I'm attempting to streamline a process for renaming PDF documents received from multiple vendors to conform to a specification provided by an EMR vendor for ingestion. Things like Document ID, Document Type, Date of Service, Account Number, MRN, etc. all must be included in the filename at defined offsets and lengths. Most of the required values can be extracted from the inbound file's name and the few remaining are static values that would be the same (or handled via a lookup table based on source) for all documents.

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I found myself in the not-so-comfortable situation of working with a Linux system on which someone had accidentally disabled user access to the Linux shell. HealthConnect was running, servicing hundreds of interfaces. To resolve the access issue, though, we needed to bring the host down for the application of a fix.

Without the shell, the iris command is not available to control the instance, so we were faced with the potential of shutting down the server ungracefully. We wanted to avoid that if possible ...

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There's a distinct difference between the control sequences issued by Windows ssh.exe (OpenSSH_for_Windows_9.5p1, LibreSSL 3.8.2) vs. the RHEL 9 ssh (OpenSSH_8.7p1, OpenSSL 3.0.7 1 Nov 2022) when establishing a session to a Linux host.

Windows ssh issues the following for the Home/End keys:

^[OH - Home
^[OF - End

Linux ssh issues these:

^[[1~ - Home
^[[4~ - End

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· Jun 13, 2024
$ZTRAP vs Try/Throw/Catch

I'm scraping my way through some code that's been around for a while, and came across the use of $ZTRAP and (dear GOD) GOTO for trapping and handling errors.

In an effort to "modernize" it and make it, I don't know, less M-ish (sorry old-timers!), I'm replacing it with Try/Catch blocks.

Some questions:

  1. Is this a dumb idea?
  2. Anything I should look out for?
  3. Did I hurt anyone's feelings?

And if the answer to number 3 is Yes, my deepest apologies ... I love you guys! 🤩

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When creating custom Business Hosts, it's often necessary to add properties to the class for additional settings that will be used in the initialization or operation of the host. The property name itself isn't always very descriptive, so it's an advantage to have a custom caption display with the field.

In Caché, it was fairly straightforward:

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I'm using the EnumerateJobStatus query of class Ens.Util.Statistics to obtain the LastActivity value of a Business Host.

I would expect that this would return the timestamp of the last message received by the BH, understanding that any connect/disconnect activity would reset that timer. However, the time returned appears to actually be the time at which Ens.MonitorService generated the alert and is not directly related to anything that happened in the BH itself.

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I'm attempting to configure VS Code's InterSystems Server Manager to establish a connection to an IRIS for Health server. It has a standalone CSP gateway running on an Apache server with TLS enabled. The port for all IRIS api and browser traffic is 443.

I've configured the webServer section's host, port, and variations on pathPrefix (including no pathPrefix entry), and have the correct user ID set. The password is stored in the server keychain.

The connection simply fails with "Server could not be reached." Nothing in the Output or Problems tabs.

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1 1.6K

Is there a straightforward workflow in VS Code for moving a class from one namespace to another on the same server? With Caché/IRIS Studio, it was a (sort of) simple export/change namespace in file menu/import operation. But in VS Code it's not obvious (to me, at least).

I can add multiple namespaces to a workspace, but when using isfs:// paths I see only a "Download" option and no "Upload" or "Import/Compile." When I'm navigating the local file tree, I see Import options, but no way to select the namespace into which I want to import.

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0 1.6K

Running HealthConnect 2021.1 on RedHat Linux 8.4.

I've configured IRIS/HealthConnect with an external web server to support TLS encryption. It's installed on the same server as IRIS, but is a different instance and version of Apache httpd. That all works as expected.

I would also like to keep the "private" web server available, but I'm having an issue with using the fully-qualified domain name in the URL vs. just the hostname itself.

If I use http://servername:52773/csp/sys/UtilHome.csp to log on, all is well.

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EnsLib.HL7.Adapter.TCPInboundAdapter has a Connected property that I assume is set to the state of the connection session with the remote host; i.e. 1 when Connected, 0 when not. I'm assuming this is the property the Production Configuration web page uses to display the state of the service (green for Connected, red for not Connected, etc.).

How can I interrogate the value of that property of an active service, via a method running in separate process?

(It really seems like I should know this, but I'm just not finding the right magical incantation)

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0 181

I've poked through the class documentation and globals and I can't seem to find what I'm looking for, namely a mechanism that will give me the PropName key and value for each of the Items in an EnsLib.HL7.SearchTable definition. Is there some sort of query that will turn the list of Items in the XData SearchSpec section into a key/value pair of some sort?

For example:

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· Jun 1, 2021
Storing a %DynamicObject

I've been tasked with an interface that needs to supply some additional metadata for the indexing of HL7v2 messages. After toying with a couple of ideas, I thought that it would be useful to subclass EnsLib.HL7.Message, add a %DynamicObject property, and store the metadata in it (it ends up getting sent to the target in JSON form anyway).

And, well, it seems to work just fine ... so far.

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I'm not sure what the purpose of this is, but the Management Console causes the browser to refresh periodically. If you're in a form or an editor such as the DTL or Routing Rule editors, you may lose work unless you save frequently. This did not occur in Caché 2018 and earlier releases.

I've had a couple of incidents where I've created a number of rules in the DTL editor, answered the phone or stepped away for a few minutes, then come back to find any work since the last save erased.

I've noticed this in both 2019 and 2020 releases of IRIS.

Heads up!

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