· Feb 26, 2018 2m read
M:N Relationship

If you have worked with Caché Objects,
You know already all about Relationships (one:many , parent:child) ...
But you will not find a word on many:many relationships in the docs.

But I met the question quite often from new adopters of Caché objects:
"Is it possible to implement many:many relationships ?" YES - of course !

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Hi, Community!

There would be a webinar in two days by analysts Steve Duplessie and Mike Leone from Enterprise Strategy Group and Joe Lichtenberg, director of marketing for Data Platforms at InterSystems. They will present their recent research on operational and analytics workloads on a unified data platform and discuss the top database deployments and infrastructure challenges that organizations are struggling with, including managing data growth and database size and meeting database performance requirements. And Joe Lichtenberg will introduce attendees to the company’s latest product, InterSystems IRIS Data Platform. Join!

Building Smarter, Faster, and Scalable Data-Rich Applications for Businesses that Operate in Real-Time

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A request came from a customer to estimate how long it would take to encrypt a database with cvencrypt utility.

This question is a little bit like how long is a piece of string — it depends. But its an interesting question. The answer primarily depends on the performance of CPU and storage on the target platform the customer is using, so the answer is more about coming up with a simple methodology that can be used to benchmark the CPU and storage while running cvencrypt.

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Hello all.

I think the forum experience is great as whole, but it could improve even more if we had somewhere to share our ideas. So that's why I'm creating a thread dedicated for that purpose. Maybe this way someone from InterSystems could catch something good?

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Hi, Community!

Recently we announced Developer Community Meetup in Cambridge, MA. Let me describe what is it.

Meetup it's a one evening event where you can enjoy some sessions by presenters (today InterSystems engineers, tomorrow you can be a presenter) and chat with local developers and InterSystems developers, engineers and product managers (depends on who is in town) and discuss your problems, experience, and success with InterSystems technologies.

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· Nov 14, 2016 1m read
openssl for Windows


Where can I find the openssl command line tool for Windows?


The openssl command line utility comes with Unix, but not with Windows. It is used for working with security certificates.

The main site is

There are no binaries on this site but in the Community section there is a link for binaries which leads to:

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If I am in a community on this website looking at articles would expect a search box at top so I can search within this community.

1) The search top right is too general (I don't want to have to sub search, refine or just ignore irrelevant results)

2) Most forums have the ability to easily search within them on other sites, which is what as a user I would expect

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Presenter: Rich Taylor
Task: Use an LDAP schema that differs from the provided default
Approach: Give examples of customized LDAP schema development, using LDAP APIs and ZAUTHORIZE

In this session we explore the various options of for working with LDAP as an authentication and authorization framework. We will look beyond the simple LDAP schemas into working with more complex LDAP configurations that incorporate application level security information.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Presenter: Andreas Dieckow
Task: Securely store sensitive information
Approach: Give examples of data-at-rest encryption and data element encryption

Description: In this session, InterSystems will showcase how to use API calls to programmatically do everything using your own scripts. This approach is highly effective if you have recipe based settings and configurations that you would like to roll out in a controlled and fast fashion.

Problem: Implement Security relevant information correctly and how. Examples are Credit Card information, Sensitive information (e.g. SSN, Classified Information)

Solution: Data-at-rest encryption and data element encryption

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Presenter: Andreas Dieckow
Task: Apply SQL security to multiple servers in a distributed system
Approach: Provide code samples for using new API calls to apply SQL security statements to multiple instances of our products

Description: The requirement that started at all. See examples on how to use this new feature and integrate it into your application by discuss code examples.

Problem: SQL Security is local to the instance and most of time driven by customer application code. That it is only local to the instance and is not automatically going to other instances requires a solution.

Solution: With application code use new API calls to issue SQL security statements that is applied to multiple instances.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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0 239

Presenter: Benjamin De Boe
Task: Perform advanced analytics on huge amounts of data
Approach: Use third-party analytics frameworks to leverage your entire clustered environment

In this session, we’ll explain what machine learning means and how it can help you gain insights in vast amounts of data, leveraging complex environments.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Presenter: Harry Tong
Task: Load terabytes of data into a distributed environment
Approach: Leverage parallelism and open-source tools

In this session, we’ll discuss how to load TBs of data into a distributed environment, leveraging parallelism and open source to reach exceptional load rates.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Presenter: Tony Pepper
Task: Host an application based on InterSystems’ technology in a public cloud environment
Approach: Provide a checklist of things to think about before you deploy

Are you looking at hosting your applications in the public cloud? This talk will highlight what you need to think about when deploying InterSystems technology in any public cloud environment.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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