Let me introduce my new project, which is irissqlcli, REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) for InterSystems IRIS SQL

  • Syntax Highlighting
  • Suggestions (tables, functions)
  • 20+ output formats
  • stdin support
  • Output to files

Install it with pip

pip install irissqlcli

Or run with docker

docker run -it caretdev/irissqlcli irissqlcli iris://_SYSTEM:SYS@host.docker.internal:1972/USER

Connect to IRIS

$ irissqlcli iris://_SYSTEM@localhost:1972/USER -W
Password for _SYSTEM:
Server:  InterSystems IRIS Version 2022.3.0.606 xDBC Protocol Version 65
Version: 0.1.0
[SQL]_SYSTEM@localhost:USER> select $ZVERSION
| Expression_1                                                                                            |
| IRIS for UNIX (Ubuntu Server LTS for ARM64 Containers) 2022.3 (Build 606U) Mon Jan 30 2023 09:05:12 EST |
1 row in set
Time: 0.063s
[SQL]_SYSTEM@localhost:USER> help
| Command  | Shortcut          | Description                                                |
| .exit    | \q                | Exit.                                                      |
| .mode    | \T                | Change the table format used to output results.            |
| .once    | \o [-o] filename  | Append next result to an output file (overwrite using -o). |
| .schemas | \ds               | List schemas.                                              |
| .tables  | \dt [schema]      | List tables.                                               |
| \e       | \e                | Edit command with editor (uses $EDITOR).                   |
| help     | \?                | Show this help.                                            |
| nopager  | \n                | Disable pager, print to stdout.                            |
| notee    | notee             | Stop writing results to an output file.                    |
| pager    | \P [command]      | Set PAGER. Print the query results via PAGER.              |
| prompt   | \R                | Change prompt format.                                      |
| quit     | \q                | Quit.                                                      |
| tee      | tee [-o] filename | Append all results to an output file (overwrite using -o). |
Time: 0.012s

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3 747
InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,012 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

I'm trying to write an ObjectScript function that sorts version numbers to help learn ObjectScript. This is all I can think of after staring at VS Code for a while, but I don't know where to go with it. Can someone please help out with a tip? The goal is to take something like ["1.4.5", "0.5.3", "6.3.2", "1.2.4"] and turn it into ["0.5.3", "1.2.4", "1.4.5", "6.3.2"]

0 4
0 259

Several steps should be done in order to secure the connection through xDBC clients to an IRIS Server instance using TLS. Most of the information can be obtained from the documentation about TLS on IRIS here, about configuring the security layer for encrypted connections. In the next paragraphs we will cover an step-by-step guide on how to configure and test the connection using SQL Clients apps using ODBC and JDBC.

2 0
2 667

Curious if anyone has modified the HL7 TCP/IP Service and adapter class to receive an HL7 message, ACK it, and just dump it straight to a file? I don't want the messages in the engine at all - just receive and dump. Has anyone done this before and have code you're willing to share?

Thank you very much in advance!

0 3
0 331

Hello everyone,

I am looking for a sort of REST interoperability adapter that can forward REST calls within HealthConnect. If necessary, we need to adjust the requests or responses.

For Fhir calls, we use the FHIR Interoperability Adapter. This works perfectly; a message comes in as HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Request, and a message HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Response goes out. I can make adjustments as needed to both the request and response. I am looking for the same functionality, but then for non-FHIR REST calls.

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0 154

In this article, we will establish an encrypted JDBC connection between Tableau Desktop and InterSystems IRIS database using a JDBC driver.
While documentation on configuring TLS with Java clients covers all possible topics on establishing an encrypted JDBC connection, configuring it with Tableau might be a little bit tricky, so I decided to write it down.

2 3
2 573

Hi Developers,

This April, you've posted 65 new questions on the Developer Community:


6 Underlying Benefits of Asking Questions | SUCCESS

3 0
0 83
· Apr 13, 2023
Breaking a string into words

Is there any ObjectScript or a basic function that takes a string and separates it into words + punctuation/spaces array/list? Just not to reinvent the wheel. Say, process "It is a test, after all" into "It", space, "is", space, "a", space, "test", ", ", "after", space, "all". Or something to that effect.

