Is it possible to dynamically adjust the RetryInterval andFailureTimeout settings in a BPL?

I've got a business process that calls a web service operation to get a session ID from an external system. There is a string property returned in the body of the response that indicate an exception occurred in the external system. I have code in the BPL that examines the property and sets the status property to an error status when that occurs.

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· Jun 5, 2017
Error in the SOAP Wizard


In SOAP Wizard, whatever WSDL I pass, I m getting the following error in the SOAP Response. Even If I create my own SOAP Web-Service and pass its WSDL, I am getting the same.

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I create a WebService in Machine One, with some process, i tested this webservice with SOAPUI, worked.

After that i create a simple Business Operation, SOAP Adapter, based on WebClient created with SOAP Wizzard, the problem with that is on response var, i have empty var on my operation, somebody have some Ideas ?

0 11
0 629

Hi, guys,

One of my clients was required by the hospital to name their webservice operation as Action_Subject, ie. Get_PatientInfo

When I define the web method as "Get_PatientInfo" as below,

/// MyApp.MyService
Class MyApp.MyService Extends %SOAP.WebService [ ProcedureBlock ]

/// Name of the WebService.
Parameter SERVICENAME = "MyService";

/// TODO: change this to actual SOAP namespace.
/// SOAP Namespace for the WebService
Parameter NAMESPACE = "";

0 4
0 628

Hello Community,

I want to secure a SOAP Webservice (an EnsLib.SOAP.Service one, if that matters) adding a SSL/Username Policy to it. As im not sure how detailed my request here should get, ill try giving a detailed as-is description of my setup, what I've tried, how I tried to test the connection and what problems including some logs I ran into.

As a small foreword: I'm pretty new to the whole security aspect of intersystems and soap itself.


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0 616

Hi All,

I need some clarification on web service (Soap Service). For each Soap request, system consuming 1 license and it is not releasing until CSP session timeout and extra grace period 5.10 minutes(310 seconds).
Due to this, at some time license consumption is full.
If i use with Login credential (i.e password authenticated web service), it consumes one license for 25 connections(request).
But i need to use it as anonymous user(Unauthenticated).
Please advice.

Sabarinathan M

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0 562

I'm using %SOAP.WebRequest to send SOAP requests:

  1. Populate %SOAP.WebRequest object (by setting Request and HeadersOut properties)
  2. Call SendSOAPBody method to send request

Currently the XML I send looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=''>
<SomeCustomHeader/>  </SOAP-ENV:Header>

However, I want XML to be generated differently:

  • No new lines
  • No whitespaces between <SomeCustomHeader/> and </SOAP-ENV:Header>

How can I tweak XML generation to achieve that?

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0 530

Does the Caché installer do all of the necessary setup for using Atelier when upgrading a pre-Atelier instance?

I just upgraded an Ensemble 2016.1 instance to 2016.2 and the /api/atelier web application wasn't created automatically. Aside from creating this web application is there anything else that needs to be done to support Atelier?

** UPDATE **
See my comment below -- this was caused by a permissions problem during the upgrade. After fixing the permissions problem and upgrading again Atelier works.

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0 503

Hi Guys,
Can you please guide me to get rid of this issue. Please find the image files with this post.

Please let me know, before we are developing an API what are all the setup/Configuration(Apache/web server) need to do in my machine.

If any lead would be appreciated.

I don't know, in XMLNamespace parameter which URL need to use.



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0 487
· Jul 27, 2021
How To Pass Custom Class

I've created a custom class that extends to the standard HS.Message.PatientSearchRequest. Inside the custom class i just want to pass the data as input only.

But i am getting ERROR #6277: Type attribute, s01:AcoPatientSearchRequest, does not specify valid type for XML input tag: pRequest (ending at line 5 character 171)

I tried adding Parameter XMLIGNOREINVALIDTAG = 1; and

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0 486
· Nov 7, 2016
web service


I have created a asp web service and it is hosted in our internal server. How can i consume that web service in cache class method? It is a soap web service with xml input and xml output. It works fine in all the browser.

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0 484

I'm writing a SOAP client in Ensemble (2017.2.2) that is required to pass empty elements to the SOAP server in the form <xsi:type="ns:ResponsibleUser"/> where ResponsibleUser is a class that itself has no properties. I initially thought I'd found the answer with the XMLIGNORENULL parameter of XML enabled classes but this didn't make any difference for SOAP requests, only working when I wrote the XML to a file.

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0 483
· Jan 16, 2020
debugging web client

I used the soap wizard to create a web client based on the wsdl. I was able to get a valid response back, and now it looks like the error is in decrypting the soap message response "inbound"

ERROR #6284: Security header error: SecurityTokenUnavailable.

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0 479

I am doing an implementation of a SAML 2.0 SingleSignOn protocol integration which requires a signed message with the signature element in the body of the SOAP message, not the header as is default SOAP security handling. Any suggestions for how to do this would be greatly appreciated. When it is passed in the header, it is not processed by our partner and we just get a "Signature Required" response.

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0 463


I have been experimenting with the creation of a set of REST services for an app. The basic GET operation is set to create a %ZEN.proxyObject instance, and then set an instance of a Persistant class as a property, which gives me all of the values I want to return. However, it also gives me some values that I don't want to return over REST (because they are both private, and large registered objects which will bog down performance)

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0 454

I'm asking this best-practices question on behalf of a customer.

They have a Caché-based application, and an Ensemble production deployed in front as an ESB to provide web service API access to the back end application. They're looking for a best practice approach for the scenario where the Caché back end is calling a third-party web service. Should that go through Ensemble too? It's sort of a philosophical design question/debate.

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