
For CachéQuality I'd love to be able to create issues when the programmer uses classes which are deprecated for this or that version of Caché... But short of reading all the changelogs of all versions, I can't really tell when a command appeared (for instance RETURN; I know now that it appeared in 2014.x, but it took me some time to realize that), or when a (set of) class(es) became deprecated (for instance %GlobalCharacterStream to be replaced with %Stream.GlobalCharacter -- I don't even know since which version this is true :/).

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I hereby announce the creation of an IRC channel dedicated to Caché development:

* network: FreeNode (connect to server: irc.freenode.net)

* channel: ##cos (yes, two hashes).

Topic is anything related to Caché development in spite of the name (and the fact that of Caché development I only really know about COS anyway), so sorry in advance for the restrictive channel name :)

Waiting for you here! (my nick is idletask on freenode)

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Link: https://demo.cachequality.com

In this presentation, developer oriented, we will cover this tool, how it works, how you can use it/administer it, etc. Duration 30 minutes.

The topics will include:

  • a short presentation of Caché Quality and SonarQube (which this plugin uses),
  • a demonstration of the rules and how to tailor them to your need.

Questions will be more than welcome! Hope to see you there!

And a big thanks to Evgeny Shvarov who made this possible!

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This morning on the old Caché Google Group, someone posed the following question, which I've decided to answer here, because it's interesting!

Is there a way to iterate ClassMethod's params, and get param's names and values?

The first answer I can come up with is: it's not easy! In any method, you could try to write code like this (where methodName is the name of your method):

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