I am inspecting our DB globals in order to reduce sizes of the worst offenders if possible. When I come to a large global, I am interested which of its nodes are the largest. Hence code below with unexpected different results. Any explanations why are results different?

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IRIS can use a KMS (Key Managment Service) as of release 2023.3. Intersystems documentation is a good resource on KMS implementation but does not go into details of the KMS set up on the system, nor provide an easily followable example of how one might set this up for basic testing.

The purpose of this article is to supplement the docs with a brief explanation of KMS, an example of its use in IRIS, and notes for setup of a testing system on AWS EC2 RedHat Linux system using the AWS KMS. It is assumed in this document that the reader/implementor already has access/knowledge to set up an AWS EC2 Linux system running IRIS (2023.3 or later), and that they have proper authority to access the AWS KMS and AWS IAM (for creating roles and polices), or that they will be able to get this access either on their own or via their organizations Security contact in charge of their AWS access.

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InterSystems announces its first preview, as part of the developer preview program for the 2024.1 release. This release will include InterSystems IRIS®, InterSystems IRIS® for HealthTM, and HealthShare® Health Connect.

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Hi, this post was initially written for Caché. In June 2023, I finally updated it for IRIS. If you are revisiting the post since then, the only real change is substituting Caché for IRIS! I also updated the links for IRIS documentation and fixed a few typos and grammatical errors. Enjoy :)

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Ran into an issue this morning, that I am having a hard time trying to track down what might have caused the issue. We have a Business Rule that sends HL7 ADT to a Business Process that inserts the data into a MS SQL Server using a Custom Business Operation (SQL Outbound Adapter).

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I am looking to run IRIS for UNIX on the Linux Ubuntu 22.04 platform and need to determine which filesystem configurations are considered supported. The three options under consideration are Ext4, LVM with Ext4, and OpenZFS. Currently, the system is running on a raw Ext4 filesystem, but there is a desire to switch to either LVM with Ext4 or OpenZFS to make it easier to handle disk usage.

This leads to two questions:

Are either of these two configurations considered to be tested and supported by InterSystems?

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· Jan 21 1m read
Debugging a crashing container

I have been struggling with a docker run command that kept crashing, the error message was too generic to point me to the right direction.

Since the container is shut down after the failure, I was unable to login to it in order to figure out the problem.

I had to run the container in a way that I'll be able to log into it before it crashed, so I found the adding -u false prevents the docker run command to run the iris session IRIS and the container stayed up and running. then I was able to log into it using:

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I have received 2 errors while publishing Patient data to repository. Message viewer displays like below and the Application log found bold content.

Could you please help me on this to resolve the errors.

An error occurred with the web application.
It has been logged to system error log (System Operation>System Logs>Application Error Log).

"<METHOD DOES NOT EXIST>OnPage+42^EnsPortal.MessageContents.1 *%Id,HS.FHIRServer.API.Data.Request : CSP Error"

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Job Description

Planning, building, training, and manage (Program and Project) to convert HL7 inbound messages (coming from primarily Epic) to InterSystems FHIR.

Looking for a person who can develop (well versed in InterSystems FHIR experience), demo, train/mentor the team, manage the project.

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Hi Community,

Immerse yourself in our fresh video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Data Fabric Demystified - Patterns and Examples @ Global Summit 2023

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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I'm wondering what the best practice is for handling %Status values within the terminal.
1. set tSC=...
    do $SYSTEM.Status.DisplayError(tSC)
2. set tSC=...
   zwrite tSC

3. An alternative?

Is there a meaningful difference between the two? Should one be used over the other for any reason? Should something else be used?

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Last Friday November 17 suddenly ran into an error where ZPM would issue an error saying:

ERROR! Object open failed because 'Name' key value of 'xx' was not found

I googled but found no specific help. Step by step I was able to conclude that:

  1. This is the error message for error 5770, also known as $$$KeyValueNotFoundOpen.

  2. In objectscript, this error can be raised by calls to NameOpen, where 'Name' is the first quoted part in the error message.

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We are running Batch job in scheduled task and the messages are picking in single session and it is not easy to trace the record.

I used the Set ..%SessionId= "" at before sending the message to BP but I see the session Id is '1' created for each message.

Is there anyother way to create new session for each message sending to BP?


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