· Nov 20

Reading values from JSON

Hi ,

I receive below JSON from a https outbound operation

  "Link": "",
  "Practice": [
      "Node": "Record1"

I am able to read Link as - JSON.%Get("Link")

How can I read Node value ?

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You'll use both %Library.DynamicObject and %Library.DynamicArray classes for this. When you do JSON.%Get("Practice") the resulting object is a dynamic array, not a dynamic object, so it works a little differently. Then when you get the first element of the array, you have another dynamic object. Try:

//Get the array Practice
set array = JSON.%Get("Practice")
//Get item 0 from the array we just got
set nodejson = array.%Get(0)
//Get the value of Node
set node = nodejson.%Get("Node")
//Write the value out (or do whatever else you need)
write node