· Feb 24 2m read
The bewitched line terminator

I want to address the nasty problems about reading a flat text in ASCII, UTF*
explicitly excluding HTML, EBCDIC, and other encoding.
According to Wikipedia there are at least 8 variations of control characters.

  • CR+LF is typical for Windows
  • LF is typical for the Linux/UNIX world
  • CR is Mac's favorite

As you can deduct from the names the inspiration comes from mechanical typewriters.

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Hello again and welcome to the Part 3 - Using the SQL API!

If you have been wondering about how to use SQL along with Frontier, you came to the right place. That's because since Frontier wraps the common Caché SQL API within it's own, you need to use the API provided from it. But you don't need to worry about its learning curve, because the Frontier SQL API is really simple.

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This article is intended to be a simple tutorial on how to create ODBC connections and working with them, since I found starting with them a little bit confused, but I had amazing people to take my hand and walk me through it, and I think everyone deserves that kind of help too.
I'm going to divide each little part in sections, so feel free to jump to the one you feel the need to, although I recommend reading everything.

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Is anyone like me, and felt really jealous that they didn't have enough points to acquire the IRIS-based Raspberry Pi system when it was offered? Do you have a spare Raspberry Pi 4 handy? If so, I'll walk you through setting up Docker and IRIS on your Raspberry Pi so you can have the smallest IRIS computer in town!

Things you'll need:

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Hello again and welcome to the next tutorial on this series: Part 4 - Sharing data across router methods. Here we are going to learn how to share a object containing data that is available for read across every router methods.

You're required to complete at least the Part 1 before entering this one. Still, this is supposed to be a really short tutorial, since there isn't much to be said about data sharing.

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If you are a customer of the new InterSystems IRIS® Cloud SQL and InterSystems IRIS® Cloud IntegratedML® cloud offerings and want access to the metrics of your deployments and send them to your own Observability platform, here is a quick and dirty way to get it done by sending the metrics to Google Cloud Platform Monitoring (formerly StackDriver).

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