Is CR/LF changes to DTL files edited/committed to git via VS Code a known issue?

We had an issue with exporting files from one server and importing on another, using XML code exported from Studio: ERROR #6301: SAX XML Parser Error. Turns out that issue was down to CR/LF changes made when transferring the XML from one server to the other.

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Good afternoon,

first thank you from heart and mind, mind and heart; for reading, thinking, reflecting, responding, and above all explaining a possible solution and/or documentation to address this doubt.

We would need a way to get inside a SOAP Web Service the SAML Assertion, and then, send it directly to the endpoint throught a SOAP Operation.

Currently we have researched and developed how to get the SAML Assertion with the following code:

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I trying to find out the procedure to kill off a currently printing Cache job.

The user wants to cancel the job as they put the wrong start date. The start date was set to be generated from the default date of 1 Jan 1900.

As the start date was such a long time ago, the report generation would take a long time.

I think the printing uses this "production" on the print server:


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Have just deployed IRIS in Azure and when accessing the filesystem through SSH I just can't see the ISC folder through the WSL ubuntu user, what am I missing here?

As I want to create new folders and use the same in test productions.
the needed directories are created in /home/azureuser but the same is not visible in IRIS file system

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Any suggestions on a way to indicate when a patient encounter is in an ‘Observation’ status** in Clinical Viewer? Clients would like to be able to distinguish between true ‘Inpatient’ or ‘Emergency’ status and ‘Observation,’ especially given that encounters often cycle between various statuses.

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@Jeff Fried

Hi Jeff,

I reviewed the Ensemble 2018 support documentation

And I did not find a restriction on the use of Ensemble 2018 installed on Docker with Openshift, but I received information that Intersystems would not support this installation case. That is true?

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· May 16, 2023
Strange Issues with SSIS

I'm trying to extract data from an IRIS database into SQL server with SSIS using the ODBC driver: InterSystems ODBC35 (ODBC-2023.

I have Unicode turned off in the ODBC settings.
I'm getting strange results - with some tables the SSIS ODBC connector will work but the connector - using the same ODBC driver will. For other tables it's the other way round. The sees the data as unicode and won't allow me to insert it into a non unicode table but ODBC will be fine.

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Dear experts,
Please, could you help me?

Im trying import a global:

ACB> K ^GlobalManualSend
ACB> D $System.OBJ.Load("C:\Users\BNAPC\GlobalManualSend.xml")
ACB> Set sc = ##class(%Studio.Project).InstallFromGbl("^GlobalManualSend","fv")

But is returning a error about version:

Please, could you help me about it?

Thank you.

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Please help,

I'm using a SearchAndFetchRequest to retrieve a full SDA3 Container from the ACCESS gateway. The response is presented in the pResponse.SearchAndFetchGeneralResult.XMLData property. This property is of type string. I want to put the data from this property in a HS.SDA3.Container and then use this container is a dtl for translation purposes. My current data in the XMLData property is too large to fit in a string. Therefore I'm searching for a way to convert te data to a stream and that import the stream into my Container...

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· May 12, 2023
TCP Error

Hi Everyone,

I tried to send the Sample XML from Packet Sender to Intersystems IRIS TCP Inbound adapter for learning purpose.
I'm using Predefine d Class : EnsLib.XML.TCPService and the adapter is EnsLib.TCP.CountedInboundAdapter (it selected by Default.)
My sample XML file would be <Patient><Name>John,Williams</Name><MRN>12345</MRN></Patient>
I got an error like

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Curious if anyone has modified the HL7 TCP/IP Service and adapter class to receive an HL7 message, ACK it, and just dump it straight to a file? I don't want the messages in the engine at all - just receive and dump. Has anyone done this before and have code you're willing to share?

Thank you very much in advance!

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I have created two CSP pages. One is the Login page and the other page show the patient details from the database.

I want to set the session dynamically just after the successful login and after login it will be redirected to the Patient Details page. If session timeout, then wants to redirect back to the login page.

Thanks in advance.

Vinay Purohit

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How to translate below code from C to COS?

void encode_value (unsigned char value, unsigned char *tx)


tx [1] = ((value & 0xf0) >> 4) + 0x20;

tx [0] = (value & 0x0f) + 0x20;


unsigned char decode_value (unsigned char *rx)

{ unsigned char temp_value = 0; temp_value = (rx [1] - 0x20) << 4;

return (temp_value + rx [0] - 0x20);


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Our team has had success creating and publishing Power BI reports using an ODBC connection to an IRIS database, but there have been concerns about the responsiveness of these reports.

As an attempt to improve responsiveness, I'm trying out the "DirectQuery" connection using the InterSystems IRIS connector available in our version of Power BI Desktop (September 2021).

The version of IRIS I'm connecting with is "IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2022.2"

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· Apr 26, 2023
Custom Dashboard

I am wondering if anyone has created a custom dashboard that can be accessed outside of the Ensemble environment. What I am looking to do is create a dashboard accessible from a person's computer, on the same company network as Ensemble, that can display information regarding specific services, operations, processes, queues, etc. I don't want to give a user access to Ensemble, just allow them to display a page in their browser to give them the information they need to make sure their processes are running.

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I have a form from named otpForm from where I post data to actionCheck.csp and redirect it to another csp file cmain.csp after form post and the redirect is not working. I tried to debug and check the value in the cmain.csp but noticed that redirec t is not working.

Do you know if window.location.href = "cmain.csp"; is working with CSP?

Can someone guide me what to do here please

Thank you

Here is what I did:

//post and redirect form data

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· Apr 17, 2023
Refreshing Combo

Hi Guys

How can I refresh a dataCombo after saving a new element in it?

I've the following dataCombo and after saving a new element I would like to fresh and reload that data in it?

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Hi all,

I'm trying to use LOAD DATA to insert 11k (11,377) rows of data. LOAD BULK DATA is not available for the version of IRIS I am using.

After calling LOAD DATA it says only 5,500 rows has been inserted. The LOAD DATA docs says any error rows are skipped and a count of skipped rows can be found in %SQL_Diag.Result however there are no results here. There are no errors in the xDBC error log either.

Why have over half the rows been skipped?

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