· Aug 10, 2018
using Microsoft diskspd


Has anyone got any experience of using the Microsoft diskspd utility to test the storage infrastructure in Healthshare/Ensemble environment.

I am interested in getting some figures to highlight any issues with different approaches to provisioning the disks on our new environment.

I am at a loss as to what parameters I should use to give a reasonable synthetic load that will give me any indication of potential issues. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Kind Regards,


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Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

InterSystems IRIS from Spark to Finish
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I would like to know if an encrypted caché database can run significantly slower than a normal "unencrypted" database, in a way that is noticeable to the end user (e.g. slower response time for most pages, especially the ones that rely on read/writing to globals).

I searched in Intersystems knowledge base and couldn't find anything related. I'm looking for possible before/after benchmarks.

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