I am trying to create a list of id's which are of type integer. I have created a class like below and then I am trying to call the class from a BPL to first initialize the list. In the BPL, I have an assign action that is using set and a context variable setup to hold the list data. The property is using the class I have created, ##class(MSI.IN835.EOBList).%New(). I keep getting an error back saying the method does not exist. Why does it not like the %new method? I am new to cache object script, so if their is a better way to do this, I am open to that as well.

0 9
0 1.9K

Hi! I have a local project written on Cache and Atelier on my PC. I need to move it to notebook. Tried to export globals, classes, MAC-programms and csp with frontend stuff, but after I created my apps on notebook and imported my set, it just didn't work. I think it's because I have some settings on Management Portal, so how can I export portal settings and what I should export to have my working apps on another computer?

0 3
0 325
· Apr 25, 2018 4m read
DNI functions

Hi everyone!

I want to share four functions with you. I hope that you can use it at some time.

DNI: the initials of the type of national identity document, is composed of different series of numbers and letters. That proves the identity and personal data of the holder, as well as the Spanish nationality. Example: 94494452X

NIE: The NIE or foreigner identity number is a code for foreigners in Spain.

In this page you can generate examples of DNI or NIE https://generadordni.es/

3 8
0 792


I have a service that I need to receive notifications from when the service has started. Usually this service will be off, but when started a need a method to be called so I can email and be alerted. The only method I know I can use is " OnProcessInput" but this is when an input is received (new file, new message...) but I could not find any events to deal when the service starts...I tried "OnInit" but does not seems to work...any ideas?

0 3
0 356


The following sql statement is working through the SMP but couldn't make it work through the code.

The table is a linked table to oracle db.

Tried to change the date property in the linked table class from %Date to %String and also tried using %SQL.Statement and %Library.ResultSet

this work through SMP:



VALUES (to_date ('2018-04-01','yyyy-mm-dd'),123,456,789)

In the code i'm using '?' in the statement for the parameters.

0 14
0 434

Trying to work with REST protocol, using IIS 8, both client and server are Cache servers,
I have the following problem-
When I send a PUT command, I get the following error:
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Length Required</TITLE>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" Content="text/html; charset=us-ascii"></HEAD>
<BODY><h2>Length Required</h2>
<hr><p>HTTP Error 411. The request must be chunked or have a content length.</p>

0 2
0 916
· Apr 15, 2018
Cache Compile Problem

Hi Guys,

We experiencing a strange problem with one of the clients on Cache 2008, for time to time they can't run any of their Crystal reports and each time we had re-compile the classes used in the affected report to get it running, then it happens again for the same reports.

0 7
0 778
· Apr 13, 2018
Git behavior

We are going to start using Git within Cache.

One question came up - if the branch that you checked out does not have the class or mac file, what is the correct thing to do?

Should we delete from Cache or should we just keep it?

I'm leaning more towards deleting it because Cache should reflect what is in your work folder in git. But other team members are saying to keep it.

0 16
0 542

Does developing a RESTful API in Caché remove the requirement to use the InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll and generate proxy classes using the Caché Object Binding Wizard for .NET web development? If anyone has links to sample applications using .NET with Caché and REST Services, I would be grateful if you could share them.

0 4
0 550

How to convert SQL persistent classes to JSON output - I have tried 1 option but appears to be very lengthy process.

I have many other SQL storage's defined and have to expose them as well to JSON. Can anyone please suggest a better approach.

My column names usually match with my Json properties.

My User.TestClass is the class with GetJsonList() as my method to return /output JSON formatted data.

The Code tried and SQL storage structure are as follows -

1 3
0 1K

Apache Spark has rapidly become one of the most exciting technologies for big data analytics and machine learning. Spark is a general data processing engine created for use in clustered computing environments. Its heart is the Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD) which represents a distributed, fault tolerant, collection of data that can be operated on in parallel across the nodes of a cluster. Spark is implemented using a combination of Java and Scala and so comes as a library that can run on any JVM.

11 5
1 2.7K

A client wants information extracted from their MUMPS database and transferred to a cache database, where do I begin and what are some best practices I should keep in mind? (I am fairly new to MUMPS and have been put on this project)

0 1
0 722
· Apr 15, 2018
Indexes in Cache Objects


I have the following objects

Class A

Property P1 As B

Property P2 As %String

Property P3 As %String

Class B

Property P1 As %String

Can I create an index in Class A based on P1.P1. Basically I want an index of class A by property P1 in class B

I tried creating the following but got a compile error

Index I1 On P1.P1


0 2
0 501

One aspect of source code management is how to deal with the almost inevitable need to upgrade your Caché or Ensemble platform to a newer InterSystems release.

It's long been my experience that InterSystems does a very good job of maintaining backward compatibility. Code that works correctly on, say, 2012.1 is very likely to work correctly on, say, 2015.2 without any modification.

0 10
0 542

I use macros everyday, but its the first time I want to create a macro like this

I want to create a new macro whereby I can pass a variable amount of parameters

the macro (much simplified version) would be

#define myMacro(%params) $listBuild(any Number Of %params I pass in)

so I want to be able to call $$$myMacro(user,ID,vehicle) ie 3 parameters would generate


but equally I might want to call that same macro $$$myMacro(companyID) ie 1 paramter and would generate


0 4
0 420
· Apr 6, 2018
sql insert from cache

I am tasked with using CACHE to insert data retrieved from a CACHE data base and insert it into an sql database. The columns in the sql table that I am trying to insert data into have names that contain underscores such as "ACCESSION_DATE" I found a utility in CACHE to connect to the sql data base and perform inserts. I have the data I need to insert. I need to pass the data into the sql utility referencing the column names.

I tried using indirection to set the data into underscored variables, but that isn't allowed in cache object script.

0 8
0 1.4K
· Apr 5, 2018
Drawing boxes

Hello, Community!

Here's an interesting task I found on the Internet.

Problem description

Write a method that would draw a box of a specified size.

The goal is to write the shortest method.

Here's a method signature (it can't be modified):

ClassMethod main(s As %Integer = 10)

And call sample:

>do ##class(ITPlanet.Task4).main(5)
## ##
# # #
## ##

>do ##class(ITPlanet.Task4).main(10)
##      ##
# #    # #
#  #  #  #
#   ##   #
#   ##   #
#  #  #  #
# #    # #
##      ##
>do ##class(ITPlanet.Task4).main(20)
##                ##
# #              # #
#  #            #  #
#   #          #   #
#    #        #    #
#     #      #     #
#      #    #      #
#       #  #       #
#        ##        #
#        ##        #
#       #  #       #
#      #    #      #
#     #      #     #
#    #        #    #
#   #          #   #
#  #            #  #
# #              # #
##                ##

2 15
0 608
· Apr 6, 2018
Delegated Sign On Bypass

Is there a way to make the system users like _SYSTEM and ensadm bypass the Delegated sign-on and not cause it to fill up the Audit trail with "Programmer mode login failure"?? I figured I still had to leave password login enabled for the background users to run. How would I script if username = "_SYSTEM" then don't do the Delegated sign on?


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