· Dec 1, 2020

InterSystems Open Exchange November 2020 Digest

Hey Developers! 
Here is a digest of new solutions and applications submitted to the InterSystems Open Exchange in November 2020.
General stats:
370 published applications
423 downloads in November
781 developers joined

New applications (18)
OCR Interoperability Service. This app get an image or pdf, extract text using OCR from Tesseract, send to the NLP index and returns to the user. The app uses a PEX Business Operation in ObjectScript consuming a Java class thats uses Tesseract. This app has NLP to the OCR extracted text too. Enjoy OCR + NLP!!
iris-sms by Vasiliy Bondar
This is a InterSystems IRIS Interoperability solution. 1) Sends an SMS message to a mobile number 2) Verify Mobile number by SMS code
DBeaver by Serge Rider
Universal Database Manager and SQL Client
Open API Client Gen by Lorenzo Scalese
IRIS Interoperability Production generator from Swagger 2.0 specification.
upload-adapter by YURI MARX PEREIRA GOMES
Intersystems IRIS interoperability Custom Upload Adapter to multipart file requests
iris-key-uploader by Guillaume Rongier
Angular UI to upload licence key in IRIS
aoc2020-objectscript-template by Evgeny Shvarov
The template repository for Advent of Code 2020 ObjectScript contest
Revoiceapp by Alfred Landik
Time machine for your voice. Listening how do you sound at different ages.
iris-pdf-generator by Robert Kuszewski
Generate PDF files from InterSystems IRIS using the Java Gateway
interoperability-integratedml-adapter by José Roberto Pereira Jr
An IRIS Interoperability adapter to use ML models managed by IRIS IntegratedML
appmsw-telestat by Sergey Mikhailenko
Ineroperability manages a Telegram Admin_bot and Informant_bot in providing content.
Message Bank by Oliver Wilms
Message Bank for IRIS Interoperability that can automatically resend messages
ObjectScript Over ODBC by Robert Cemper
Allow running ObjectScript and especially Global copy over ODBC
iris-c-language by Tomohiro Iwamoto
This is a technology example of how to use Call-In and Call-Out in various ways including Unicode and long string.
yaml-utils by Benjamin De Boe
Simple ObjectScript YAML-to-JSON converter
iris-container-recipes by Eduard Lebedyuk
Examples of InterSystems IRIS container scripts
CaloryHelper by Daniil Gorokhov
Service for establishing amount of calory in product
appmsw-util by Sergey Mikhailenko
Creating and deleting db, namespace, resource and role with one command
New releases (17)
DeepSeeWeb by Anton Gnibeda
  • Added global theming for charts

Note: if you store config on your server, then probably you need to reset charts color before use it, because colors are stored in your config. To do it: click on palette icon on chart header and press "Reset to default" button, then press "Apply". After that you can export new configuration file)

  • Added themes support via files placed in /css/themes/*.css
  • Added inapp theme editor
  • Added downloading of custom themes
  • fixed oAuth issue
  • fixed issue with interval filters
  • fixed issue with config reload on any route change
  • fixed issue with chart color configuration
  • fixed issue when closing chart color config via menu button
  • fixed logout issue when not authorized
  • fixed stacking bar chart issue
  • fixed issue with chart type switching on treemap charts
  • added support for DSZ min/max values for axis options
  • added support for DSZ percent display option (values and axis)
  • added 403 handling as 401 due to new IRIS 2020.4 version
  • changed title position on widget titles to left
  • fixed issue with theming when there is no config file hosted
  • fixed issue with empty dashboard after navigating back or with breadcrumbs
  • fixed issue with series order on charts. now order equal to mdx2json result
  • fixed issue with color adjustment for charts with markers
  • updated to new lightpivot version
  • added support for errors display in light pivot
  • fixed issue with invisible error messages
  • updated mdx2json dependency to support new versions
  • added "tuples.children" data format support for map widget
  • fixed issue with markers on map widget
  • added errors display for datasource requests
  • fixed issue with incorrect initial view bounds for some maps

removed non-complete styles from future release (issue with pivot colors)

  • deployment fix
  • fixed service worker api issue(caching of api requests, leading to caching 401 or freezes requests)
  • fixed build to prevent caching of app files
  • removed "embed" parameter from navigate action
  • service worker backend path fixes
  • fixed contrast theme white text on map widget popup issue

ObjectScript Package Manager by Evgeny Shvarov

New in this release:

1) Interoperability support - support for dtl, bpl, lut, esd, x12 in module.xml

Now it's allowed to refer to DTL and BPL files. ZPM stores and uses them as CLS. 

