Hi Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

How to Migrate a Mirror Configuration to Apache - Linux Unix

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,565 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi Community,

Can anyone point me to the docs that show how to add automatic class documentation for the arguments used in a method call? I can auto document the class, methods, properties etc. with the "///" but can't figure out how to get the nice argument documentation for the arguments used when calling a method.

Thanks in advance

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The goal is to identify programmatically all SOURCE namespaces on a server to which the routines are mapped. In the example below from the Namespaces page in Management Portal the answer would be USER. But some other namespaces on the same server could be mapped to a different namespace or even mapped to itself.

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I am sending an httpRequest from ObjectScript to a python server. I am not receiving a response in OS

OS config On the client side

// Create an HTTP request object
Set httpRequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()

// Set the server URL
Set httpRequest.Server = ""

// Set content type to JSON
Set httpRequest.ContentType = "application/json"

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0 186

s ftp=##class(%Net.FtpSession).%New()

s ok=ftp.Connect(server,user,password,port)
s ftp.Timeout = 100

i ok {

s ok=ftp.SetDirectory(directory)
i ok {
n files,file

s ok=ftp.NameList(directory,.files)
i ok {
f i=1:1:files.Count() {
s file=files.GetAt(i)
i (ftp.SetDirectory(file)) {
d ftp.SetToParentDirectory()
s fname=$p(file,"/",$l(file,"/"))

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1 231


I have a scenario where I recognize that I have a duplicate patient in FHIR , both have a different set of data attached to them (Specimens / Observations / Conditions) and I want to transfer all the data from patient X to patient Y, and maybe mark patient X as not relevant or delete it IDK yet.

since Patch currently supports only single patch,

"The Conditional Patch query identified more than one resource."

1 5
0 215

Hi All,

When resending HL7 messages out, the receiving system rejects the message indicating the "Message Control ID already exists" (see error below). Iris retries resending the same message until the receiving system crashes and the BO disconnects in Iris. I would like to suspend the message when Iris receives that error and move on to the next message. Is this possible? Can it be handled by the BO Reply Code Actions settings? What reply code actions should I use?

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Hi Members,

Watch this video to learn a new innovative way to use a large language model, such as ChatGPT, to automatically categorize Patient Portal messages to serve patients better:

Triage Patient Portal Messages Using ChatGPT @ Global Summit 2023

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0 108

Hi All! We have a new online course that those of you who do integration work / create data transformations may be interested in: Editing Data Transformations via Code. This course is meant to build familiarity with the code behind data transformations in InterSystems products, enabling you to identify their class structures, logical elements, and more.

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0 104

Big news from the Open Exchange platform!
We've been busy behind the scenes, not just giving the place a new look but also packing in some nifty features we think you'll love—many of which were inspired by your requests and feedback. It's all part of our ongoing mission to boost the quality of the apps and ensure the world sees the incredible work you're putting in. From streamlining your workflow to boosting collaboration, our aim is to support and highlight your creativity. Excited for you to explore and experience the new enhancements!

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0 220

IRIS is known to have a built-in Python bridge and even allows you to write Python server code but what about JavaScript? Let's say I need a JavaScript expression interpreter. What would you recommend as the most effective way to get one? It is highly desirable that the solution does not require administrator privileges and uses in-process communication (I mean not http and not unix-specific interprocess-communication via command line)

0 2
0 145

Wondering if there's a setting in VSCode to stop continuting commenting in VSCode?

For example, if I have

//this is a comment

and press enter at the end, it will continue on the next line with

//this is a comment

I would like to stop this behavior, or have it only continue with a block comment.

Is this possible in VSCode? I think it's part of the ISC extension that causes it, as it doesn't happen for other languages.


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· Dec 2, 2016
How to remove accentuation?

How to remove accentuation of a word?


Árvore = Arvore

você = voce

Então = entao

The words above are in brazilian portuguese, I need to get rid with the accentuation such that I can compare two sentences.

Thanks in advance.

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0 862
· Feb 24 2m read
The bewitched line terminator

I want to address the nasty problems about reading a flat text in ASCII, UTF*
explicitly excluding HTML, EBCDIC, and other encoding.
According to Wikipedia there are at least 8 variations of control characters.

  • CR+LF is typical for Windows
  • LF is typical for the Linux/UNIX world
  • CR is Mac's favorite

As you can deduct from the names the inspiration comes from mechanical typewriters.

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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Transforming HL7 V2 Messages in Health Connect

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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0 126
· Feb 22 4m read
IRIS 2024.1 Preview - New Feature

There is an interesting new feature in the recently announced 2024.1 preview, JSON_TABLE. JSON_TABLE is one of a family of functions introduced by the 2016 version of the SQL Standard (ISO Standard, published in early 2017). It allows for JSON values to be mapped to columns and queried using SQL. JSON_TABLE is valid in the FROM clause of some SQL statements.

The syntax of JSON_TABLE is quite large, allowing for exceptional conditions where the provided JSON values don't match expectations, nested structures and so on.

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InterSystems Official
· Feb 23
InterSystems Platforms Update Q1-2024

Welcome to the first quarterly platform update of 2024. If you’re new to these updates, welcome! This update aims to share recent changes as well as our best current knowledge on upcoming changes, but predicting the future is tricky business and this shouldn’t be considered a committed roadmap.

With that said, on to the update…

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