I am currently trying to create a namespace and I keep receiving error #197 when I try to create the database for it. My OS is Coentos 7.7, my cache version is 2016.2.3.903.6.18300 and here is a screenshot of the error.

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I am reading the following code in ObjectScript:

GitHub repository

And there is a sentence which I am facing difficulties to understand:

kill ^OPNLib.Game.CWLF(..World)

I know that kill removes variables, OPNLib.Game are the package and subpackage, and ..World is a property. However what does CWLF mean?

You could think that it is the class' name, but it is:

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I have the following message when I try to import a WSDL to generate a SOAP service:

ERROR #5319: The type of a property of a class series cannot be recurring: SeleneHL7Service.hl71.escapeType:escape
> ERROR #5030: Error occurred while compiling SeleneHL7Service.hl71.escapeType class

I have found in the documentation:

5319 The type of a property in a serial class cannot be recursive: %1

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Hi, we are a veterinary lab and we use both the LAB and FIN systems of Antrim. Now we are looking to expose the data in a SQL/Object compatible way so we were wondering if same / similar things had been done by other community members already? If so, could you please share your approach / experience / gotchas with us and we are all ears. I can be reached at yang.jiao@antechmail.com . Thank you!

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I used the Activate wizard to create a package for Excel (Activate.Excel). There is a class in there that seems to be what we need to open a file:


There is a method that has an Open() command. I tried using it but getting an invalid pointer error.

The parameters are as follows:

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I know &SQL returns only one result but is




the same in terms of processing required?

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lets have two abstract %Persistent classes A,B with NoExtent keyword (storing data in separate globals for each subclass).

Class A Extends %Persistent [Abstract, NoExtent]



Class B Extends %Persistent [Abstract, NoExtent]


Property Aref As A;


Let B class reference the A class. Since the A class has no extent the reference wont work in subclasses. It wont be even usable in SQL. Is it possible to solve this problem? Whats the recommended way to deal with references/relationships using NoExtent?

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Hi All,

I have a class method, this can be any cache expression to execute (usually a class / method and args) and and args stored in a variable, for example;

set aa = "##Class(Utils.Test).Run(1,2,3)"

do aa

I tried using $classmethod(class,method,args..), by extracting the values but sometimes there can be no arguments, or arguments such as ;


which causes issues while running the $classmethod, (i am using $P to extract the Class, Method and args).

Is there any simpler way of doing this?

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Hi guys,

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.2.1 (Build 801U) Wed Dec 6 2017 09:07:51 EST
Windows Server 2016
We have mapped 6 Databases for Shadowing to shadow/backup server with same kind of environment and platform.
The process for shadowing is growing or keeps on running in back round, not sure whether it will die or not - refer screenshot

We want to know how many process does cache instance will take for one database shadowing

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In .NET Core you have an option to extend a session using a "sliding expiration". This means that if over half the time has passed and the user actively uses their session then the expiry timer gets reset and the user remains logged in. This can lead to the curious situation where you have an active authenticated user with an expired access token being used in data-access requests.

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· Sep 18, 2019
Export Report to Excel

Hello, I created a Zen Report and I want to export to Excel. I read I can use $MODE=xlsx but my output in Excel is not correct. All 3 elements are condensed into one cell. Class AETMON.Report Extends %ZEN.Report.reportPage { /// Class name of application this report belongs to. Parameter APPLICATION; /// Specifies the default display mode used for this report if /// the URL parameter, $MODE, is not present.

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Currently one of our applications, coded in Cache, performs web service API calls out to one of our vendors. We now need to be able to send a Client ID in the portion of the Soap envelope.

I think I have a clue of what I need to do but not 100% sure. We were thinking we could use the method %SOAP.WebClient.SetHttpHeader(field name, value) but when I have tired using this method and looked at the Soap log to see what is sent, the field is never showing. I realized I could be setting the wrong object using the method.

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