
I want to process more requests per second in Ensemble 2015 (soap service). My problem is in a business process that makes a great transformation. I thought that I can put its group size to 4 (the current value is 1), or put 4 business processes and apply, for example, the round-robin algorithm.
Which alternative is better?

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0 507

Hi everyone

I am new to the bpl diagram. I would like to add an if statement that checks whatever an object is null or not.

I guess that: condition='response.Content != null' would not be ok...

<if name='CheckObj' condition='response.Content != null' xpos='200' ypos='1700' xend='277' yend='2197' >

I tried to search for this information in the documentation but I didn't find any help.

Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks and best regards


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0 270

In a Business Process (BPL) I noticed that if I 'm using a "scope" to handle errors then inside the "scope" when a "call" is used, the "request" and "response" action (i.e set for callrequest.prop = request.prop & response.prop = callrespones.prop does NOT work !
The result is that the values of those properties in the callrequest are nulls (I do see the properties names in the content of the callrequest message)

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· Feb 28, 2020
SQLCODE Error -400

I have a code block in a BPL. I have the below SQL and code. All variables have been declared and set. When I run the SQL, if there are no values returned, I get 100 for the value of SQLCODE when I perform the FETCH, which is correct. If values are returned, I get a -400 error when I perform the first FETCH. I've investigated, but cannot find the reason for a -400 error. Hoping someone out here understands this and knows what's wrong.

0 2
0 1.8K

I have a production that takes in an HL7 message thru a business service. The business service passes the incoming HL7 message to a business process that calls a transform to transform the HL7 message to a message class. After the transform is finished, the business process uses a code block to pass the object created by the transform to a method class that processes the data in the object. What would be the correct syntax for passing in the object to the class method?

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0 244

maybe I am not looking in the correct spots, but how should one handle an Exception from a SOAP web service within the Business Process Language? For example I am sending a request to a Web Service to try to get information, but the response I am getting is an Exception like "Patient Not Found".

Is there a function I can call to check the response similar to what I do to check a SQL Snapshot to see if it is valued?


Scott Roth

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0 666
· Sep 6, 2018


I'm trying to get a text value of a xml node of a XML Document through the xpath activity within a BPL diagram.

I set the source to Request and all the other properties.

The error I always get back is Method does not exist...

Could anyone help me out?

Kind Regards


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0 421

Hi, I think it's a simple question this at the end of something fairly complex

I've a DTL to go to a target class in context

I get the error CLASS DOES NOT callrequest=##class(context.ConnectDocumentRequest).%New()'

I attempted to add code to initate the context with

set context.ConnectDocumentRequest =##class(Penn.EDT.Messages.ConnectDocumentRequest).%New()

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0 262
· Apr 1
stdout logging

In The Business Process and the Business Operation, I am using the following code to get the value of TimeCreated and TimeProcessed







But I am trying to use ..%RequestHeader.TimeCreated in Business Service it is not storing any value.

How to get the value of TimeCreated and TimeProcessed in Business Service?

0 5
0 108

Is there a way to have a context property be available across 2 or 3 different business processes? For example if I am setting a value in a context property within one business process and want to use the same context property in a second business process, is this possible? Is this something that can be done with the "Context Superclass"?

0 5
0 428

Hello All,

I am exploring Ens.Alert to generate alerts for Server exceptions.

I noticed that in the business operation, if you have your code inside try/catch and if your catch doesn't explicitly invoke $$$systemerror then Ens.Alert is not invoked.

Similarly, in the Business process if you have <catchall> then Ens.Alert is not invoked on error. How can I invoke Ens.Alert from <catchall> ?

0 3
0 236

I have an API that does not have all the data. Like it is truncated. Magic number of characters seems to be 163,280

I do an <assign>


The error does not happen when the response is < 163,280 chars. And when < 163,280 chars, it is a complete FHIR Bundle. Have anyone experienced this? If so, what is the resolution?

0 2
0 116


I have a process in which i call a rest operation in a while loop, get a response in JSON format of 50 issues, with paging, meaning this call will happen until the total amount of issues will be returned. each JSON is parsed into a proxyObject, and inserted to a list. later the entire list will be sent to an SQL operation which will write the data in the appropriate tables.

0 6
0 642

I'm looking for a way to get the message header ID for the current message in a Request to a Business Process.

I've located some code that gives me what I need, but it runs the risk of violating the "abstraction layer" ISC has in place around such things. And while I very much appreciate their efforts at keeping things simple for me ... well, sometimes you just have to dig through the guts to get what you want.

Is there a documented, deprecation-resistant method for getting at %Ensemble("%Process").%PrimaryRequestHeader.%Id() from within a BP?

0 6
0 914

How do I send request on production start?

Here's what I got so far in my production class:

ClassMethod OnStart(pTimeStarted As %String) As %Status
    job ..InitialTraining()
    quit 1

lassMethod InitialTraining() As %Status
    hang 5
    set sc = ##class(EnsLib.Testing.Service).SendTestRequest(...)
    quit sc

Is there a better way without hang, etc?

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0 351


We are developing a BP where we would need to call at the same time to get appointments in two external systems. So then, we would need two threads, one for primary care appointments, and other for specialist appointments . We need to paralelize both calls because of both of them require some time and we would need to shorten it as much as possible.

We are currently using a flow:

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