in %SYS will be deleted. Therefore, you need to be careful.

MAC, INT and OBJ routines with the following names are not deleted.

%Z*.INT, %z*.INT, Z*.INT,z*.INT
%Z*.OBJ, %z*.OBJ, Z*.OBJ,z*.OBJ

Please note that classes/CSPs need to be compiled after upgrading.

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1 174

The task for a file on disk is to open it, find a keyword (unique) and then read the file line by line, starting with the line with this keyword, then find the next keyword (also unique) and read from that location etc. I would think ObjectScript classes should be able to do that, but the solution eludes me. I probably need to use FindAt to get a position, but ReadLine does not seem to have a position argument. Any advice?

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0 164

InterSystems FAQ rubric

This error occurs when an instance of the class is already open at compile time.

There are two ways to deal with this issue:

  1. Terminate the process or application that has the instance open
  2. Compile options in the studio build menu: Check the compile flag “Compile classes in use” and compile.

If you want to determine which process is using the class, try the sample routine below.

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0 150


I need to ensure that the task created/scheduled, by system user, is created in the routine database and not remotely in the ECP to which it is connected. How can I guarantee the creation/scheduling of this task?

Here is a suggestion for creating the routine in both environments:

Is there another option?

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0 168

I'm trying to read data from a file and it contains single precision (4 byte) float values. Does Iris/Cache' have a way to convert the binary into a Cache' variable that is accurate?


The float DATA value for "f" LargeRefMinSize is $c(0,0,0,0) which is obviously 0.

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0 164

Hello everybody. I have a problem a little bit strange. The thing is that there is a Task on Cache that by default is executed everyday at 4:00:00 that, with my settings, will delete all the Audit logs with more than 70 days of existence. The problem is that everyday this task is executed without an error message (status "Success" after the task is finished) but no data is cleaned, the same if I executed this particular task on the "Task Schedule" screen. I'll put here a screenshot of the message after executing the task on the "Task Schedule":

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0 147

Hello everyone, I need some help.

I have to send some events for a government WebService that I already imported the WSDL and XSD's and It worked fine and I'm able to build the message and connect into the service, but It has been rejected with the message that the XML is wrong and the only diference between the Caché SOAP message to all the examples that the government gave us is the header:

This is how the Government is expecting the message:

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· Oct 4, 2023
Project development

Need your company a help developing projects on Intersystems Caché / Iris plataform?

I'm a senior developer, more of 30 years experience in ObjectScript, working as a freelancer for specific projects.

I'm a Spanish citizen, actually located part time in Barcelona Spain, and part time in Phuket Thailand, my work is always 100% remote.

For more information can email:


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