Hello, community!

I've stumbled on some unexpected behavior, and decided to check with you if this is normal. Basically, I'm rebuilding indices and the result is not journaling (which leads to missing indices at shadow server).

The $ZV is "Cache for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2015.2.1 (Build 705U) Mon Aug 31 2015 16:53:38 EDT"

I have an example class

Class tmp.A As %Persistent;

Index IP1 On P1;

Property P1 As %String;

for example there is one object which have P1 = 1, so

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I try to open an existing log file and append to it. In Windows I use Open file:(NRW):1. I would expect it to append to the file, but each time I execute the code I get only the new entries, the prior file content is lost.

What is the proper syntax top open a file in "Append" mode?

I will deploy this code in Linux. Is there a different syntax to open a file in Linux versus Windows?


Oliver Wilms

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· Jun 28, 2019
Internal Web Service

Hello everyone,

Anyone can help me please. We use SOAP web service with public methods and have many instances of these classes, all work fine. We would like to create a new SOAP web service but for internal usage only, meaning not available to the public. The purpose of this is for communication between different servers internally.

We thought of having the methods to be Internal, WebMethod instead of just WebMethod.

Any suggestions?



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Quick question... Is it possible to save a class in another namespace. If you're saving a global you can just use an extended reference, but is it possible to achieve the same when saving a class object? Obviously the class will be defined in the other namespaces too.

I want to do it from an Ensemble SOAP Service. I guess you could switch namespaces, but I was a bit worried about doing that from Ensemble process.


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When i click on the menu to run the Data import wizard from MP, i receive following CSP error

<UNDEFINED>zOnPageHEAD+229^%cspapp.exp.utilsqleximwizardcontent.1 *schemaname : CSP Error

It is happening for all the namespaces. Looks like some permission issue. Same issue with Data Export wizard. Help to resolve this will be appreciated.

I am using

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.2.2 (Build 865_0_18763U)


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· Jun 28, 2019
Send soap request


I have a problem with sending soap request.

I get wsdl . The wsdl class bellow

Class Data.SOAP.PrinServ.NotificationRequest Extends (%RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor) [ ClassType = "", CompileAfter = Data.SOAP.PrinServ.Lang, Inheritance = right, ProcedureBlock ]


Parameter NAMESPACE = "http://tempuri.org/";

Parameter XMLNAME = "NotificationRequest";

Parameter XMLSEQUENCE = 1;

Property IIN As %String(MAXLEN = "", XMLNAME = "IIN");

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0 507

I have one REST service extending %CSP.REST

I am trying to call one method using JOB, its not getting called does anyone have any idea if i am doing anything wrong here.

works : do ##class(TestFramework.API.E2E.Service).RunCases()

does not work : JOB ##class(TestFramework.API.E2E.Service).RunCases()

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If you know the path of a file that exists in the instance's install directory, how can that file be opened and edited in Studio? This file is not saved under the visible directories in Studio ex csp or mgr. For example if you have no access to the server operating system command line, how would you be able to modify a file using Studio?

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· Jun 19, 2019
Version changes

Is there a place to get version differences between versions of Cache. Specifically looking to see changes from version 2014 on of Cache.

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Can anyone please provide me with a guide I can follow to create an entry in Cache's SSL/TLS configuration that would allow me to "speak" to an website via the Post method using SSL.

I need to simulate functionality that is provided by my browser but from with Cache.

The topics I have are:

1. From where do I source the certificate that will be used for this process?

2. What processing must I do on it to make it acceptable for Cache's SSL/TLS

3. What settings are required when filling the the form

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1 2.5K

Hi there.

I am dealing with a clinical system that returns a stack trace within the NACK (Specifically, within MSA:3).

Within the stack trace there is an error code I am interested in, and hoped I could use the Reply Code Actions to look for that code within the error by using the "E*<text>" condition to either suspend or accept the response and move on. The problem is, looking at the error within the event log, I can see that the error text is truncated, cutting off the error code I'm looking for within the stack trace.

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0 523

Hi guys,

I have never used regular expressions with caché object script before, so I've read through the documentation, but I am struggling with things that I'd like some help on.

My need is to identify specific html tags and transform them out to something else. Example:

I need to identify those guys in a wider string:
"<span style=\""font-family: '';font-weight: bold;\"" >BOLD TEXT</span>"
"<span font-style:italic;\" >ITALIC TEXT</span>"

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· Jun 13, 2019
When is a number not a number?

Noticed some unexpected behavior when using $ZTH

Resultant values less than 1 are treated as strings and values >=1 are numbers. Causing heartburn in $Query / $Next / $Order loops. Is there a setting somewhere that can change this?


// Parse the time out of a text string whose format is YYYYMMDDHHMMSSsssssssss (lower case s = fractional parts)

Set MsgDT = "20180405000000001005933"
Set MsgDTH = $ZTH(($E(MsgDT,9,10)_":"_$E(MsgDT,11,12)_":"_$E(MsgDT,13,14)_"."_$E(MsgDT,15,23)),1)

//Do it again, but add a sec to the time string

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I am trying to pull the word count from Microsoft Word document into Cache. Is there anyway to get the values of the extended file properties without opening the word document? If I right click on a word document (Word does not need to be installed) I can see the additional properties that I want to reference however don't know how to access these without calling out to VBA or poweshell.

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Have enabled LDAP for our numerous , Ensemble, IRIS and cache instances with many namespaces. All is working fine and the ldap logins work.

But have noticed that the first instance that the user logs into the namespace is assigned to that user, but when that user than logs into another instance the default namespace from the first login is still there and doesn't update to the new namespace.

So this doesn't effect the ldap login but is now effecting the terminal logins where the user is now getting access denied.

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