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Maine, USA
Member since Feb 18, 2016

Something like this should do the trick:

ClassMethod GetConnectionStatus(pItemName As %String, ByRef pStatus As %String, ByRef pState As %String) As %Status [ Language = objectscript ]
	Set tStatement = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
	Set tSC = tStatement.%PrepareClassQuery("Ens.Util.Statistics","EnumerateJobStatus")
	Return:$$$ISERR(tSC) tSC
	Set tRS = tStatement.%Execute(pItemName)
	If tRS.%SQLCODE = 0
		Do tRS.%Next()
		Set pStatus = tRS.%Get("Status")
		Set pState  = tRS.%Get("AdapterState")
		Return $$$OK
	Return $$$ERROR(5001,"Status not Found")

Call it with the status and state variables passed by reference:

Set sc=##class(My.Class).GetConnectionStatus("T_SPM_SIU",.status,.state)
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