· Jun 14, 2016
Get variables list


In Caché there is a way to print all current variables using write command without arguments:

USER>set Einstein = 1879
USER>set Mozart = 1756

But is there a way to get a list of this variables? I am looking for something that would return value like $LB("Einstein", "Mozart") for this case.


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· Mar 3, 2017
zen report

Hi, all

I have the following problem in generating a PDF report in ZEN, which has many items, a general total of approximately 30,000 items, but gives an error, I can generate a report with a maximum of 8,000 items, which may be wrong.

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0 1.5K
· Feb 18, 2016
Message Error - CSP.Page

The cache has error messages default, for example , " -139 SQLCODE : Competition impairment on the update: row versions are not the same. "

How i can exchange it for a more friendly to the user's message? I use the CSP.Page and form_save ( ).

What is best practice for this situation?

2 3
0 973

I would like to write some code to parse a set of HTML pages from the internet in order to gather information from each web page.

All of the web pages are generated using a template, so the format of each of the web-pages is consistent with one-another and the information that I want to gather is always located in the same logical place within the page.

What is the best way to parse an html page in order to gather information at a specific place?

Can XML XPATH be used here? Does anyone have any examples of parsing HTML content?

2 6
0 1.4K

I have a MySQL server with "posts" table.

I also have a Caché server with "downloadedposts" table.

They are connected from Caché to MySQL via SQL Gateway

I want to keep Caché table synced with MySQL one (MySQL "posts" table is a master copy), so periodically Caché queries MySQL server and downloads data. So far so good, and if a record appears or changes in MySQL table, Caché downloads the changes.

The problem I'm encountering is that sometimes rows would be deleted from MySQL "posts" table.

How do I synchronize deletions?

2 4
0 1.1K
· Mar 1, 2018
Cucumber / Gherkin integration

Are there any BDD testing automation implementations within Mumps/Cache Objects already in existence?

We are looking at using Cucumber for our Java regression test automation and would like to use similar feature file testing with the Cache code.

Looking to use something existing before building it.


2 5
1 900

Hi all,

I am trying to create a method to count the number of entries in a global, including all subscripts. I am having a bit of trouble getting the code to make it to the second subscript. When I get to the position where my key is "Canada" and I add a comma and empty quotes to it, it returns USA as the new key when I do the order function. Is the $Order or the global not able to use a single string to represent multiple subscripts?

Here is my global structure:

2 20
0 618

Working on implementation FHIR to my project, I found interesting project HAPI-FHIR, which could help me to quickly launch my FHIR api server with InterSystems Caché as a storage, because this projects uses Hibernate to connect to database, as an example they use DerbyDB. I tried to change settings to use InterSystems Caché, but unfortunately it does not work and throw some errors inside HIbernate. As I found in Caché documentation, I have not some many options, I just have to set Cache dialect, and set database url.

2 13
0 1.6K
· Oct 20, 2016
%UnitTest Code Coverage


When we write unit test cases for cache object script code using %UnitTest.TestCase, what is the best way to write code to identify code coverage?

So, let say my unit test case hit all 10 lines of code of a method for a given class. So, unit test coverage should be 100% for that. But, using line-by-line coverage [(%Monitor.System.LineByLine] getting wrong percentage, because it also includes code comment/documentation as part of code. So, practically we can not ever achieve 100% of code coverage by using this API.

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0 762

Please excuse my ignorance. I am trying to identify what areas would be best to review in the System Dashboard (for Cache 2010.2) for performance issues with the database. It seems to be running slower than usual, but I am trying to find out the best way to go about identifying what the issue is.

The following are captures from the System Dashboard.

As always, thanks a lot for your help.

System Dashboard

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0 557


I know you're doing a big effort to build a new IDE in Eclipse ecosystem but Visual Studio Code is a new an even better and faster tool for coding... did you have any plans to release any COS extension for it in the near future? There you can already find extensions for all current more common progrmaming languages and it would be great to have COS as one of them.


2 5
0 1.4K

If two globals have same structure, how to reuse one CacheSQLStorage-based class to read both locations?



Let's say we have two globals:




i.e. the structure difference is global name only.

I would like to have two classes TableA and TableB both are inherited from TableAB, and TableAB taking global name as a parameter.

2 14
0 541


I have a very simple web service that I'd like to secure via SAML Authorization with X.509 Certificates. I am, however struggling with documentation and my lack of cryptographic skills. (I do this just for educational purposes now, but need to use it in the future)

Does anyone have an example that shows how to construct a SOAP Client with adding all necessary security headers manually or point me to a decent learning resource?

Thank you very much!

2 1
2 1.2K
· Jun 15, 2016
Cluster deployment recipes?

Let assume you have a infinitely scaling algorithm implemented in your application, using replication, ECP, or any other means of horizontal scaling, and let assume you know how to run your system under any volume of requests, the trick is to deploy required number of computing nodes in the cluster. If we are talking about cluster of 2-4 nodes your administrator (or as they call it today "devops engineer") will install anything manually. Probably he will easily handle 5 nodes configuration in the cluster.

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0 616
· Nov 7, 2016
CLS location from INT code

Given location in INT code, as Cache usually reports on error (zWriteReport+25^SomeFile.1), is there any programmatic way to determine corresponding place in original source code?


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1 819
· Jun 18, 2018
CSP Error Log

I thought I should be able to go to the application error log or look at d ^%ER when I get the following error in the browser when troubleshooting a CSP page:

An error occurred with the CSP application and has been logged to system error log (^ERRORS)

However nothing is being generated in these logs. Where are these logs being made?

Thank you

2 9
1 2.2K

I have a list

set list=$lb(1,$c(0),2)

How do I replace $c(0) with an empty element?

My list should look like this:

set list=$lb(1,,2)

I tried using $list but it either replaces the element with an empty string:

set $list(list,2)=""
zw list

Resulting in:


Or removes the element altogether:

set $list(list,2,2)=""
zw list

Resulting in:

2 2
0 363

Hi Friends ,

We have requirement to convert source hl7 message to target json message using dtl.

Currently I have created persistent cls for json and completed the dtl.

DTL giving output as json equivalent xml.

Now how to convert DTL result xml object to json?

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0 457