    <Resource Name="ResourceTest.TestDTL.dtl"/>
    <Resource Name="ResourceTest.TestBPL.bpl"/>

Other interoperability components such as LUT, ESD, X12 should be in XML format  with .xml extension and expected in the folder named i14y (short form of interoperability)

    <Resource Name="Test_HIPAA_5010.X12"/>
    <Resource Name="hl7_2.5.LUT"/>

2) InterSystems BI - DFI files support

Allows multiple ways of defining InterSystems BI (DeepSee) DFI resources
By Fullname

<Resource Name="Sample Operational Reports-Auditing Overview.dashboard.DFI"/>

Wildcard with the folder name

<Resource Name="Sample Operational Reports-*.DFI"/>

Just everything

<Resource Name="*.DFI"/>

Limited by keywords, used only during the export.

<Resource Name="*.DFI" Keywords="myapp"/>

objectscript-docker-template by Evgeny Shvarov

Even more simplified version. ZPM enabled code import. No Installer.cls is needed to import code.

MDX2JSON by Eduard Lebedyuk






File Control - Feeder by Oliver Wilms

Added Description to Module.xml


New Version introduces File Control Adapters so multiple containers can process files in the same directories.


Added Link to Community [Article in ReadMe


Added BPL to enable import of CSV files


Updated Dockerfile and started to describe my usage of Feeder in Read Me


Added description of UnitTests class


Improved Feeder Cache Server Page and Read Me


Added TestReport to show what happened with test messages generated by Feeder

objectscript-errors by Evgeny Shvarov

updated the description for zpm

ObjectScript-Math by Peter Steiwer

ZPM update

IRIS Interoperability Message Viewer by Henrique Gonçalves Dias

Using the REST API to search for interoperability messages, an updated version of IRIS, iris.script, and zpm

  1. New module.xml using zpm generate
  2. Fixed Namespace lookup issue when the Message Viewer is installed using ZPM

apptools-admin by Sergey Mikhailenko

added iris.script

apptools-util by Sergey Mikhailenko

added iris.script

EnsembleWorkflow by Eduard Lebedyuk

403 error

objectscript-openapi-definition by Guillaume Rongier

Update description


Add merge pull from lorenzo.

Add allOf support, simple type definitions support.

BridgeWorks VDM by Tony Coffman

What's New?

  • VDM's DTP (Date Time Picker) parameters now support the use of Default Values. For more information check out our Date Parameter Default Value article.
  • VDM now gives you the capability of managing how many Pages in Insights are stored in your machines memory. This will give you more control over how Insights is used. For more information check out our Layout Loading Efficiency Article.
  • We have enhanced the Calendar Detail in the Scheduler to bring you more information to have in your hand. The Calendar Detail now contains information about recurrences. For more information on the Calendar Detail, check out our Calendar Detail Article.


Bug Fixes

This list includes all bugs resolved after and before or in

Bug 243 - Settings - MDS Restart

Bug 245 - Error - Save Location Not Available

Bug 246 - FSGS - Cleared on Main View After Editing Job in Scheduler

Bug 248 - Parameter - Combobox Dynamic Query Always Sorts ASC

Bug 249 - Finished Reports - Control + S Legacy Save

Bug 250 - Finished Reports - Changes to a Sub Report in a Sub Band do not Save

Bug 251 - Finished Report - Sub Report Naming / Datasource

Bug 253 - Tables and Fields - RS Import uses the Views Detail Query

Bug 256 - Tables and Fields - Can't Add Fields from VDMMasterDesk

iris-history-monitor by Henrique Gonçalves Dias

Adjust ZPM module description and version

RestFormsUI2 by Anton Gnibeda

added description to module.xml

ssl-client by Evgeny Shvarov

Added description to ZPM module

workflowUI-ngx by Sergey Sarkisyan

Module description updated

Top 10 downloads of the month

Top 10 downloads of all time

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