2 9
0 344

I did some experiments on my local machine and found out that IRIS seems to associate each request (eg: CSP request) to a dedicated process named IrisDB.exe

This process has 3 threads, and one of them seems to be the main working thread (that will the handle request).

If I spawn many concurrent requests, the number of IrisDB processes on my local machine will grow (to make sure each request can be handled in parallel).

It seems there is a limit : it will create no more than 64 processes to handle requests (eg: even if 100 concurrent requests are send to IRIS).

1 3
0 379

Hey Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Breaking Data Silos Through Strategic Healthcare Partnerships @ Global Summit 2022

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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0 231

Hi All! Wanted to share a recent video we released, for those of you who may be getting started with InterSystems HealthShare Health Connect Cloud. This video walks through all the management tasks you can complete via the InterSystems Cloud Services Portal that you use with Health Connect Cloud. Feel free to reach out if you have questions!

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0 189
· May 8, 2023 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - #27

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only of YOUR own package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

14 0
1 1K

Welcome, dear members of the community!

In this article we are going to demonstrate the great potential that IRIS/HealthConnect makes available to all its users with the use of Embedded Python and we are going to do it by developing a small production that will allow us to recognize and identify the faces present in a JPG file from some images that we will use as a reference.

4 2
1 415

Stanford Healthcare is looking for Software Engineers with IRIS/HealthShare/Ensemble experience

- Experience in install, configure, administer and support IRIS.
- Experience in Unix shell scripting and WinBatch scripting skills.
- Experience in developing tools and policies for IRIS system monitoring and Health check.
- Healthcare integration experience (HL7, REST)

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0 212

Hello everyone!
Maybe someone will tell me what could be the reason for such messages in the message.log file

05/03/23-06:46:27:155 (6584) 0 [Utility.Event] [SYSTEM MONITOR] Mirror state: Member type = Failover, Status = Transition
05/03/23-06:46:27:350 (1620) 1 [Utility.Event] Failed InstanceLookup (agent probably not running): instance not found
05/03/23-06:46:27:351 (1620) 2 [Utility.Event] Failed to become either Primary or Backup at startup

0 6
0 313

Hey Community,

Watch this video to see how to connect to InterSystems Cloud Services from your .NET application using the InterSystems ADO.NET Managed Provider:

Connecting to InterSystems Cloud Services with .NET

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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0 260
· Apr 17, 2017 4m read
Debugging Web

In this article I'll cover testing and debugging Caché web applications (mainly REST) with external tools. Second part covers Caché tools.

You wrote server-side code and want to test it from a client or already have a web application and it doesn't work. Here comes debugging. In this article I'll go from the easiest to use tools (browser) to the most comprehensive (packet analyzer), but first let's talk a little about most common errors and how they can be resolved.

16 2
5 3.5K
· May 5, 2023
ZLANGC0* functionality


I use ZLANGC00 and ZLANGC01 for shortcuts at programmer level to some frequently used dev tools. Is there a way to pass 2 arguments to a command?


ZZQD "Queue1" // Equivalent to D ZZQD^%ZZLANGC00("Queue1") to display messages in queue1 (ZZQD is my own code in %ZZLANGC00)

but if I wanted to type ZZQD "Queue1" $H-3 to call ZZQD^%ZLANGC00("Queue1",$H-3) can it be done or do I need to write something to manipulate the argument? So ZZQD "Queue1-3"

1 2
1 193

I'm using the EnumerateJobStatus query of class Ens.Util.Statistics to obtain the LastActivity value of a Business Host.

I would expect that this would return the timestamp of the last message received by the BH, understanding that any connect/disconnect activity would reset that timer. However, the time returned appears to actually be the time at which Ens.MonitorService generated the alert and is not directly related to anything that happened in the BH itself.

0 1
0 142

Hello, I need to determine the best way to split a class containing multiple methods(about 20), into multiple classes in which each method is in its own class. I am wondering if there is another way other than manually creating the different classes, and copying each method into each class. Doing this in Intersystems Studio.

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1 391