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I am pleased to announce the third 2016.2 field test kit, 2016.2.0.590.0.

In the week since the last field test posting Development has made over a hundred fixes and improvements in Atelier, Enterprise Manager, Ensemble and Caché. Unlike the previous field test kit, though, in which the changes were distributed evenly over multiple areas and products, in this kit over half of the changes are associated just with Atelier.

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Has anyone come up with a way to create a separate thread of processing that can achieve shared access to a set of objects created from the initials process? The situation is this. There is a large complex set of objects representing a business process. Some of these objects are in-memory only. The desire is to spin off a separate thread that could do some ancillary processing on this data set without slowing down the main process. Any thoughts?

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Most of projects on Caché, obviously, written not only in Cache ObjectScript, and should contain sources in other languages. Such as js or css for web-projects or any others. And it would be pretty good, if I could see all of files in one project, and possible to edit all of them. How to be in this case ?

And I think it is not a good idea, to place all project's sources in one root folder. Our project contains over 3 thousands classes and routines, and it is too difficult to find anything in such folder. Is not a good for it to use Java-way, and place every package in subfolder ?

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Do to unforseen circumstances the Atelier build that was distributed with the Cache 2016.2 field test had certain incompatibilites which prevented it's effective use with the server that it was bundled with.

We are working on remediating this regretable situation and will provide a compatible Atelier in the 2016.2 field test refresh which is scheduled for today Monday, 1st of Februrary.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience so caused.

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I'm designing a workflow for PHR via FTP. What I've done is create a single FTP adapter to pick up files from multiple customers. A router then accesses a lookup table and determines if a particular customer is allowed to send a particular message type to the state. If not, the message doesn't go out. It seems like everyone is against this approach (other than my CEO, thankfully), including Intersystems:

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· Feb 3, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test Kit 2016.2.0.585.0

I am pleased to announce the next in the series of 2016.2 field test kits, 2016.2.0.585.0.

In the two weeks since the last field test posting Development has made over a hundred fixes and improvements in Atelier, Enterprise Manager, Ensemble and Caché.

In Atelier alone there were over a dozen changes including a fix for the incompatibility issue that Jamie Newton described in his posting of February 1.

In Caché major areas of focus include:

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· Feb 2, 2016 1m read
Creating an IDKEY with a chosen name

What do you do if you want to have the ID field have a meaningful name for your application?

Sometimes it comes to pass that when you're making a new table that you want to have the unique row identifier (a.k.a. IDKEY) to be a field that has a name that is meaningful for your data. Moreover, sometimes you want to set this value directly. Caché fully supports this functionality and it works Suppose you have a class Test.Kyle. The data will be stored like so:


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· Feb 2, 2016 1m read
Cache' databases as UNIX sparse files

Some third party backup products may by default restore CACHE.DAT files as UNIX sparse files when there are trailing zeroes in the backup file.

The support for sparse files vary from UNIX distribution and file system types. Sparse files attempt to use file system space more efficiently when blocks allocated to the file are mostly empty similar to thin-provisioned storage. The file system transparently converts metadata representing empty blocks into "real" blocks filled with zero bytes at runtime. The application is suppose to be unaware of this conversion.

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Do you need to quickly build a web page to interact with your database?

Take a look at these two courses to learn how Zen Mojo can help you display collections and make your collections respond to user interactions.

Displaying Collections and Using the Zen Mojo Documentation

Learn the steps for displaying a collection of Caché data on a Zen Mojo page, find crucial information in the Zen Mojo documentation, and find sample code in the Widget Reference. Learn More.

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Attached to this post is a PDF document outlining some of the key enhancements included with 2016.2. I will be giving a WebEx session that is open to all tomorrow at 11 AM EST. Once the WebEx is over I will be adding a link to the recording for those who cannot attend.

2016.2 Field Test Launch
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
11:00 am | Eastern Standard Time (New York, GMT-05:00) | 30 mins

Meeting number: 747 673 229


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I created an iKnow domain, where I supplied dictionaries, blacklist, metadata and stemming. The datasource is a table.

I would like to use iFind semantic search feature. It is said in the documentation that iFind use iKnow semantic analysis. But I want iFind to use the iKnow domain configuration I created earlier earlier. How can I do that ?


Jack Abdo.

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Is there any simple way to query data about processed messages in all Ensemble productions?
What I ultimately would like to do is to periodically export that data to another system and run statistics on it.

I've been digging around in the SQL tables view and Ens.MessageHeader seems to contain most of what I'm after.
Using ODBC I could access that table view and query data, but only for one namespace per DSN it seems.

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The object and relational data models of the Caché database support three types of indexes, which are standard, bitmap, and bitslice. In addition to these three native types, developers can declare their own custom types of indexes and use them in any classes since version 2013.1. For example, iFind text indexes use that mechanism.

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Is there a possibility to map a CSP page residing in namespace ABC to a namespace XYZ so you could access it as if executing from XYZ: http://localhost:57772/csp/xyz/MyPage.csp ? Some odd cocktail of web application and package mappings that could make this happen?

The idea is to keep the CSP page in sort of a read-only namespace that only contains code, with the data residing in another namespace. This works for zen pages, but not for CSP.

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Oracle plans to deprecate the much-maligned Java browser plugin in JDK 9. For years, the bundled plugin put users at risk with its numerous security flaws. The web is clearly moving to a plugin-free state, which is a good direction.

If you are relying on the Java browser plugin, you should take a look at Java Web Start.

Here is the official blog post by Oracle:


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· Dec 8, 2015
Email update formatting

Can we please get a 1 for 1 email option for posts on threads we're subscribed to? Right now it seems to only be set up for Digest which means there is a lot of header information about the contents of the Digest, etc.

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