· May 13, 2024

How to access Management Portal of lockeddown iris health server


We are using IRIS Health lockeddown images for building the product. In lockeddown images the default "superuser" or "_SYSTEM" users are present.

In this case how to access and authenticate the IRIS Management portal?


thanks and regards,

Jagadish Bandaru

Product version: IRIS 2023.3
$ZV: 2024.1
Discussion (3)2
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_SYSTEM, Admin, SuperUser, CSPSystem, HS_Services (if you are running HealthShare), IAM (if you are running the API module), _Ensemble, and _PUBLIC are all predefined system accounts built within InterSystems.

You define the password for these accounts during the install process.

Installing | HealthShare Health Connect 2024.1 (

They already have the necessary roles assigned to them.