I'm trying to test SOAP integration by using one Ensemble production to send a SOAP message to another production, but I'm seeing the following error when I try to pass a message between the two:

ERROR #6248: SOAP response is a SOAP fault: faultcode=Server
faultstring=Internal Server Error
<error xmlns="http://tempuri.org">
<text>ERROR #7900: Service 'SOAP' not enabled for application '/csp/healthshare/hspc/'</text>

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Good afternoon,

first thank you from heart and mind, mind and heart; for reading, thinking, reflecting, responding, and above all explaining a possible solution and/or documentation to address this doubt.

We would need a way to get inside a SOAP Web Service the SAML Assertion, and then, send it directly to the endpoint throught a SOAP Operation.

Currently we have researched and developed how to get the SAML Assertion with the following code:

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· Aug 16, 2023
Web client from SOAP Service

I created a web service and used the Studio SOAP Wizard to generate a client from the WSDL file of the service. But the client is throwing the error as shown below

WebServiceClientClass '' could not be instantiated, or the WebServiceURL Location could not be determined

What have I missed?

Is there a better way to create a client?

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We currently have the following scenario: We have a bussiness SOAP Operation, where we get a SAML String and we convert it into a %SAML.Assertion object correctly.

👩‍💻👨‍💻 We would need to send the SAML Assertion inside the SOAP Header to the Target System.

First of all thanks for reading, and thanks for answering.

We currently have opened Log Soap and we do not observe it being added to the SOAP Header, as you would observe in the following Log Soap:

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First of all thanks for your time, and thanks for your help.

We have the following doubt: how HTTP status is being replied from a SOAP Service to the Outbund System?

Where in HealtShare 2020's classes is being replied an HTTP/200 OK or an HTTP/500 or any SOAP HTTP status code?

We ask this because some outbound systems do need to have an HTTP 200 to being able to process our SOAP responses.

We have been examining the following classes:


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