· Jan 16, 2024

Raw content from DTL test

Does anyone have any trick to get the raw text out whenever you run a DTL test in the DTL editor? 

If not is there any plans to add this to a later version? It would help certain workflows where you just want to run a transform in the DTL to then copy and paste the message to send into a test on the operation. I am aware you can set up a file and rule to then go out to a file or operation but seems like additional workflows when there are scenarios you just want a quick copy of the message text after doing transform. Other messages you can add &RAW=1 a button for Raw or just an additional raw box at the bottom of the TEST TRANSFORM page would be class. 

Product version: IRIS 2023.1
$ZV: IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2023.1.2 (Build 450U) Mon Oct 16 2023 10:17:46 EDT
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