Hi, we are trying to run a dynamically generated Oracle Insert SQL script using Do $SYSTEM.SQL.DDLImport("Oracle",""," sql.txt",[Error Log]) to insert multiple rows into a Linked Table within HealthConnect to an Oracle database.

We have tried using statements that are accepted within Oracle but not when using Intersystems DLL along the lines of :

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,543 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

What are other's thoughts, opinions and experiences going from CSP to RESTful services, specifically when it comes to reusing code in CSP files?

One could define a method in CSP as follows:

<script language="cache" method="SubmitSomethingAwesome" arguments="aswesomeId:%Numeric">

And it's generated in csp.mycsppage.cls ascsp.mycsppage.SubmitSomethingAwesome(awesomeId as %Numeric).

Have people had success defining there rest call by calling the generated CSP classmethod?

Things that work well I've found:

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Hello everyone! Don't miss the Developer Community Post Digest for July 2022.
General Stats
151 new posts published in July:
– 26 new articles
– 37 new announcements
– 83 new questions
– 5 new discussions
153 new members joined in July
9,935 posts published all time
11,316 members joined all time
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· Jul 30, 2022 5m read
Introduction to Django part 3

Continuing to observe the possibilities of Django, and usage with IRIS. The first we have looked how to define models and connect to tables already existing in IRIS, than we extended embedded Django Administration portal, with an ability to see what data we have in that models, with filters, editing and even pagination.

Time to go to real action, now we a going to create some REST API, on Django, based on the same data, we used before from the package posts-and-tags.

To do so, we will use Django REST Framework

Django REST Framework

Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs.

Some reasons you might want to use REST framework:

  • The Web browsable API is a huge usability win for your developers.
  • Authentication policies including packages for OAuth1a and OAuth2.
  • Serialization that supports both ORM and non-ORM data sources.
  • Customizable all the way down - just use regular function-based views if you don't need the more powerful features.
  • Extensive documentation, and great community support.
  • Used and trusted by internationally recognised companies including Mozilla, Red Hat, Heroku, and Eventbrite.

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· Jul 25, 2022 8m read
Introduction to Django part 2

In the first part, I've shown how to start a new project on Django, as well as define new models and add already existing models.

This time, I'll introduce an admin panel, available out of the box and how it can be useful.

Important note: do not expect that if you try to repeat actions from this post it will work for you, it does not. During the article, I had to do some fixes in the django-iris project, and even in DB-API driver made by InterSystems to fix some issues there as well, and I think this driver is still in development, and we will get more stable driver in future. Let's decide that this article only explains how it could be if we would have all done.

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In this article, I am trying to identify the multiple areas to develop the features we can able to do using python and machine learning.

Each hospital is every moment trying to improve its quality of service and efficiency using technology and services.

The healthcare sector is one of the very big and vast areas of service options available and python is one of the best technology for doing machine learning.

In every hospital, humans will come with some feelings, if this feeling will understand using technology is make a chance to provide better service.

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· Jul 29, 2022
Installing Apps without Docker

I was wondering if someone could help me. I do not have docker available to me however a lot of the Open Exchange apps require it. Since I am using a Virtual Windows Machine I can not get docker installed, so I was wondering how to get around this? Someone at GS2022 suggested looking at the docker_compose.yml to figure out how to get around docker, but I am not sure I understand how to read it.

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Hi Community!

We’re so glad to announce that InterSystems FHIR startup incubator — Caelestinus held its first virtual Demo Day on June 29th!

16 startups have showed off their products and solutions built with InterSystems FHIR Server, or IRIS for Health or Health Connect to an audience of about 15 investors & partners.

The Demo Day is the result of a four-month journey — the equator of the incubator, in which startups have explored InterSystems tech, validated their ideas and presented it on the first Demo Day. In case you missed it, enjoy watching it on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

📣 The First Demo Day of InterSystems FHIR Startup Incubator — Caelestinus

Here is the list of presenters with pitch decks of the startups.

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· Jul 28, 2022 1m read
Approach to InterSystems IRIS

Hi Folks,

Before I begin my writing journey here I wish to introduce myself briefly, so that everyone who reads and follows me will get a clear picture.

To start with I did my Bachelors in Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science were my core subjects. I have 4+ years of experience in HealthCare Revenue Cycle operations including Medical Coding, Billing, AR Collections, Denial Management and Fincial Reconciliation. Also, 2+ years of experience in Data Operations and Analytics, specifically in Python, PowerBI, SQL and MsExcel.

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Hello and welcome to the next InterSystems technical article writing competition!

🐍 InterSystems Tech Article Contest: Python Edition 🐍

Write an article on any topic related to the usage of Python with InterSystems technologies from June 20 to July 20 July 31– extended!

🎁 Prizes for everyone: A special prize pack for each author who takes part in the competition!

🏆 Main Prizes: AirPods Max; Apple Watch SE; Apple HomePod mini / Apple Pencil

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1 1.9K

I am writing documentation in VS Code, using markdown, and am including some COS snippets in it, e.g.:

[Some COS snippet]

The IRIS language server (etc.) is enabled, and classes in the repository this documentation is in, are syntax highlighted properly. However, the code fragment in the documentation isn't. Syntax highlighting for e.g. XML does work.

Am I doing something wrong, or is this not supported?

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0 691

Following this GitHub we will see how the FIX protocol can be implemented easily using IRIS and Python.

If you don't have much time focus on the Send a Quote before the Order part near the end, as it will, in a matter of minute, tell you how to send a Quote Request followed by an Order Request and show you the result from the server, and that in no more than five clicks.

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0 802
· Jul 28, 2022 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - July 2022

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only own YOUR package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

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0 235

An interesting pattern around unique indices came up recently (in internal discussion re: isc.rest) and I'd like to highlight it for the community.

As a motivating use case: suppose you have a class representing a tree, where each node also has a name, and we want nodes to be unique by name and parent node. We want each root node to have a unique name too. A natural implementation would be:

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· Jul 19, 2022 7m read
Showing dates in missing periods

When we collect temporary data (the number of purchases in the store, the number of comments on the post), it may happen that there is no data for a certain period of time. In this case, this time period (hour, day, month) is not represented in the database, that is, there is not a single row for this period. In other words, there are no rows in the database for this period.

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I have successfully created REST service classes on my local IRIS server following this book: Using the /api/mgmnt/ Service | Creating REST Services | InterSystems IRIS Data Platform 2021.2

I am now 1) trying to edit impl.cls in VS Code and 2) export it to my local repo so I can push to the remote repo.

When I click on my project in VS Code and 'Add to project' and choose the new package, spec.cls and impl.cls, I get the following error:

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Had an issue after upgrading to 2021.1 where search bar for interoability will bring up "INVALID ACTION".

On upgrading to 2022.1 this still occurs.

It did not occur on another environement that was upgraded from 2017.2 straight to 2022.1

Is there any solution? Loads up SYS in url rather than customnamespacename

Issue is the url for instance brings through ip/csp/sys/EnsPortal.DTLEditor.zen?$NAMESPACE=X

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Hey Developers,

Learn the basics of HL7® V2 message management in InterSystems IRIS for Health™:

Introduction to HL7 V2 Integrations in InterSystems IRIS for Health

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