· Nov 21, 2024

hl7 message test fine in DTL, but the message is not transformed correctly in end to end test

Has anybody encountered this before?

I did a very usual hl7 adt transformation DTL, but it is with a customized schema, like ADT_ALL, it is a structure that tries to cover all the ADT schema scenario so we can use 1 type for all ADT messages.

the DTL tests fine in DTL test, with all the segment transformed correctly, but once I put it to test, to send message through source and the message after transformation can only go to MSH, EVN, but won't transform other segment like PID etc.  

Originally I was suggested that in my DTL I didn't loop through all the (), so I changed everything to loop through very thoroughly.  but the result is still same.  I do not quite understand why it works in DTL test but it won't work once I put it through a rule and DTL.  

we are using healthshare cloud


Any suggestions?

Thank you

Product version: HealthShare 2024.1
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I didn't state it correct.  so the schema is 2ADT, in this schema, we have ADT_A01, etc, and we added one as ADT_ALL, so in my dtl, I used this ADT_ALL in schema 2ADT, and the incoming service is setup to use 2ADT schema,  so when the message coming in with actual A04, A05, etc. it should be treated as ADT_ALL in dtl.  but however , the test in DTL gets correct transformation but it won't in the whole process when I test with the service, rule and dtl and operation.