· Aug 1, 2016

Developer Community July 2016 Digest

Hi, Community!

Here is the digest of  the most interesting and valuable posts on Developer Community published in July 2016.

Here we go!

News, events, releases

2015.2.4 Maintenance Release

Developer Community email notification subscriptions

Serenji 2.6 is now available

Developer Community June 2016 Digest



Alert: Potential Integrity Issue with Mirroring


Most viewed

InterSystems Example Reference Architecture for Microsoft Azure Resource Manager (ARM) - 368

Caché Haiku - 282

Useful auto-generated methods - 259

How we learned to stop worrying and love InterSystems Ensemble - 236

Caché tricks - capture write output to variable - 204

Using Regular Expressions in Caché - 162

Best way to compare two arrays for "equality" (same subscripts and values) - 137

Improve SQL Performance for Date Range Queries - 133

Source Control For Caché / Ensemble - 133

Remote proxy objects via dynamic dispatch - 125


Most voted

How we learned to stop worrying and love InterSystems Ensemble - 11

InterSystems Example Reference Architecture for Microsoft Azure Resource Manager (ARM) - 9

On $Sequence function - 9

Caché Haiku - 8

Useful auto-generated methods - 7

Using Regular Expressions in Caché - 7

Improve SQL Performance for Date Range Queries - 6

Zinsert and friends: Coding in terminal - 6

Remote proxy objects via dynamic dispatch - 6

Cache编译后的文件的other权限 - 5


Most commented

Overriding the property setter and getter methods - 13

Useful auto-generated methods - 9

Caché Haiku - 9

Need a table or schema API - 9

Get the XML Subtree from XPATH DOM Resultobject - 8

How do I execute a "Basic Class Query?" - 8

How to install Cache? - 8

Database Table Size - 7

Remote proxy objects via dynamic dispatch - 7

Personal Community - Custom SDAProcessor - - 7


By Categories


InterSystems Data Platform Blog

Introduction to the iKnow REST APIs

InterSystems Example Reference Architecture for Microsoft Azure Resource Manager (ARM)



Personal Community - Custom SDAProcessor -

Get the XML Subtree from XPATH DOM Resultobject



overriding the logicalToDisplay() meothods

Tips & Tricks - How to remove a group of HL7 segments

Server-Sent Events with Caché/HealthShare/Ensemble and angularjs

How best to "break" my code

Ever get Error #5001:Attempt to call non-ZENMethod?

On $Sequence function

What does the "Routine Prefix" setting of a package do?

Server-Sent Events with Caché/HealthShare/Ensemble and angularjs

Need a table or schema API

overriding the logicalToDisplay() meothods

Find mapped file

Using altJSONProvider in ZEN application

How to Connect to External Non-Caché DB With COS and Without DSN?

ewd-feder8: New EWD 3 module for federation / integration of Web Service and REST end-points

How can we use %Stream.Object as an abstract definition of a morphable object ?

Using Regular Expressions in Caché

Overriding the property setter and getter methods

NewBie's Corner Session 14 Inline Do & Nested Do with Implied Quit and For Loop

NewBie Corner's Index

Hex to dec

How to install Cache?

Source Control Hook Classes for Team Foundation

Create dfi files (dashboards) programmatically

Source Control For Caché / Ensemble

ConvertJSONToObject not working when 1st element of a list is blank

State-Aware Mode (Preserve Mode 1) and process variables

Get classname from udl based file

Improve SQL Performance for Date Range Queries

Zen Mojo - Explicit dispatch javascript function call

How do I execute a "Basic Class Query?"

Zen Mojo - Method Push and Pop

HL7 Segment Query

Remote proxy objects via dynamic dispatch

Caché tricks - capture write output to variable

A fetch_all() method for the Python client class

How to write into Cache classes, routines etc

New to Cache trying to run the tutorials getting a compile error

NewBie's Corner Session 13 .MAC and .INT Routines and Comment Lines

is there a tool to easily profile size usage within a database

How to set compilation flags/qualifiers?

Caché Haiku

Overriding soap body

Access namespace files

How to access routine

Standards document for Objectscript developers

ZEN Mojo : file download code sample

Database Table Size

NewBie's Corner Session 12 Do and Goto

Best way to compare two arrays for "equality" (same subscripts and values)

Top from the group SQL query in Caché

get DocumentId column from DocDM

NewBie's Corner Session 11 Routine Line Types and Gotos

White Space between http header and text

Useful auto-generated methods

NewBie's Corner Session 10, Subject: Routines and Studio

Introduction to the iKnow REST APIs

InterSystems Example Reference Architecture for Microsoft Azure Resource Manager (ARM)

Is it still possible to install GlobalsDB on a windows machine?


Zinsert and friends: Coding in terminal



Service not using updated schema???

"dynamic" headers and trailers for ensemble record maps

Tips & Tricks - How to remove a group of HL7 segments

How do I enable HTTPS to access an EnsLib.REST.Service REST Service ?

How we learned to stop worrying and love InterSystems Ensemble

Date-based filtering for inbound file adapters

Ensemble - Suppressing multiple Alerts (e.g. NAKs, validation, etc) using Ens.Alert process

Are there any video tutorials on managed alerts?

Headstart to connect to SAP using SAPJCo3 with Ensemble and HealthShare

How can I report on schema violations for ADT processes or services?

Use SessionId as value for target field

Any examples of DTL where create='existing'?



Pivot variables deployment

Tips & Tricks. Be aware of Month->Week hierarchy in DeepSee

Defining pivot variables

DeepSeeWeb Unusual Characters on Buttons

More than 1 Listing for a KPI

Cell width in Deepsee

How do I create a dimension with a hierarchical structure of grouping?

How to calculate the percentage of higher level

Summary row with different aggregate function for each column



Conversion to Atelier

Having trouble with server connection in build 199 and 200

Opening generated classes


Learning Services

Featured InterSystems Online Course: Getting Started with FHIR in HealthShare

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