Announcement Henrique Dias · May 15, 2024 iris-medicopilot video announcement Hello developers, Our project was designed to optimize patient clinical outcomes by reducing hospitalization time and supporting the development of resident and novice physicians. Additionally, it contributes to lowering financial waste in the healthcare system by improving the monitoring of pregnant patients, thereby decreasing risks and enhancing their safety. Using the most accessible tool, the smartphone, was the obvious choice to make patients' lives easier.[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings] #Monitoring #Vector Search #InterSystems IRIS #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 2 2 0 140
Article Henrique Dias · Feb 1, 2024 5m read IRIS-FHIRfy: A New Era of Healthcare Interoperability In a world where healthcare technology is rapidly evolving, the importance of efficient, reliable, and interoperable healthcare applications has never been greater. #FHIR #Health Connect #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 4 1 0 195
Announcement Henrique Dias · Feb 12, 2023 iris-tripleslash video announcement Attention all developers! Get ready to revolutionize your testing process with iris-tripleSlash, the ultimate unit test solution. Say goodbye to boring and repetitive unit testing and hello to effortless and efficient testing. With iris-tripleSlash, you can easily generate unit test cases using the power of automatic documentation. #Contest #Framework #Testing #Video #InterSystems Ideas Portal #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 3 2 0 284
Article Henrique Dias · Feb 9, 2023 3m read Elevate your unit tests to the next level Hey community! It's time to elevate your unit tests to the next level with iris-TripleSlash new solo feature! We are bring to the game Setup and Tear down events!Just add description on class, with special tags like: beforeAll beforeOne afterAll afterOne The tripleSlash will turn it to: #Contest #Framework #Testing #InterSystems Ideas Portal #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 3 6 0 301
Article Henrique Dias · Feb 5, 2023 4m read iris-tripleslash - let's rock together Hey everyone, Here we are again. New year, new contest, new project, old reasons. Triple Slash is in the house! #Contest #Framework #Testing #InterSystems Ideas Portal #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 7 8 2 626
Article Henrique Dias · Nov 30, 2022 3m read The motivation behind Pregnancy Symptoms Tracker I've been working for 19 years in the technology field, and on this journey, I was able to be part of several projects on numerous fronts; however, the health area is one of the areas that attract me the most. So whenever we get a chance to create something focused on health, using the FHIR protocol is exciting. But, a team of 3 IT guys with a tech background would not be enough to deliver something really useful, and for a topic as important as women's health, we brought to the team someone who really understands the subject. #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 1 0 0 287
Article Henrique Dias · May 31, 2022 3m read A few boxes and a vision #Business Process (BPL) #Interoperability #InterSystems IRIS #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 5 0 0 256
Article Henrique Dias · Jan 15, 2022 2m read Empowering the user to find the perfect dataset Hi everyone, I want to talk about our project and use the dataset theme for this contest. Our intention never was to be a data curator, especially because sometimes my precious data means a lot for me, but not for the rest of the world. We want to go a step further and empower the user to find the perfect dataset for their needs. Our project is a bridge between the data science community and the developer's community using InterSystems IRIS to achieve this mission. #Big Data #Contest #Data Model #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 4 0 0 457
Article Henrique Dias · Jan 13, 2022 4m read How to find the dataset you need? Hey community! How are you doing? I hope to find everyone well, and a happy 2022 to all of you! Over the years, I've been working on a lot of different projects, and I've been able to find a lot of interesting data. But, most of the time, the dataset that I used to work with was the customer data. When I started to join the contest in the past couple of years, I began to look for specific web datasets. I've curated a few data by myself, but I was thinking, "This dataset is enough to help others?" #Contest #Data Import and Export #Data Model #Unstructured Data #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 5 4 0 367
