I want to connect IRIS system as it has all the database tables. on top of that I am creating a REST API in python. How can I connect to IRIS DB. here is my example code for connection

def connect():

connection_string = "localhost:1972/USER"

username = "_SYSTEM"

password = "SYS"

conn = iris.connect(connection_string, username, password)

after this connection is created but how can I get tables data. Please let me know more about how we can integrate IRIS database into a python REST API.

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Using VECTOR_COSINE() in SQL query to perform a text similarity search on existing embeddings in a %VECTOR column.

Code is below.

Commented out sql query returns this error: SQLCODE: -29 Field 'NEW_EMBEDDING_STR' not found in the applicable tables^ SELECT TOP ? maxID , activity , outcome FROMMain .AITest ORDER BY VECTOR_COSINE ( new_embedding_str ,

Sql query as written returns ERROR #5002: ObjectScript error: <PYTHON EXCEPTION> *<class 'OSError'>: isc_stdout_write: PyArg_ParseTuple failed!

0 10
0 223
· Oct 2, 2024
Python.net Install

This is for IRIS For Health 2024.2.0

We are migrating away from the .NET Gateway and trying to use the python integration instead.

I followed the instructions to install IRIS

Then I installed python following the IRIS documentation indicating that python should be installed globally.

I set up the PythonRuntimeLibrary and PythonRuntimeLibraryVersion options under System->Configuration->Advanced memory settings and when I run the shell function, I get python:

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Hey guys,
I need your help.

I am writing a code in Python and I want to create a database and some properties and then to send json files (data) to this database. (I use client-server-model for loading the data into IRIS)

I use curl methods and convert it in Python code with:


My code so far:

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I am writing a Python tools I want to access the %Monitor.System.License properties:

  1. AvailableDist
  2. AvailableLocal
  3. MaxUsedDist
  4. MaxUsedLocal
  5. CurrentUsedDist
  6. CurrentUsedLocal

Initially I want to develop Objectscript to verify access to the properties. But I can not figure the proper syntax.

I first attempted:

set ans = ##class(%Monitor.System.License).AvailableDist

which failed.

I tried another approach:

set ans = ##CLASS(%Monitor.System.License).%GetParameter("AvailableLocal")

0 2
0 269

After running many tests to kick the tires calling Python from COS (which worked fine) in any directory, I encountered problems when trying to access Python libraries like Numpy from any OTHER namespace. I saw some other posts about this but the resolution seems unclear. When I run the test program method numpytest below in %SYS it works just fine. If i run the Python method in any other namespace I get:

PITT>do ##class(test.python).numpytest()
DO ##CLASS(test.python).numpytest()
<OBJECT DISPATCH> *python object not found

0 4
0 138

New to Python. Attempting to use pypyodbc to select data from a table in one Cache database, and inserting into a similarly configured table in another. Process works fine except for tables containing Date types. NULL values in date columns are handled without issue, but when data is present, insert fails with:

An error occurred: argument 7: TypeError: 'NoneType' object cannot be interpreted as an integer.

Source table:

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0 86
· Oct 27, 2020
Configure IRIS using Python

I am trying to configure IRIS using python. The first task I wanted to do it change the journal directory. I cannot figure out the right way to work with the Config.Journal class with python. I can get the text to query the current setting.

returnValue = dbnative.classMethodValue("Config.Journal","GetList")
print(returnValue )

But I don't see a straightforward way to parse the $List returned by GetList() I was hoping there was an easier way.

How do I

1. Query configuration parameters?

2. Set configuration parameters?

Using python?

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When looking at the "Current License Usage Summary" web page, there is a line for both local and distributed "Maximum Connections". I have scrutinized every class that seems reasonable to contain this information but have found nothing that matches the values on the web page. I do not believe these are related to license specifically though I did review all of the potential attributes of the license related classes to no avail.

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0 326
· Nov 11, 2020
Create Database using Python
I am trying to create a database using python. The example shows setting a Name string and a Properties object containing Directory=.

; Use class methods to create an instance
 %SYS>s Name="ABC"
 %SYS>s Properties("Directory")="c:\abc\"
 %SYS>s Status=##Class(Config.Databases).Create(Name,.Properties)
 %SYS>i '$$$ISOK(Status) w !,"Error="_$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(Status)

How do I update and pass the Directory property using Python?

0 3
0 266
· Jul 28, 2023
IRISPIP Cryptodome C++ Error


I need AES ECB with PKSC7 padding for an interface.
Unfortunately, the %SYSTEM.Encryption.AESEncode cannot do this.

Therefore I wanted to include the following python lib.
PyCrptydome -> https://pycryptodome.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html

We need to install the package offline on the system. So I downloaded it and put it in the MGR/Python/ directory.

However, when I try to install it, I get the following error message:

0 11
0 280

Hello everybody,

I've been experimenting with Embedded Python and have been following the steps outlined in this documentation: https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls...

I'm trying to convert a python dictionary into an objectscript array but there is an issue with the 'arrayref' function, that is not working as in the linked example.

This is a snapshoot of my IRIS terminal:

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Hence the question: is there a way to do that?

The goal is to get data (from half a thousand to 3-4 thousands lines) from DB, calculate standart deviation then use it as logical condition in analyzer.

For example IF std > custom_value = show_the_result ELSE null

There is a STDDEV(MDX) method used in Analyzer but it is a measure and it can not be used as logical condition (correct me if i am wrong)

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0 73

I'm after some more in-depth information about how the embedded python is implemented with regards to how it works when a python method is called from a CSP page. Will it run in the same Windows process? Will there be any issues with multitasking (considering python doesn't seem very good at this)?

Also, is there a performance penalty to pay for running embedded python vs "using IRIS APIs from Python".

Another question is what python interpreter the embedded python is using? Is it an Intersystems one or the regular c.python? Version?

Excited to go Python!

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0 307
· Dec 2, 2024
Python installation

Hi Community,

I have installed python from https://www.python.org/downloads/

and the installed path of this application is my local C:\Users\data\AppData\Local\Programs\Python

and i am trying to run C:\InterSystems\IRIS_SANDBOX\bin>irispip install in command prompt and getting the below error

'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file

is there anything else i am missing here please add

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0 150

I was interested in accessing IRIS (Healthshare) using Python. I found instructions how to this here: https://github.com/intersystems/quickstarts-python/tree/master/Solutions...

The installation went well using pip and when python executes "import irisnative" it works fine. It just fails with a connection timeout when I try "irisnative.createConnection(...)." Below is my code:

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0 272

Hi all,
I am trying to execute a query like the below code.
set statement = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("some_class:query_method"). // here query method is empty and with rowspec some columname


I want to fetch data type of column value returned from above. eg - Name - VARCHAR, amount - INTEGER etc.
How can I get it. Or if not possible directly. Is there any other way to validate or get datatype of values returned. Line we have type() in python3

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0 1.1K


In my Iris Installation I cannot use python. When I try to install external libraries I get no OPENSSL_Applink:

$ pwd
$ ./irispip install --target ../Mgr/python/ pandas
OPENSSL_Uplink(00007FFBEC2F7068,08): no OPENSSL_Applink

I get the same error when I try to install a wheel file:

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