go to post Henrique Dias · Jul 30, 2021 Hi @Lucas Fernandes You can try to adapt this application to your needs. https://openexchange.intersystems.com/package/iris-csv-anonymizer
go to post Henrique Dias · Jul 1, 2021 Hi @Kishan Vaja I can't figure out your error message based only on this error message screenshot. Did you go to the path informed on the error message? There you can probably see more details about and understand what causes this error. Now, your question about adding bootstrap to a CSP page. Yes, you can add bootstrap to a CSP page. You can take a look at one of my projects on OpenExchange. The IRIS History Monitor it's one of them that uses bootstraphttps://openexchange.intersystems.com/package/iris-history-monitor
go to post Henrique Dias · Jun 16, 2021 Hi @Rodrigo Mori There is an excellent article describing using PowerBI with InterSystems IRIS Power BI Connector for InterSystems IRIS. Part I | InterSystems Developer
go to post Henrique Dias · Apr 8, 2021 Hi @Raman Sailopal You can publish your contribution on OpenExchange Check out this video about ZPM, so you can provide your command line in an even easier way to install and use it. New Video: ObjectScript Package Manager ZPM: Installing, Building, Testing, (intersystems.com)
go to post Henrique Dias · Mar 10, 2021 Hi @Sharafath.Fazil I never worked with React Native, but I developed something in Flutter a few years ago. In my humble opinion, it doesn't matter that much since I'm assuming you'll be consuming data using a REST service to interact with flutter/react-native applications. It's up to you :) Maybe taking into consideration the pros and cons of each one of them. Hope that helps.
go to post Henrique Dias · Jan 5, 2021 Hi, Maybe this project can be useful/helpful to you. https://openexchange.intersystems.com/package/upload-adapter
go to post Henrique Dias · Dec 3, 2020 Hi, There is a GitHub repository with an ObjectScript Guideline. https://github.com/intersystems-community/cos-guidelines Hope that helps. Best Regards,Henrique
go to post Henrique Dias · Nov 11, 2020 Hi @Yuri Marx I have got a few topics that maybe could help you/help us with the certification exam InterSystems IRIS Core Solutions Developer Specialist Recommended preparation: Complete available IRIS development learning content https://learning.intersystems.com/enrol/index.php?id=196 https://learning.intersystems.com/enrol/index.php?id=1038 https://cedocs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?K... https://learning.intersystems.com/enrol/index.php?id=959 Classroom: Developing with InterSystems Objects and SQL #Overview Benefits Features Platforms and Versions #Development Introduction Introduction to classes and methods Packages Persistent and serial classes Errors #Architecture Namespaces and databases Globals and routines System databases Naming conventions #Classes OOP/SQL correspondence Classes revisited Multiple inheritance Class compilation $System #Properties Properties Datatypes Accessor and mutator methods Reference properties Implicit joins Foreign keys Cloning objects Computed properties #Unit Testing Unit testing Benefits Framework #Collections Collections List collections Array collections Object collections Data population #Relationships Relationships Many-to-many relationships Performance options #Streams and Files Streams Files #Queries Sets of results Embedded SQL Dynamic SQL SQL stored procedures Command line shell Views Other SQL features #Indexes and Tuning Indexes Indexing options Collation Index types Query performance tuning Index methods #Methods Inherited methods Scripting languages Method attributes OOP callback methods SQL triggers ProcedureBlock methods Code mode Special method syntax #Debugging Debugging with Studio Debugging with ZBreak
go to post Henrique Dias · Jul 24, 2020 Hi @Luiz Henrique Carvalho Martarelli You can take a look at this post: Trigger or Callback?https://community.intersystems.com/post/trigger-or-callbackAnd for more detail information: Using Triggershttps://cedocs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=GSQL_triggers If you have interested, the Developer Community has a Discord with a dedicated Channel for Portuguese Speakers. https://discord.gg/dzzPDvY Best Regards,Henrique
go to post Henrique Dias · Jul 21, 2020 Hi @Yone Moreno Talking about ObjectScript the InterSystems Community's Github has this guideline for ObjectScript: https://github.com/intersystems-community/cos-guidelines
go to post Henrique Dias · Jul 16, 2020 Hi @John Lisa You can use IRIS Management Portal. There is a built-in tool to extract information using SQL. The Path is: System Explorer > SQL Inside the SQL Explorer, you can change to your preferred Namespace and have access to your tables, as you can see in the image below: Hope that helps. Best Regards, Henrique
go to post Henrique Dias · Jun 29, 2020 I can put a few globals to tracing the method execution. But I'm (almost ) sure that the method was invoked. The only difference between the Installer ClassMethod e the ClassMethod that I'm invoking during the ZPM installation is a Namespace Name. Installer ClassMethod CustomApplicationMetrics() As %Status { New $Namespace Set $Namespace = "%SYS" Set status = ##class(SYS.Monitor.SAM.Config).AddApplicationClass("diashenrique.historymonitor.util.customSensors","IRISMONITOR") Quit status } Invoked during ZPM install ClassMethod CustomApplicationMetrics() As %Status { Set oldNamespace = $Namespace New $Namespace Set $Namespace = "%SYS" Set status = ##class(SYS.Monitor.SAM.Config).AddApplicationClass("diashenrique.historymonitor.util.customSensors",oldNamespace) Quit status } I also executed this line on the terminal on USER Namespace, after I installed the ZPM package. Set status = ##class(SYS.Monitor.SAM.Config).AddApplicationClass("diashenrique.historymonitor.util.customSensors",oldNamespace) But, nothing happened. So, I started to doubt myself and wondering if I'm doing something wrong.
go to post Henrique Dias · May 22, 2020 Hi @Paul Hula If I understand the question correctly, you want to download a new excel file after manipulating the data using COS. I had a similar situation and used this project by Robert Cemper. The lightweight Excel download. Maybe this project can help you. https://community.intersystems.com/post/light-weight-excel-download HTH
go to post Henrique Dias · Feb 3, 2020 @Saptarshi Sengupta If you want to develop/design reports. Jasper Studios is what you looking for. Free and simple
go to post Henrique Dias · Jan 27, 2020 Hi, If you want to try J-Report, here is a link for the trial version: https://www.jinfonet.com/product/download-jreport/For an OpenSource alternative, you can take a look at Jasper Reports Community Edition https://community.jaspersoft.com/ I used to work with Jasper Reports to generate PDF reports for my customers. To connect to InterSystems IRIS, use the ODBC and voilá. As mentioned by @Carmen Logue , if you tell us your reporting requirements, that should be easier to discuss alternatives.
go to post Henrique Dias · Jul 16, 2019 I tried DataGrip in the past, and the software is outstanding. Nowadays I'm using DBeaver Community Edition. It's an alternative to DataGrip, and it's free. DBeaver also has code completion for table/field names and standard SQL syntax.
go to post Henrique Dias · Jul 11, 2016 If you use the command d ^%GSIZE the result will be something like this: Global Blocks Bytes Used Packing Contig. -------- -------- --------------- ------- ------- Aviation.AircraftD 64 455,452 87 % 62 Aviation.AircraftI 4 27,300 84 % 2 Aviation.Countries 1 4,300 53 % 0 Aviation.CrewI 5 36,824 90 % 3 Aviation.EventD 1,153 6,980,501 74 % 649 Aviation.EventI 3 19,020 78 % 1 Aviation.States 1 820 10 % 0 CacheMsg 6 30,040 61 % 0 Cinema.ReviewD 1 4,012 49 % 0Maybe this command could help you.I hope that helps