· Jun 22, 2020
Amending timestamp

Hi, I have a timestamp of 201906192359 with a HL7 and I need to add a minute to it to get 201906200000. Is there an easy way within Healthshare to do this?

It seems easy enough within SQL but I cannot get the SQL to work within Healthshare, this is what I have for SQL which does the job in SQL Server.

SELECT REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(16),DATEADD(mi,1,STUFF(STUFF(@test,11,0,':'),9,0,' ')),120),'-',''),' ',''),':','');

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Hey InterSystems Community!

This is probably far-fetched - is there a way to get notified/get a piece of code triggered whenever the state of a global changes?

Now what could I possibly want with that? Quite simple! I would like to forward the content of a global (in this case the "FSLog" global written by the FHIR implementation) while adding timestamps to it - to create some sort of file-based logging for it.

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Hello, we have a couple of BPL processes. This works with a limited amount of messages but we run into issues when we process thousands of messages in a session. One BPL calls a Validation BPL process with async='False' and there is a response defined. The timeout is two seconds and that seems to be plenty of time for the validation process. I expected the calling process to wait for a response but that is not happening.

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Hello guys,

Is it possible to map a package as read only?

I know it is possible to mount the source database as read only and map the package in the target namespace. But I would like to make the mapping read only so that the package would be "read only" only in the target namespace.

This would avoid someone to forget to set the database read only again if a modification in the package is needed.

Thanks in advance.

Jonas Zanon

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I am new to Intersystems cache COS scripts (cache is a client system). ThoughCOS scripts basically appear to be straight forward, I am having issues with the logon credentials. From what I have found in the documentation, the first 2 lines of the script contain the U/P. When running the script, the username is picked up correctly but the password is not. Granted, having U/P in a script is not ideal but will suffice as a matter of learning if I can figure out the formatting/syntax required. Any help on this would be appreciated.

Kevin McGinn

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· Mar 10, 2016
Enterprise Monitor

Has anybody managed to get Enterprise Monitor to work to monitor multiple namespaces on manay instances?

I am hitting an issue trying to get a local instance namespace working.

I have this error for my first local namespace sytem configured.

"Ensemble encountered an error while loading this page"

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I'm not really familiar with how and if class parameters can be used during runtime or if it is static.

Class %TimeStamp has parameter XMLTIMEZONE [Constraint = "IGNORE, UTC", Flags = ENUM] = "UTC";

I wonder if that parameter can be changed to IGNORE during runtime and in that case how?

For the moment I have created my own type that inherits from %TimeStamp in order to change to IGNORE

Greetings Michael

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· Sep 12, 2022
Routing ACKS.

I'm trying to get an ACK routed to a different process in our Test environment and here is the router setup:

I have a rule in the target router to send to an operation.

The problem I'm running into is that the HL7 ACK coming back is marked as "Discarded", so it's not even getting to the second router.

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· Aug 3, 2017
DeepSee time series - season


I have a series of data organized by time (year and month) so I can use a time dimension to drill down data. So far so good.

However, I need to display the data not by calendar years and months but rather by seasons. The season has 12 calendar months but starts in September. So I'd like to see the data from September / Year N to August / Year N+1 using the same hierarchy as normal time dimension.

Has anyone done something similar?

Obviously, the season can start by any month, not only September :)


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I have a question about a problem calling a SOAP Web Service.

Indeed, to retrieve data via a Web Service, I need to make 4 calls, one to connect, one to place parameters, one to retrieve data and one to disconnect. Using the EnsLib.SOAP.OutboundAdapter class, I manage to make my first connection call but for the other calls I would need to keep my session cookie otherwise it doesn't consider me as connected. I know it's possible to do this in REST directly in the EnsLib.REST.OutboundAdapter class but I can't find a way to do it in SOAP.

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I just deployed my production from test to acceptance but I found that the deployment misses some Soap Webclient classes which are used by my business operation components. I have used the management portal to create the deployment (i.e. production settings -> Export) and I expected that all classes used by the production were automatically included. Apparantly, that is not the case. Is this default behaviour for Ensemble? And can I somehow force Ensemble to automatically include these classes?

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We have several rules in router to validate HL7 messages, each rule check a particular field in HL7 message and send back response. We want to run all rules and combine the rules responses into some variable/object and at the end if variable/object is empty it means message is valid, else send the value from this variable/object. This way one message we dont run it again and again, and we can send one message and response will give us combine results from all rules.

For example,

Rule 1 - Check MSH.12 field, Send response "MSH.12 value not valid", and RETURN

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Hello, community!

I've stumbled on some unexpected behavior, and decided to check with you if this is normal. Basically, I'm rebuilding indices and the result is not journaling (which leads to missing indices at shadow server).

The $ZV is "Cache for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2015.2.1 (Build 705U) Mon Aug 31 2015 16:53:38 EDT"

I have an example class

Class tmp.A As %Persistent;

Index IP1 On P1;

Property P1 As %String;

for example there is one object which have P1 = 1, so

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I've asked my teammate to open a WRC on this issue, but wanted to open the discussion to see if maybe we aren't the first people to see this issue.

The code we are deploying is a COS object with some Python methods. The code works fine locally on the developer's machine. However, when the business process runs in the server environment, we see the following when COS code attempts to call a [Language = python] method:

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Hello dear developers,

I am currently doing an internship and learning about InterSystems IRIS and ObjectScript and have downloaded and installed the community version of IRIS.

I have not made any changes in the Management Portal.
In Visual Studio Code I have loaded the InterSystems ObjectScript Extension Pack.

If I now want to compile a file, VSC throws an error:
"ERROR #16006: Document name 'x.csp' is invalid"

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Had an issue after upgrading to 2021.1 where search bar for interoability will bring up "INVALID ACTION".

On upgrading to 2022.1 this still occurs.

It did not occur on another environement that was upgraded from 2017.2 straight to 2022.1

Is there any solution? Loads up SYS in url rather than customnamespacename

Issue is the url for instance brings through ip/csp/sys/EnsPortal.DTLEditor.zen?$NAMESPACE=X

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I would like to search for all messages where their body size is greater than 3MB.

I have searched through the common Header and body properties and I have not found a size property. I have looked at the extended properties but I am unsure if any of the extended classes allows me to find the Doc size.

I have stepped through most of the body property classes related to messages or documents that have an exposed property that filters by document or message size.

Is there a way to do this within the Message Viewer or Terminal?

Thank you in advance.

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Have enabled LDAP for our numerous , Ensemble, IRIS and cache instances with many namespaces. All is working fine and the ldap logins work.

But have noticed that the first instance that the user logs into the namespace is assigned to that user, but when that user than logs into another instance the default namespace from the first login is still there and doesn't update to the new namespace.

So this doesn't effect the ldap login but is now effecting the terminal logins where the user is now getting access denied.

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Currently I have a program that is going to be used to compare global nodes between namespaces. Using nested FOR statements I am stepping through global nodes and comparing between the namespaces, if the global values are different I then parse the node comparing each delimited segment.

This is working.

I want to now be able to set what global I am in as a variable to expand on this concept.

Program architecture

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· May 17, 2017
CSP highlighting in Atelier

I recently installed Eclipse and Atelier and was able to connect to my dev environment and source control. However, when I open a CSP file everything inside <script> tags shows up green as if it's a comment.

I looked through all the preferences but wasn't able to fix this. Has anyone else run into this and/or know a solution?



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