· Jun 28, 2024

Keyboard Mapping in iris session when using Windows ssh.exe

There's a distinct difference between the control sequences issued by Windows ssh.exe (OpenSSH_for_Windows_9.5p1, LibreSSL 3.8.2) vs. the RHEL 9 ssh (OpenSSH_8.7p1, OpenSSL 3.0.7 1 Nov 2022) when establishing a session to a Linux host.

Windows ssh issues the following for the Home/End keys:

^[OH - Home
^[OF - End

Linux ssh issues these:

^[[1~ - Home
^[[4~ - End

iris session does the "right thing" when the initial ssh client is Linux (i.e. Home moves to the beginning of the line, End to the end), but not Windows; pressing either Home or End sends whatever has been typed so far to be interpreted as a command. This of course usually results in a syntax error. I'll also note that if iris session is run under tmux in a Windows ssh session, Home/End work normally.

I've looked for ways to modify keyboard mapping for ssh.exe but haven't found any; options for mapping in the Linux shell (i.e. .inputrc) don't have any effect, nor do any values I've set for $TERM in the environment. Are there any options for keyboard interpretation in iris session?

I'm sure this all goes away with the new WebSocket terminal but that's not yet widely available ... until then, ssh.exe is the only option that seems to integrate cleanly into VS Code's terminal functionality.

Product version: IRIS 2023.3
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