A business service is part of InterSystems Ensemble interoperability production which is responsible for accepting requests from external applications.
We're in the process of creating several courses for creating custom business components for productions. This includes custom business operations, BPL processes, and custom business services. Custom Business Operations and Custom Business Services are both aimed at software developers while BPL processes can be also be created by business analysts. What are some gotchas or best practices you've learned that you wish you knew when first building these components?
We'd love to include what you've learned into these courses so others can learn from them as well!
Is there any issue with using a pool size setting greater than 1 for an inbound file service? The reason I ask is we can easily dump 100k+ files to a folder in minutes, but using a pool size of 1 can take hours for that backlog to clear.
I'm doing some Schema changes. I used our existing standard schema as a base, which was already based on 2.3. So let's call our existing one Custom.MHC.Schema (based on 2.3). I created Custom.MHC.Schema.Advanced (based on Custom.MHC.Schema) and copied down one of the code tables then made a change to it.
When I ran a message through, the code table change didn't show up. I noticed in the message viewer that the DocType is still Custom.MHC.Schema:ADT_A01 but the DocType Category is Custom.MHC.Schema.Advanced.
I already enabled the IIS configuration for using HTTPS to all requests (using * wildcard) and all my CLS, CSP and ZEN pages are working nice through HTTPS.
My REST Business Service parameters and Method definition:
I was asked about using date-based criteria in the file spec for an inbound file adapter.
It looks like the file spec field only accepts simple wildcards (*, ?), so I'm wondering if someone knows of a clever way of doing this preferably without creating a custom adapter/service class.
An example of the use case: An upstream system continually writes records to a file named with the current day's date. At midnight it opens a new file with the new day's date:
I am just trying to make a quick hand off HTTP production. I have the class built and compiled onto the server and the production is running as a service. When the production is called (by an inbound job) I can see that the HTTP.InboundAdapter is being used successfully and the stack continues all the up to ProcessInput where OnProcessInput is called in Ens.BusinessService.
I'm trying to find a good way to control the Filename for X12 Acknowledgement files, but there doesn't seem to be a way to do that without custom coding. Here's what I figured out so far:
EnsLib.EDI.X12.Service.FileService allows you to set a Reply Target Config, which would likely be an X12 File Operation. The Service doesn’t have any settings related to the name of the Acknowledgement file though. That’s determined entirely by the Operation.
In an Ensemble message bus that has a Business Service which extends EnsLib.SOAP.Service, I have the option to support SOAP Sessions by setting the parameter SOAPSESSION=1.
The comments says this also effects license consumption.
In what way is license consumption effected ?
note this is version 2015.1, Ensemble Elite (without Web-AddOn).