We have a CSP pages script, which gets and sets a cookie for email tracking purposes, we had problems with cookies not being passed to this script when the URL was opened from an email client due to being cross-site, so I set Session Cookie Scope & User Cookie Scope to None instead of Strict.

This solved the issue with cookies not being passed, however the script entirely does not work anymore due to the error:

"Invalid CSP response cookie. SameSite cannot be set to None without Secure. : CSP Error"

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,126 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Jul 3, 2024
Polybase and IRIS

Hi all, I am trying to use Polybase in SQL Server 2019 to access an external Cache/IRIS Database. I have followed the initial steps of enabling Polybase, creating a Database, DB scoped credential and then an External Data Source. These steps have not caused any issues and appear to be successful, I am using the same DSN we use for a Linked Server connection that works normally. I am running into an Error when trying to Create an External Table. The error is a generic Native Code 469 "Driver Not Capable".

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· Dec 13, 2024 5m read
SharePoint/ SPO API with intersystems

As part of the Open Exchange competition Salford Royal (Dean White and Mark O'Reilly) developed a REST API for sharepoint as a template that works but can also be a starting point to your own Rest Applications


This is using the v1 REST sharepoint API you need a tennant id, client id, client secret and tennant name


Configure an OAuth server

The code in the middle is the tennant ID

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I encountered this quirk when investigating an unrelated issue affecting how Studio projects are handled in VS Code.

When you add the top level of the webapp to a %Studio.Project this inserts a %Studio.ProjectItem with a .DIR suffix. For example, if Studio or VS Code is connected to the USER namespace and you add the /csp/user webapp to a project the new ProjectItem name is "csp/user.DIR".

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I'm having a few issues with keeping Ubuntu happy and stable, and it seems to be something at the OS level rather than within IRIS itself. My thought is to simply pare back the stuff that Ubuntu LTS runs by default, which will free up system resources (which really shouldn't be a problem, but it might help) and reduce the amount that can go wrong.

Are there any guides as to what can be safely disabled at boot time, or are required to be enabled?

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I have a question about terminal, when I run a class from it that contains an error I get a report of error as I would expect, and then an apparently random three letter code is appended to the namespace name in the prompt, as shown below.

GMMHTIE>do ##class(temp.Nothing).What()

w !, tParisAnswer
<UNDEFINED>zWhat+23^temp.Nothing.1 *tParisAnswer

Then, when I try to enter a command I get an error

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Hi Developers,

Thank you so much for being a part of the InterSystems Developer Community Ecosystem for yet another year!

We love that you participate in the life of the Developer Community, Open Exchange, Global Masters, and Ideas Portal.

We'd like to know how useful are our portals for you at this point. Please take a few moments to let us know what you think and what could be improved:

👉 InterSystems Developer Ecosystem Annual Survey 2023 👈

Note: The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete.

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Hello, Community!

It's time for the next InterSystems Developer Community contest!

✍️ InterSystems IRIS Technical Tutorial Contest ✍️

Create a Technical Tutorial** that can be considered a guide for InterSystems IRIS programmers of any level: beginner/intermediate/senior, from October 14th to November 24th. The tutorial can be in the form of an Article with text and images and/or a Demonstration Video.

Enjoy and let your creativity flow! Show how easy and fun it can be to create solutions with InterSystems IRIS.

🎁 Prizes for everyone: A special prize for each author participating in the competition!

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Up until recently, I have been toying around with REST/FHIR capabilities but only internally. Now I have a request to make REST API calls outside of our Network.

I am using an RSA 4096 key, because Microsoft Active Directory Services which generates the signed certificate could not handle the Elliptical Key (ECC) when I put the request in.

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I have a fixed width complex recordmap that is an older version of a file format. I am trying to retool it to fit the latest version. The old recordmap has almost 500 entries on it and the new version has a few more fields added along with changes to some field lengths. Adding a new field adds it at the end of the recordmap and moving it from field 490 to field 139 is a painful process. Is there an easier way of doing this?

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Working on a custom view for LookupSettings.cls. I've added code to adda Change Log entry into the table when rows are added/updated. I'm trying to do the same for when rows are deleted. How can I pull the key & value for the row when it is selected for delete /un-delete? The variable rowData is used a pointer for the row index. I know I'm missing something simple...

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· Feb 18, 2024 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - #39

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only of YOUR own package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

I also placed a bunch of Pull Requests on GitHub when I found a problem I could fix.
Some were accepted and merged, and some were just ignored.
So if you made a major change and expect a changed review just let me know.

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Hi Community,

Enjoy the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Boost Your Productivity with Command History & Shell Aliases in InterSystems IRIS

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