· Dec 13, 2024 5m read
SharePoint/ SPO API with intersystems

As part of the Open Exchange competition Salford Royal (Dean White and Mark O'Reilly) developed a REST API for sharepoint as a template that works but can also be a starting point to your own Rest Applications


This is using the v1 REST sharepoint API you need a tennant id, client id, client secret and tennant name


Configure an OAuth server

The code in the middle is the tennant ID

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We have a scenario where we use the best practice article of a BP and DTL to split up HL7 messages mainly ORUS

It is really useful but we have this code in many places that we are trying to consolidate it in one place.

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I have been adapting the IRIS WHIZ addon as part of the contest. I will soon fork the code on github so the changes are available.

The next phase is I am storing the date from and to time for a more complete search cache


it works in the chrome console ok

I'm not sure in external JS how to set the page it is on as a zenpage to use the zenpage functions

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We are looking again into DB size. Looking at our Ens.MessageHeaderI GSIZE is 3767107

Looking at the global i'm not sure if we have had an issue in the past so much of the data looks the same, we only have 3 values in the $zwc and although some of the data in the $c between 1 and 18630 it looks very similar as if there was an issue in the past. But if anyone has any examples of their index param this would help to know if our global is abnormal.

Data below

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IRIS has the likes of SQL inbound adapters for use with SQL gateways such as EnsLib.SQL.InboundAdapter to repeatedly query SQL Gateway connections. A scenario appeared as that we wanted to query an Internal database for some data but did not see an out of the box service for this.

Desired Approach

Have a Generic service that can poll internal SQL to work with downstream components.

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We have this intermittent issue with a particular supplier message , just wondering if anyone has further insight around the two errors we get when we see this.

We use the out of the box TCP hl7 adapter.

We first seem to get this incomplete hl7 message resulting in an error like

Discarding leftover input 'MSH|

This is not unexpected as the final obx has not dot the description of OBX:2.2 ect.


The next message will have the error

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In show Query messages in the message viewer the head.%Id is always used. How do you do this via your own sql/objectscript as fast as the portal does a search as using dates searching Ens.MessageHeader on portal is slow.

For instance if you try do a search saying (TimeProcessed >='2023-06-01 00:00:00.000' and TimeProcessed <'2023-06-02 00:00:00.000') it is slow but using the portal the search would know this is head.%ID >= 5344549861 AND head.%ID <= 5347641372. How do you utilize this in your own queries as can't see the logic in EnsPortal.MsgFilter.Assistant

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After any installs upgrades we get the following

04/13/23-18:00:00:978 (18668) 0 [Utility.Event] d:\intersystems\healthshare\mgr\enslib\ (Database is readonly)
04/13/23-18:00:00:979 (18668) 0 [Utility.Event] d:\intersystems\healthshare\mgr\hslib\ (Database is readonly)

I think we must have before altered these to not read-only.

Not sure if the isssue is by default

-Running task as user with %ALL rather than SYS user

- Should the dbs be as default in the all backup list

- Should these be not ro so it backs up without error?

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Hi we have started to get rid of orphaned data and would like to soon compact and truncate the database as will have about 40gb free to return to filesystem after the few weeks of running the new task.

The idea would be to do this on the shadow server first of mirror rather than primary.

Is there any reason this is a bad idea? Considering this needs done on both servers of mirrored db? As idea would be to do this on shadow server before we failover to the server a few days afterwards. And do the same for the month afterwards.

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I don't understand how to use this open exchange item for auto creating deleting items. I think it assumes knowledge in the steps of how to use it which i don't get.

Added the code into dev on SRFT.Utility.DeleteHelper.OnDeleteSuper and SRFT.Utility.DeleteHelper.AddHelper

current class is

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