Attached to this post is a PDF document outlining some of the key enhancements included with 2016.2. I will be giving a WebEx session that is open to all tomorrow at 11 AM EST. Once the WebEx is over I will be adding a link to the recording for those who cannot attend.

2016.2 Field Test Launch
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
11:00 am | Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00) | 30 mins

Meeting number: 747 673 229


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The DeepSee Shell best Practices Series - Execute an MDX query in the DeepSee Shell with/without results cache

This cache is different from cache reset. Cache reset clears everything in the namespace but “cache off” only clears the cache in ^DeepSee.Cache.Results and ^DeepSee.Cache.Axis global node for the corresponding cube. The difference is quite smaller in the case as below, but in some cases it can be a big difference.

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Presenter: Murray Oldfield
Task: Avoid bottlenecks caused by scaling up, before they become a problem
Approach: Discuss what operating system and InterSystems metrics you should look at and how to interpret them

Systems behave differently when database activity scales up. In the worst case, bottlenecks appear and users are impacted. This session shows you which operating system and InterSystems metrics you should be looking at and how to interpret them so you can head off bottlenecks before they impact users. This sessions also shows strategies for planning infrastructure taking into consideration InterSystems' data platforms requirements.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Presenter: Mark Bolinsky
Task: Provide failover for distributed systems without using a VIP
Approach: Demonstrate using InterSystems’ database mirroring with external traffic managers such as F5 LTM/GTM

With distributed environments and even public cloud environments, the use of a VIP sometimes is not desirable or even possible given network topology or deployment. The session will demonstrate integrating database mirroring with external traffic managers such F5 LTM/GTM using API based triggers in InterSystems products to interface with the F5 appliances. This not only presents automated redirection for the local mirror members, but also provided automated client redirection to asynchronous DR mirror members.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Presenter: Benjamin De Boe
Task: Extract specialized information from your unstructured data
Approach: Combine InterSystems iKnow technology with third-party and custom text-processing tools

This session explains how you can easily combine ISC, third-party and custom text processing tools to get the broadest insights in your unstructured data.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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I hereby announce the creation of an IRC channel dedicated to Caché development:

* network: FreeNode (connect to server:

* channel: ##cos (yes, two hashes).

Topic is anything related to Caché development in spite of the name (and the fact that of Caché development I only really know about COS anyway), so sorry in advance for the restrictive channel name :)

Waiting for you here! (my nick is idletask on freenode)

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NewBie's Corner Session 4 The Plus Sign and Concatenation Operators

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Click on the Caché Cube in your system tray and select Terminal to try out the commands.

Plus Sign (+) operator

Typically, the Plus sign (+) adds two numbers together. This is true in COS (Caché ObjectScript), but COS uses it in other ways as well.

Set the variable X to a value of +12

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· May 27, 2016 1m read
2016.3 Field Test Kit 2016.3.0.628.0

Steve Glassman is on vacation today so in his place I wanted to announce the availability of a new kit for the 2016.3 Field Test. The kit details are: 2016.3.0.628.0

Most of the changes are related to DeepSee, DocDB data models and dynamic objects. You can find a complete listing here:

Bill McCormick

Director of Product Management

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  1. Don’t use Python built into Mac. Because of System Integrity Protection (SIP) you will not be able to access the libraries that the InterSystems Python binding requires. The Python build into the MAC has baked in what libraries it can use.
  2. Install another Python. Don’t put this other ahead of Mac Python on path since this could break things. Apple regards its Python as part of the its OS, and may use that Python in its system operations.
  3. This Python will not be installed into the protected area.
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The DeepSee TroubleShooting Guide helps you track down and fix problems occurring in your DeepSee project. A common problem is finding less records than expected in a DeepSee Cube or a related Subject Area. The DeepSee TroubleShooting Guide suggests starting your investigation by checking the following:

Check cube for build restrictions

Check if maxFacts is used

Check if Build Errors are occurring

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I have posted to aid others in diagnosing problem with SSL/TLS connections to superserver port from .NET client executable.

The cache instance this appeared on is quite old - 2011 - so I do not know if Intersystems have added a better error message in a later version

The actual fault was due to the certificate in the %SuperServer SSL/TLS configuration having expired.

The unhelpful message that appeared in the .NET client included the following partial stack trace.

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We heard from a customer who wanted to display a version number as a read-only production setting. During the build on the build server, this version number is added to the Production class. This works fine, and the Version is displayed in the Portal, but the customer wanted to write protect it, so the enduser can’t change it. The customer had defined the setting like this:

Property Version As %String;
Parameter SETTINGS = "Version:Info";

We advised the customer to define SETTINGS like this instead:

Parameter SETTINGS = "Version:Alerting:label"

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Hi Community!

Meet the new group in Developer Community:

InterSystems Data Platform Blog!

In this group you'll find technical posts form InterSystems engineers and Community about InterSystems Data Platform technology cases which we consider as good or even best practices.

Every article in this blog passes InterSystems engineers' reviewing procedure and only then becomes available. You are very welcome to comment and share it!

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Presenter: Mark Bolinsky
Task: Decide whether a converged infrastructure is ideal for your enterprise applications
Approach: Discuss best practices and provide guidance on the right questions to ask

The traditional use of “SAN storage” is no longer the only choice for deploying enterprise application. Software defined data centers are making inroads into enterprise data centers, and there is good reason for it. There is the potential for significant infrastructure cost savings, architecture simplification, reduced administration costs, and depending on the configuration - even better performance. This session will discuss some best practices and outline decision guidance to help you ask the right questions when considering hyper-converged architectures.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Presenter: Alain Houf
Guest Speaker: Joop van Uden of Philips Healthcare
Task: Evolve your data model as you build your application
Approach: Provide a real-world example of how to leverage the flexibility of the document data model and how to easily integrate it into existing environments

Description: Come and learn how you can leverage new technology like the document data model in your current environment. We will explore a customer use case that managed to include this brand new technology within weeks in their current application stack and start to benefit from it.

Problem: Tools that help you build a stable backend, sometimes are in the way when you need to evolve.

Solution: Use flexible data models like the document data model for areas where you have to evolve constantly and mix and match it with the power of the OO and relational model.

Dependencies: Most value if session "The Power of Handling Data without a Schema" was attended before.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Presenter: Maxim Vershinin
Task: Easily extend your solution’s range of interoperability
Approach: Build Java-only business services and business operations that exploit open-source Java libraries

Problem: The title states the problem Open source java libraries exist for hundreds of protocols and formats. This session explains how you can easily build java only Business Services and Business Operations to that exploit these libraries to extend the range of interoperability.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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· Aug 26, 2016 2m read
NewBie's Corner Session 18 Caché or Cache

NewBie's Corner Session 18 Caché or Cache

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Caché and Cache

Caché and Cache are not the same. Caché is a product offered by InterSystems. Whereas Cache refers to memory storage.
In computing, a cache /ˈkæʃ/ KASH, is a hardware or software component that stores data so future requests for that data can be served faster; the data stored in a cache might be the result of an earlier computation, or the duplicate of data stored elsewhere.

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It has been noticed that some customers running JAVA programs (for example, FOP) on AIX would see the server eventually running low then out of memory. Customer would notice the system pages heavily and user experience becomes bad. And the server would crash when out of memory.

When the problem happens, we can see in ipcs a lot of shared memory segment marked for deletion (Capital D at the beginning of MODE section). This means they will not disappear until the last process attached to the segment detaches it.

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