Hello guys,

I've got this piece of code which runs the method "WebMethod", that belongs to %SOAP.WebBase.cls.

It grabs the outcome from an internal webservice we have and after that, it writes into a file.

The thing is, when I browse the file contents, I realize that in the place where a special character should be, I see a question mark.

By querying the same webservice from a special soap tool called "SoapSonar" (I've been using this for years), the outcome shows up this special character (shows it properly).

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Hello, we have a few hundreds of triggers to port from Oracle to Cachè for a migration project, and many of them have to change (for example, normalize a value, null it, etc) the value which is being inserted.

The documentation says "You cannot set {fieldname*N} in trigger code." , so we're unlucky.

Is there a good workaround for this ?

SqlComputeOnChange doesn't seem the best way, but I'm not totally sure: for example normalization and validation could have a better place somewhere else than a trigger.

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0 347

Hi, Community!

Please welcome a new session recording from Global Summit 2017:

A Mocking Framework: Laugh at Unit Tests

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Has anyone tried adding syntax highlighting to GitHub for Caché CLS files?

Looking at the list of supported languages and extensions...


It looks like Mumps is supported, and there is also an existing language with a .cls extension, which would account for why I see some very odd highlighting going on with some of my code.

There is a page on contributing a new language here...

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0 410

This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : go to article https://community.intersystems.com/post/advent-code-2016-day1-no-time-ta...

You walk into a room, step on a tile and hear a loud click...

Traps !

The challenge is about avoiding traps.

You can recognise if a tile is a trap by following scheme :

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0 206

This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : go to article https://community.intersystems.com/post/advent-code-2016-day1-no-time-ta...

The challenge of today has nothing to do with real two-factor authentication ! (sorry if you came to this article by searching the real thing)

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0 252


My doubt is about the SQL Query in Caché:

I don't want to take all results from the table and orgainze them manually, for example: I have a table with 50 records, but I only want to select 10 records, being from tenth until the twentieth and this without knowing their IDs.

So, how can I do this, without losing performance, there is any way?

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1 3.1K


Consider I have a class Package.Data with Property UniqueStringValue as %String.

I introduced the Index for this property:

 Index ValueIndex on UniqueStringValue [Unique];

It works well. But if I try to check if there is an object with the certain value in code like this:

if ##class(Package.Data).ValueIndexExists(value)  

this expression fails, if value="value", even if there is an instance with instance.UniqueStingValue="Value"

How can I set the index to prevent saving case sensitive values in this class?

0 6
0 521

I have classes A and B, B derived from A, A has method Abc.

From INT of class B I see that compiler copies implementation of Abc to class B, so that Abc exists both in A and B.

As result, when B invokes Abs, B.Abs() is executed instead of A.Abs(). In result debuger is not able to step into Abs and breakpoints in A.Abs never hit.

Why this happens and how can I avoid this?


OK, now I know the reason: compiler makes the copy if Abc has this line:

0 21
0 395

Here's my issue. I've been using Sample.* globals and packages mapped to another development namespace to realize unit tests. So when I ran it, I notice that I forgot to start a transaction in order to be able rollback it to it's original data.

I assumed that I should use transactions since I was manipulating it's data but I didn't want it to be persisted.

0 1
0 350

Good day,

I need to find out if it is possible somehow to receive actual linux TIMESTAMP for example with $NOW() or other functions.
I was trying to recalculate it with $NOW() function, but without success. I would like to simulate Redis TIME command in COS.

My tryings:

USER > set time = $NOW()

USER > w (($PIECE(time,",",1)*86399) + $PIECE(time,",",2))

But in Redis it is:

0 7
0 640

Hi everyone,

I'm having trouble parsing XML containing unicode characters which I receive from an external webservice. I believe my file is saved properly with UTF-8 encoding but the SAX Parser still throws me an error.

I have 2 classmethods: 1 general one (get) to make a request to a webservice and return the date, and 1 (getSportsPerDate) to make a specific call and then parse the data.

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0 2.2K

What is difference between using a command $classmethod rather than just invoking them straight away?

For example if i need to call a class and its method i can just use like

do ##class(circle).radius()

rather than using

do $classmethod("circle",radius)

(I suppose both of them doing the same function i am not aware of it)

Please help me understand what is different and is there any specific usage.

Correct me if i have made mistake.

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0 392
· Oct 18, 2017
Rebuild class index

I have a class. In class there is an index. This index is for quick search on name property.

Class User


Property Name as %String;

Index NameInd On Name;



This class is mapped to some global ^GL(userId) = "Name*other data....****"

And there is also index global ^GLNameIndex(Name, userId) = ""

When I add new User entry through class, f. i.

S user = ##class(User).%New()
S user.Name = "Some name"
​D user.%Save()

calling method %Save() adding new entry to index automatically.

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0 1.4K

With help from others here I had developed some code to take a Base64 PDF within a OBX.5 and save it locally to the file structure on the server.

I had to make a change to the code to return me a String so I can pass the Path back into Ensemble to use it in the message. When I made this change I am getting " ERROR #5034: Invalid status code structure ("/ensemble/data/transfer/AncillaryPDF/TMSAUDIO/Apr-11-1/980512729TMSAUDIO1046784936436537800.pdf")"

Here is the code...

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