InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,799 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

We are using the IRIS cloud. and I am working on a DTL .

so the source side timestamp is local time for example 20240110134740, I know it is a local time. so the requirement is I need to append the UTC at the end, like -0400 or -0500 depending on if it is daylight saving time.

so is there function to return if current day is at daylight saving time, so I can decide if I need to append the -400 or -500? or a function to return the current UTC by location?

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I came up with a challenge for myself to come up with a way to make a variable watch itself for a certain value and do something when it hits that value without having to check it every time something touches it. Basically, a way to say "if at any point during the execution of this code, if x = 0 (or whatever the condition is) do this thing." The class I ended up with watches a %Status:

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Hi Community,

Click play and immerse yourself in our new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

HealthShare Health Connect - Upgrade Automation with Production Validator @ Global Summit 2023
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Hello, I'm curious to see how other people deal with this: we have a text file that was created on someone's Windows machine and it was copied and pasted into a text file on someone's Mac machine. After some examination we realized that the line feeds were originally CRLF (for Windows) and when copied and pasted they were changed to LF (Mac). The diff program we used didn't pick up on this and the program we wrote to read the file was getting each line of the CRLF file and treating the whole file as one line for the LF file.

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Hi Community!

We know how frustrating it can be to receive a lot of emails (and we definitely don't want to add to your load), so here is how you can set up email notifications for the InterSystems Ideas portal.

By default, all registered users are subscribed to all categories of ideas. To change this, just enter your Ideas Portal profile, select "Edit Profile," then click inside the item "Weekly summary email," click on "Categories to highlight" and choose what you're interested in.

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· Apr 11
Delete the reference MEMORY

So as asked, I am not talking about KILL - KILL as stated in the docs:

This command removes the variable. If there are no further references to the object, this command also removes the object from memory,

I want to remove the object from memory even if it is still referenced in memory - I understand that cache is not a low-level programming language, But i was hoping there is a way.

Notice that have a RegisteredObject and it is a single reference, It is different than the UnSwizzles suggested in other posts.

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to find out how these digital health startups are improving workflows for disease management, remote patient monitoring, and patient engagement:

Digital Health Showcase - Virtual Care @ Global Summit 2023
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It's time to announce the Winners for March! Please welcome our awesome Global Masters Heroes!

The storm of applause goes to these developers and their great contribution to DC in March:

🥇 @Iryna Mykhailova, Associate professor at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute
🥈 @Danusa Calixto, Sales Engineer at InterSystems
🥉 @Sylvain Guilbaud, Sales Engineer at InterSystems

Learn more about the competition and our awesome winners below.

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The InterSystems IRIS has a series of facilitators to capture, persist, interoperate, and generate analytical information from data in XML format. This article will demonstrate how to do the following:

  1. Capture XML (via a file in our example);
  2. Process the data captured in interoperability;
  3. Persist XML in persistent entities/tables;
  4. Create analytical views for the captured XML data.

Capture XML data

The InterSystems IRIS has many built-in adapters to capture data, including the next ones:

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Hello everyone,

I have an issue related to Visual Studio Code and its InterSystems extension when exporting routines from the database to the file system.

The code entered via the terminal editor is encoded in DOS code page 437, but when I export it to my file system, even if I set the file opening to DOS CP 437, the accented characters which are two bytes long cause problems.

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Hello everyone, I need some help.

I have to send some events for a government WebService that I already imported the WSDL and XSD's and It worked fine and I'm able to build the message and connect into the service, but It has been rejected with the message that the XML is wrong and the only diference between the Caché SOAP message to all the examples that the government gave us is the header:

This is how the Government is expecting the message:

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Hey Community,

We're pleased to invite all the developers to the upcoming kick-off webinar for the Vector Search, GenAI and ML Contest!

Discover the exciting challenges and opportunities that await GenAI and ML enthusiasts in this contest. We'll discuss the topics we expect from participants and show you how to develop, build, and deploy applications using the InterSystems IRIS data platform. There will also be a demo of InterSystems IRIS Vector Search that you can use in your projects.

Date & Time: Monday, April 22 – 12 pm EDT | 6 pm CEST
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We're getting a string sent to us by a client that was compressed using a java deflater (the zlib algorithm) and when trying to use $System.Util.Decompress() I get an "illegal value" error. I gather from other community posts that this is because the raw compressed string is missing the customized wrapper Iris automatically adds. I know this has been a longstanding issue for a while...just wanted to check if there'd been any updates to this functionality, or successful workarounds for decompressing raw zlib compressed data. Thanks in advance!

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Hi folks!

Often, when we develop commercial solutions, there is a necessity to deploy solutions without source code, e.g., in order to preserve the IP.

One of the ways how this can be achieved is to use InterSystems Package Manager.

Here I asked Midjourney to paint an intellectual property of software:

How this can be achieved with IPM?

In fact, this is very simple; just add the Deploy="true" clause in the Resource element in your module.xml manifest. Documentation.

I decided to provide the simplest possible example to illustrate how it works and also to give you a development environment template to let start building and deploying your own modules without source code. He we go!

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· Apr 18
Question about IAM

I was not able to get IAM working on my Development Server because of issues with creating volumes as a Non root user, so I opted to run it within Docker on my WSL Ubuntu locally. I was able to get it running, however the Workspaces is empty, and the Dev Portal is not enabled.

At this point do I need to sign up for the free Kong Konnect? or what are the next steps?



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Hi Developers,

Watch the latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Organizing HL7 FHIR Resources
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