Hi All ,

I would like to add session ID to the fileName in an FTP out pass thru business operation.
How can I do that ?

<Setting Target="Host" Name="Filename">SessionID_%f_%Q.txt</Setting>

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0 17

Hello, i need to make property that is of type List of Lists of String (see "body_text" in JSON)

How can i make it?


  "type": "BODY",
  "text": "<TEXT>",
  # Required if <TEXT> string contains variables
  "example": {
    "body_text": [
0 0
0 11

I am converting a HL7 msg to xml and one of the field is as below -

DTL = <assign value='"Message"' property='target.{req.ID.scope}' action='set' />

DTL response = <ID scope='Message'>3</ID>

my xsd has -
<xsd:element name="ID">
<xsd:element name="SimpleContent" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:attribute name="scope"/>

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· Sep 19
Input Redirection

Hello, I try to develop a REST interface where I need to interact with legacy MUMPS routines. How can I pass in input to a Read without modifying the legacy code?

I think in linux I can execute command < inputfile to read from file, but how does it work in ObjectScript?

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0 66

Hi Guys,

I'm using the following to display JSON content in an areatextbox, but I would like to change a value in my JSON before displaying it in my areabox?

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0 42

I am trying to use IRIS for Health as a Facade for an external FHIR Server, where IRIS provides the proper authentication.
The client authenticates using a bearer token obtained from the IRIS OAuth2 server via a jwt client assertion.
The IRIS endpoint, however, returns a 401 as soon as I remove the Unauthenticated access

Is there w way to make this work through configuration?

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0 11

we are trying to access a windows file server from our file adaptor, which has been setup using a Linux CIFS mount
The mount requires a user/password to access the files on the windows server. How do we get the integration engine
to pickup the right username/password?

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0 32

We have an ObjectScript application that runs in Cache' and IRIS. Our typical installation involves a .zip file containing several files necessary for the installation and operation of the application. Steps are: expand the .zip file to a folder that will not be used by the application. Do ^%RI for the installation routines in the production namespace. Do the Installation routine. We have a customer that is trying to do a silent installation. He does not want to have to respond to any prompts on the installation.

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0 59

Hi, Support Team

I´m working with Cache for many years, currently i have running version cache-2018.1.7.721.0-win_x64.exe

However we are facing some compatibility/requirements challenges, in that way i´m hereby request your support to provide next version/build of Cache 2018.1 (e.g cache-2018.1.9.xxx.x-win_x64.exe )

Nevertheless , I already downloaded IRIS for testing purpose if can also provide trial/limited licence for detail testing will be apreciated.

Thanks in advance for your attention.



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0 78

Hello to my fellow Cache Gurus:

I ran into two issues with Cache to XML Export and Cache to JSON Export in regard to array sequences. So before I waste time opening a WRC ticket, I figured I would poll the Development Community, since there is always so much wonderful feedback and suggestions via this Developer Community! So much thanks in advance for everyone's input! Go Team!

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0 64

Hi, I'm working on a large extraction from a database and need to parallelize the processes during the extraction.

Here's what happens:

  1. The user starts the extraction from.
  2. Several jobs are started using the Job <Method> instruction.

At the end, the user expects to find a document containing the results of all the extractions. What I'd like to do is start a new job that checks whether the previously started jobs have finished or are still working and consequently produce the document.

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Is there a difference in outcome between the two screengrabs below?

In both cases, when certain conditions are met, a transformation is called and the output sent on to two targets. In the first case we surmise the transformation is called twice, and the output of the first run sent to the first target, the output of the second run to the second target. In the second case we surmise the transformation is called once, and the output duplicated and sent to the two targets.

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0 195

How do you iterate over the array of namespaces returned in the result byref from the call below?

DO ##class(%SYS.Namespace).ListAll(.result)

Running "zw result" displays the namespaces (as individual subscripts in result) in the Terminal but I want to be able to programmatically iterate through each namespace name.

1 4
1 82

Hi there,

I'm discovering IRIS and I need to POC the solution, with a constraint: containerization.
I'm used to deploy my apps in a Swarm cluster, and all my bind volumes are written on a GlusterFS volume.

The problem here, when I start my stack, the first log is:

[WARN] ISC_DATA_DIRECTORY is located on a mount of type 'fuse.glusterfs' which is not supported, consider a named volume for '/iris_conf'

And of course the deployment fails.

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0 25
· Sep 12

I have a DOS batch file that calls *.scr script to back up an existing routine and upload the newly updated one.

I have a backup folder setup in C:\Users\[username]\Backup\ on each server, some with more recent versions of cache. The *.scr script calls on the command: $SYSTEM.OBJ.Export(routine,path) .

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