All time

I have a fixed width complex recordmap that is an older version of a file format. I am trying to retool it to fit the latest version. The old recordmap has almost 500 entries on it and the new version has a few more fields added along with changes to some field lengths. Adding a new field adds it at the end of the recordmap and moving it from field 490 to field 139 is a painful process. Is there an easier way of doing this?

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,977 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!


Some of our integrations use a system DSN to interact with our Data Warehouse (built on Microsoft SQL Server). We've recently migrated from SQL Server 2016 to 2022 and on the day of go-live we changed DNS cname records as a mechanism for redirecting everything to the new server. This worked great for users and reports, but for some reason we found that HealthShare clung onto the old server name even after several days.

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I know that you can use Do $SYSTEM.SQL.Schema.ImportDDL() to insert sql files into IRIS however I was wondering if there is a way that I can upload .sqlite files into iris? I have about 20 .sqlite files that I need to get into my database. I tried using the ImportDDL method but it said "SKIPPING non-SQL SOURCE:"

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· Aug 3, 2023
XCPD versus PDQ Settings

I noticed that the XCPD processor has a setting for PDQ minimum threshold and maximum record count returned, but PDQ does not have these settings. Can anyone explain why? They are essentially the same service.

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Has anyone noticed weird behavior when upgrading to HealthShare Health Connect 2024.1?

Wednesday I upgraded our TEST environment from IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86-64) 2022.1.4 (Build 812_0_22913U) [HealthConnect:3.5.0-1.m1] [HealthConnect:3.5.0-1.m1] to IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86-64) 2024.1 (Build 267_2U) [HealthConnect:3.5.0-1.m1].

Some of our Business Processes have been throwing...

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I am working on a Zen page that has a table pane with the maxRows set to a default value. My customer is coming back with the following request of making that value bigger & begs the question whether the new value can be configurable. I looked @ the documentation, and forgive me if I missed, and I couldn't find anywhere that it can. Am I wrong? Thanks.

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0 81

Hi Community,

I have below scenario

We have IRIS BI Reports in my application. Now these reports currently being acessed by users through dashboard url's.

I want to create a automated utility (background cache system task) which run these bi reports and export them to a specific path.

I am looking for a system method through which we can open these dashboard url's through code and export the excel report to a speciific path.

Thanks in advance.

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I'm having a few issues with keeping Ubuntu happy and stable, and it seems to be something at the OS level rather than within IRIS itself. My thought is to simply pare back the stuff that Ubuntu LTS runs by default, which will free up system resources (which really shouldn't be a problem, but it might help) and reduce the amount that can go wrong.

Are there any guides as to what can be safely disabled at boot time, or are required to be enabled?

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0 86

I am exporting data from Cache using the SQL export wizard. This is on a docker image of Cache hosted on a Linux server.

I select my database, schema, and table, make sure that all columns are being exported, check other settings, and then finish the export.

All server settings look correct and permissions are rwe on the directory. I have tried various directories, including a system level directory. I tried creating the file before I do the export in case there was an issue with creating the files, and I also made sure the created files had rwe permisisons.

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In our previous article, we have explored the most common Kubernetes components:

  • We started with the pods and the services we needed to communicate with each other.
  • Then, we examined the Ingress component used to Route traffic into the cluster.
  • We also skimmed through an external configuration using ConfigMaps and Secrets.
  • Afterward, we analyzed Data persistence with the help of Volumes.
  • Finally, we took a quick look at pod blueprints with such replicating mechanisms as Deployments and StatefulSets (the latter is employed specifically for such stateful applications as databases).

In this article, we will explore Kubernetes architecture and configuration.

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In my Iris Installation I cannot use python. When I try to install external libraries I get no OPENSSL_Applink:

$ pwd
$ ./irispip install --target ../Mgr/python/ pandas
OPENSSL_Uplink(00007FFBEC2F7068,08): no OPENSSL_Applink

I get the same error when I try to install a wheel file:

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Hello, I'm curious to see how other people deal with this: we have a text file that was created on someone's Windows machine and it was copied and pasted into a text file on someone's Mac machine. After some examination we realized that the line feeds were originally CRLF (for Windows) and when copied and pasted they were changed to LF (Mac). The diff program we used didn't pick up on this and the program we wrote to read the file was getting each line of the CRLF file and treating the whole file as one line for the LF file.

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0 84

Hi Team,

I am trying to use the inbuilt class: EnsLib.HL7.Service.FileService to pass through an HL7 ADT message as a part of an HL7 to FHIR transformation. We have a client requirement, where we are receiving an NTE segment as a part of the ADT message. However, the inbuilt schema structure of the HL7 ADT message does not support an NTE segment out of the box. We are getting an error message stating "Unrecognized segment".

Please advise, how do we bypass this error?



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Hello community,

I guess this one will be easy to answer, but trial and error took me too long meanwhile, so I thought it might better to ask the experts.

I would like to get rid of %all rights for routine use at our productive environment. The things, that we have to do in routine are:

- Open productions and start / stop components
- Read messages and message logs
- Search and resend messages
- Deploy new Applications
- Edit settings and default settings
- Read database tables

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I have a question about terminal, when I run a class from it that contains an error I get a report of error as I would expect, and then an apparently random three letter code is appended to the namespace name in the prompt, as shown below.

GMMHTIE>do ##class(temp.Nothing).What()

w !, tParisAnswer
<UNDEFINED>zWhat+23^temp.Nothing.1 *tParisAnswer

Then, when I try to enter a command I get an error

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