I have an in-memory list of items and I want to check which items match my pattern string.

Pattern string is a comma-separated list of items and special symbols like '*' and maybe '?'.

There's something similar in $system.OBJ.Compile, it accepts patterns: "*.data.*,Sample.*" - and it would compile 'Sample' package and all 'data' packages.

For example:

set list=$lb("abc", "c", "aaa", "bbb")
set result = ..match(list, "a*,*b")
zw result
0 7
0 701

In a Business Process using the %PrimaryRequestHeader I can call GetAdapterSettingValue and get the setting from a Business Service. But once I am in the Business Operation there is no class for %PrimaryRequestHeader. Is there another way to get setting in the Business Operation that was define in the Business Service ?​

0 3
0 467

Hi.. I have an issue where we are using OAuth2.0 with the ZAUTHENTICATE routine. Once our token is validated we are using a users lan id (passed on the ID token) to find a software defined username in a Cache Global.

That is all working fine in ZAUTHENTICATE.. I am setting the software defined username in the Properties("Comment") array and wanting to reference it in the Rest Service Dispatch class.

0 6
0 796

I seem to be getting some odd behavior from Ensemble when searching using the extended Criteria options (VDoc Segment Field).

I'm searching for a specific range of test patients (for example, Surnames starting ZZZ) and I'm only getting back about half of what I know is there (and is verifiable by removing the search criteria and manually scrolling through the message viewer.

0 3
0 235
· Feb 11, 2018
Deep see Learning

I tried to learn DEEP SEE Analytics for our HealthShare "SAMPLES" Name Space. I followed our documentation and tried it. But my management portal analyzer and visual reporting fields are hidden. So Please help me for how do I use the deep see concepts and provide some examples or demo.

Thanks ,

Ponnumani G.

0 1
0 212
· Feb 15, 2018
The Index on a String field

I noticed that the subscript of the index map is actually the collated field (%SQLUPPER).

Is String the only data type going through this transformation? Any other data type would also go through this transformation?


0 1
0 291

Just starting to use Atelier and having problems with making server connections. I have tried both the super server port and the web server port and both fail with either Unexpected end of file from server (Secure connection disabled) or PKIX path building failed (Secure connection enabled). On a different server I get Connection refused: check the web server configuration.

Anyone run into this before?

0 2
0 460

I have a service that uses the EnsLib.SOAP.InboundAdapter, and I seem to be facing an odd problem.

Our clinical document system sent a request which contained a word document in base64, and was presented with the error "ERROR #6253: Datatype validation failed for tag payload (ending at line 1 character 2111). Unexpected tag <ClinicalDocument> found."

I took a look at the word document sent, and found it contained an image which made the document size about 4MB larger than the average document.

0 3
0 414
· Mar 2, 2018

Can anyone guide me where is the documentation for $zt?

The google seems suggest it may be "$ztime" or "$ztrap".


0 3
0 552
· Mar 14, 2018

I have a ZEN report set up to generate a file for loading to into excel (see attached). Even though I have DEFAULTMODE set to "excel" the resulting output file that I get on one CACHE instance is .xml while on another it is .xls. This is even though I run the report from the two instances on the same PC. Can anyone suggest what I am doing wrong? The Cache version is "Cache for UNIX (IBM AIX for System Power System-64) 2013.1.6 (Build 950_1) Fri Jun 6 2014 17:43:51 EDT"

0 4
0 486

Currently, we are running 2014.1 on two different servers (OpenVMS, RHEL). The plan is to transition from OpenVMS to RHEL, but our Write Daemon is in a Troubled state on both servers.

On the OpenVMS server, we have a WIJ file that's 26G and can grow to 40G (size of database cache). Since it hasn't grown to 40G, we don't believe the size of the WIJ file to be the issue.

What else should we be looking at regarding the performance of the Write Daemon?

0 1
0 876


I am running a transformDTL through COS that transforms an EDI document to JSON and would like to validate the document and throw an error if it does not validate or build a map.

I am looking at available methods and haven't been able to find one that sort of does: Set tSC = ##class(*).Validate(tDoc,"HIPAA_5100").

Any help here would be appreciated, it seems like I am missing something simple.

0 1
0 364


I'm executing a query using JDBC on a PostgreSQL db:

SET statement_timeout TO 600000000; COMMIT SELECT * FROM bi_hour

The query is aborted with the following message:

FOUT #5023: Fout in Java Gateway: JDBC Gateway getClob(0,2) errorBad value for type long : active

The column 'blocked_status' contains the value 'active' is of type 'text'. I figure somewhere the SQL Gateway tries to convert the text value into a long but I can't find where, any suggestions?

0 2
0 298

I created a REST service that works well if called via VPN, for example the url returns a JSON string as expected.
If I replace the ip with the ip used for our public website nothing happens. If I remove the port :57772 the browser returns a 404 error page.
Do I have to use a different port or is this caused by the settings of our web server? (We are using Apache Web Server: Apache Cache_Server_Pages-Apache_Module/2016.1.0.656.0-1601.1554d)

0 4
0 420

We upgraded from 2017.1 to 2017.2 today and noticed that when shutting down we must do it as an administrator. Attempting to shut down as a non-admin result in a failure to shut down message. We are curious if there was an issue with our upgrade or if there is a change that requires an administrator to shut down Cache in 2017.2.


Operating System is Windows Server 2012 R2. We run Cache in a cluster using Windows Failover Cluster where we swing the drive from one machine to another when failing.

0 5
0 303

I have a vendor that is sending me an Abbreviation in FT1:16.4.2 that I need to look up against a table to find the correct ID for.

FT1|1|||20180523161501|20180523161503|CG|1906551^Lipid Profile|||1||||||^^^ LAB&06CL|||Z00.00||00410^Knerr^Joel||721410||30100001^Lipid Profile|

But in my Business Process when I refer to request.GetValueAt("FT1:16.4.2") its not recognizing that this field contains information. Is my syntax wrong?

0 5
0 754

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to built a SSIS package thru BIDS Visual Studio 2013. My Datasource is a InterSystems Cache Database, I wanted to Import Tables records from the Datasource to MS SQL Server 2014.

As a Sanity check. I only created one Package to import one Table to MSSQL Server to try out. The connection to the InterSystems Cache Database was successful. The DSN for the InterSystems Cache Database is created in the System for 32 and 64 Bit.

0 6
0 1.9K

Application licensing enables InterSystems application partners to take advantage of Caché’s licensing capabilities for their own licensing purposes.

Caché manages customer application licenses just as it does Caché/Ensemble and InterSystems application licenses, maintaining usage counts and acquiring and returning user licenses as needed.

Application licenses consumed by a process or a CSP session are automatically released along with the Caché license consumed by the process or session when a process exits, halts or is deleted from the process table, or when a CSP session times out or is deleted.

More in docs.

Do you use this feature? If so, how?

I'm especially interested in license validation and general workflows?

0 4
0 391

Time after time on CSP Session page of our Cache 2017.2.1 installation I see that all licenses are consumed by CSP sessions of /csp/sys, /csp/sys/op/and /csp/sys/mgr applications which I assume are sessions of Management Portal. The problem is that there are only few of us accessing the Portal and as we test by browsing Portal, we can't reproduce the problem.

Is there any way to see client IP of CSP session? Any other way to approach the problem?

The problem looks very similar to the Forefox-related one but we don't use Forefox.

0 7
0 429