Article Henrique Dias · Dec 4, 2021 6m read Why? How? What's zap-api-scan-sample? Hey community, how are you all doing? What if you could check if your REST application is susceptible to some vulnerability? What if you could check if any known attacks affect your application? With these issues in mind, we've brought our sample application using the ZAP testing tool. A way to quickly, conveniently provide tools for developers to validate security issues in an accessible manner practically. #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 8 2 0 1.3K
Article Henrique Dias · Oct 21, 2021 2m read Visual Trace and the freedom of choice Hey community, how are you doing? How do you exercise your creativity? How do you test new ideas? Over the years I have always thought about creating new things, modifying existing ones, experimenting, testing, breaking (it always happens), building again, starting over. #Interoperability #Message Search #Ensemble #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 7 9 0 683
Article Henrique Dias · Jul 22, 2021 2m read fhir-integratedml-example overview Talking with a friend of mine, Machine Learning specialist @Renato Banzai , he brought one of the biggest challenges faced by companies nowadays: deploying ML/AI in live environments. #DTL #FHIR #IntegratedML #Machine Learning (ML) #HealthShare #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 14 0 0 515
Article Henrique Dias · Jun 5, 2021 3m read IRIS on FHIR Overview Hi guys, It's FHIR contest and this time, they provided something really cool: FHIRaaS And to be part of this, @José Pereira and I team up (again) to deliver something easy to use and easy to understand how we did. #AWS #FHIR #JavaScript #JSON #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 2 0 0 534
Article Henrique Dias · Apr 24, 2021 1m read ZPM Explorer Overview An interesting thing about data is that we can always discover something new. And with this concept in mind, we create a new page to show a little bit inside the world of ZPM! #UI Development #InterSystems IRIS #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 4 0 0 302
Article Henrique Dias · Apr 20, 2021 2m read ZPM Explorer Hi Community, @José Pereira and I want to introduce ZPM Explorer, our graphic interface to explorer the greats applications that we have inside InterSystems Package Manager. The idea ZPM Explorer's idea is to make it easier for people to find out what ZPM offers. Every week, every day, a new app joins the ZPM world, so why not help developers and non-developers take advantage of this incredible world?! #UI Development #InterSystems IRIS #Open Exchange Open Exchange app 5 9 1 760
Article Henrique Dias · Mar 6, 2021 4m read IRIS RAD Studio @José Pereira and I created a good project, and we want to introduce a few words about this project to you. What is IRIS RAD Studio? IRIS RAD Studio is our idea of a low-code solution to show what's possible, to make the developer's life easier. #Analytics #Contest #CSV #JSON #REST API #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 2 7 0 530
Article Henrique Dias · Jan 27, 2021 2m read Tracking vaccinations around the world with IRIS The pandemic that struck the world in 2020 made everyone follow the news and the numbers that involve the COVID-19. Why don’t you take that opportunity to create something simple and pleasant, to follow the number of vaccinations worldwide? To face this challenge, I'm using the data provided by Our World in Data - Research and data to make progress against the world’s largest problems. They have a dedicated repository on Github with the data of COVID-19, and I took the vaccination data to help me with my tracker. #Analytics #Contest #Dashboards #InterSystems IRIS Open Exchange app 4 4 0 375
Question Henrique Dias · Jan 13, 2021 Reading TIF file using ObjectScript Hi, I'm trying to read a TIF file using ObjectScript. I know that it is possible to achieve using python or R, but I don't know how to do it using ObjectScript. If anyone has done it before and has some advice, I really appreciate it. Best Regards,Henrique #ObjectScript #InterSystems IRIS 0 10 0 440
Article Henrique Dias · Dec 27, 2020 2m read How difficult is it to create a report using InterSystems Reports? How difficult is it to create a report using InterSystems Reports? Spoiler Super easy! #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS for Health Open Exchange app 2 0 0 397
Article Henrique Dias · Dec 24, 2020 2m read iris-analytics-package in action! Hi everyone, It's the bottom of the 9th inning, but I have a few more plays to make in our technical World Series #Analytics #Analyzer #Contest #Cubes #Dashboards #InterSystems IRIS #InterSystems IRIS BI (DeepSee) Open Exchange app 2 2 0 414