Any insights, news, alternatives or experience about sequence pattern querying like with Oracle's MATCH_RECOGNIZE, more declarative, less simple direct COS way? Both obvious solutions (shadowing data to oracle cloud or implementing MATCH_RECOGNIZE compiler in COS from scratch) seem big overkill. Do Intersystems have plans to adopt this "2007 ANSI standard proposal" and "SQL:2016 standard"

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0 502
· Oct 30, 2018
MSSQL Data Warehouse


I have been trying to pull data through a linked server in SSMS from an InterSystems Cache Database for a while, this is to enable us to join the data to other source systems in our Data Warehouse.

I have set up an ODBC connection and a linked server to the database and can execute queries through OPENQUERY in Management studio, but the data is huge (> 100million rows). So when I execute a SQL query with a WHERE clause the query just spins.

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0 856

Hello everyone!
I need to have a ResultSet of type % SQL.Statement show its contents when it is trafficked in a message property by Business Process.
I tried to use the % XML.DataSet type that inherits properties of type % XML.Adaptor, but did not work.
Is there any other way to traffic as an object, other than within a Stream?

Note: I can not traffic Streams and I will not be able to use Correlate in this case.

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0 249

Hello all,

I have a Recordset object which contains data from a table "XYZ".

Currently i use this object to extract data using %Get(COL1,COL2...) in a loop and than pass it to a function which inserts the data into another dynamically created Table "ABC" for each record. This takes a lot of time when 100's of records.

Is there a way i can directly copy a RecordSet to a dynamic table without looping through..?

Something like copy Recordset (COL1,COL2..)--> "ABC"



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0 830

I have a case where I need to look up the NPI provider against an External MS SQL database to retrieve our Provider Identifier to send to a downstream system. In the past I would use a Business Process (BPL) to connect to the outside MS SQL via JDBC and get that information for me. But I was thinking instead of creating a BPL process to do this, would it be better just to link to the outside MS SQL database table to retrieve the information in a SQL statement within a DTL?

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0 296

Dear Experts,

I have to pull out a report of certain code tables and this is my first script and I need to write many.

1. If I have to refer to the table, seeing the reference in the components with reference to SQL table and column,

can I use Select < What I need from the table>

Inner join with reference table?

I tried, I used the code table reference in the components, but I am getting errors,

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1 273

I've been accessing Cache tables from a developer/reporting side, but am now involved in a project to create a data warehouse for our application. I'm trying to find a query I can use to return the sizes of all the tables in the database, so we can identify the largest tables and handle those individually. Can someone give me a query I can run against our Cache database to return the sizes of all the tables from largest to smallest?

Thanks for the help

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0 758

I want to have a script that can run from the usual unix, linux, or aix command line. It has to be able to get into an irissession and use set statements to get data using sql. It seems like I'm in a catch-22. When I use the irissession SERVER command at the command line, I can't run a script. When I put the irissession SERVER command in a script, it won't run anything in the script after that.

My goal for this script is to get this information and put it into a file which I can then parse.

0 10
0 2.1K


I have a question regarding SQL insert/update from the mananger portal's SQL window.

I am trying to do an insert with a value that contains multiple spaces ($32) between two words. This is needed for a comparative reason. But the spaces are automatically trimmed away all the time. How should I write to keep these?


Insert into TableA
(MyColumn) Values('xxxx yyyy')

then the spaces are trimmed away and it becomes: 'xxxx yyyy'

But I want to keep the spaces. How do I get around the problem?


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0 207
· Jan 24, 2023
SQL Query needs optimization

Hi All,

I am having an SQL query (mentioned below). When I am running this query it is taking 90 min to retrieve all records (approx 1 million records).

Fetching data from 5 tables using inner join in cache. Relative cost displaying 10 million

I wan to confirm How this query can be optimized

0 12
0 291
· Apr 1, 2023


I have a query:

SELECT '['||Material->Sifra||'] '||Material->Opis AS Material,
SUM(MasaBlago) AS MasaBlago
FROM Tehtanje.Dokument
WHERE DatumDokumenta BETWEEN '01/01/2023' AND '04/01/2023'
AND (Material->Sifra %INLIST $LISTFROMSTRING('5,7',','))
GROUP BY Material

The query returns all rows where Material->Sifra is 5 or 7. That's OK.

If I want to get all rows where Material->Sifra is NOT 5 or 7 I use query:

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0 273

Hi all,
I am using ExecDirect() method to execute my SQL query which is something like "SELECT * from Account where AccountNumber = ? "
But when I am providing a accountnumber that don't exists it doesn't return anything as aspected. while I am trying to check resultset.%SQLCODE in this case it is giving me 0 not 100. What's wrong with my SQL query and Also I there any other Property through which I check for if my resultset is null or it has some values.

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0 249

Tring to Performing following script in IRIS but do not know how to format Date. Normally, I would use TO_DATE or TO_TIMESTAMP in the actual queue statement below, but since I'm using Prepared Statements, I do not know how to format date in 'values' that is being used in the %Execute. It generates errors. I'm updating an Oracle Database via a SQL JDBC Gateway Connection. Does anyone know how to pass in Dates?

Books Table definition

0 5
0 206

Hey everyone,

I'm currently running into a very weird issue to where I am trying to connect with a 64 bit version of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to a HealthShare instance. I have created a System DSN using the Drivers (image below) that were downloaded with the Client version of the install and I'm able to successfully connect using my credentials.

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0 220

This is a bit weird. I'm trying to use `DATEDIFF()` to calculate the time since the last message on an interface. For some reason, when no messages are received, the number steadily decreases. This is the opposite of what should happen. Here is my current query and a few sequential result sets:

SELECT getDate() as now, max(TimeCreated) as latest, DATEDIFF (s,getdate(), max(TimeCreated)) as difference
FROM EnsLib_HL7.Message
0 4
0 657

Running TuneTable accounts among other the parameter named Block Count. In documentation, we see that this is an approximate numbers of 2K-blocks in which SQL-maps are stored. Databases in recent Cache doesn't support 2K-physical blocks so SQL-blocks are not physical blocks as it seems. So two questions:

- what are these blocks?

- how knowledge about count of blocks can help in SQL optimization?

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0 502