I have a csv record mapper that reads in a batch and my batch has a header and trailer that changes all the time but it is of fixed length so I override the Get Batch Header method from the simplebatch class to something like below but my problem is when the batch is read in It still tries to bring in another empty batch like the picture below any reason why that is here is my code.The red code is the changes made. After several trace logs it is being called twice first time with the batch [1] and[5]is the second call how can I stop that from happening

0 5
1 417

Hello there,

I have some problem with inserting date to table using dynamic sql.

I have Country class. This table has relationship with class Continent as parent and child. In addition I have another statistic class where property Country has type of Country class. I get ID such as "1||1" next I execute dynamic sql INSERT INTO Stats(Country) VALUES("_CountryId_"). Then I select Stats table and see that value of Country column is "11") As a result a can't get Country object.

Please advice solution of this problem

Thank you

0 2
0 358

Hello everyone,

Im just wondering if there is any possibility to "Listen" to a cache DB? We have our cache DB somewhere else provided by a different company, we are provided the interface to connect to that cache DB so we can extract the cache DB every night.

Im just curious if theres a way to "listen" to the cache DB, so if theres any changes on the table in the cache DB, I could make a trigger to extract the table again.

I know i could just set my ETL every hour or so... but that would extract all the tables in cache DB.

0 9
0 761

Hi Guys,

I' am using Cache Object Binding for .NET, our Cache Version is Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2010.2 (Build 454U).

How can I set the connection for Cache List of Objects? Here is my sample code.

//CACHEObject as my file generated from OBJECT BINDING

CACHEObject.ContainerImco containerImco = new CACHEObject.ContainerImco(cacheConnection);
CacheListOfObjects<CACHEObject.ContainerImco> lcontainerImco = new CacheListOfObjects<CACHEObject.ContainerImco>();

//Already tried this one but fails

1 4
0 863
· Jun 29, 2018

I wrote a ZAUTHENTICATE.mac a couple of months back, and found recently that it is creating coredumps on almost a nightly basis. I think I have figured out this problem to be not clearing out my MsgSearch after I am doing 2 of them within the code.

1. Get User Attibutes from AD

2. Get User Groups From AD

So while I am trying to cleanup the code I thought it would be a good time to add a Certificate and TLS to the mix since I should of been using that all along. However I keep running into issues

1 14
0 484

I have a class that has a property calledTags (like DescriptiveWords, but tags), where multiple tags are possible. I am trying to decide on list of Objects vs. array of Objects.

Based on this post: https://community.intersystems.com/post/querying-list-property-sql, sounds like using an array of Objects is the better way to go. Indeed, I already noticed that it's not possible to have duplicates when using an array of Objects.

0 4
0 850

Hello Global masters,

I have some question about How can I connect C# to Cache Object without VisM?

I am always using VisM when I want to connect C# to Cache Object becouse I learn it from my co-worker .

but When I asked something in here about Cache Object and someone worte "don't use VisM because it is old thing" like that.

So I want to know about that

Thank you


0 1
0 346

I have a service that takes a file and pass it through to the production .While I am passing the file through I get the file stream and set it to a variable within my message and the variable is of type %Ens.StreamContainer. But after all processing and I need to write out my file to a pdf format The file gets written but is a corrupt file since I can not read it I have tried this with asimple pass through everything is fine .But here I do not know what I am doing wrong here is the operation code

0 11
0 850

I have a class thus:-

Class RMH.ClinDoc.Response.GetEPRDisplayResponse Extends Ens.Response [ProcedureBlock]


Property GetEPRDisplayResult As %XML.String;


The property GetEPRDisplayResult contains html content.

When I write out the property in a terminal, all the html special character content is encoded e.g. '<' is &lt; '>' is &gt ; etc....

I want to display this html in a browser and have it render as normal.

So my question is how to I store html content in a cache object such that it renders correctly in a browser?

0 3
0 713

Hi folks,

One of my clients want to project a null property of a cache object to an empty XML element. Say, if we have a class:

Class Diabetes.BS.Message.LabReportMessage Extends Ens.Request

Property Report As %String;

Property IsRisky As %Boolean;

Property RiskValue As %String ;


If the instance of this class has a null RiskValue, after projection, they want the XML as following:

0 1
0 814

In Studio, you can open the inspector and view the SQL Storage Map on %Persistent classes. Can you do this in Atelier or do you have to read the XML text? If it doesn't currently exist, are there plans to include it? The inability to perform certain functions in Atelier that can be done in Studio can be a 'point of conflict' when asking/forcing/encouraging developers to move to Atelier.

1 2
0 330

1) I have an oref pointing to an object on disk

2) I save the object which causes an UPDATE / AFTER Trigger to fire, and updates a value in an embedded object property

3) I would like to see that new embedded property value in my in-memory object (for unit testing)

Is there a way to do this via a method call? Or do I need to close the object and re-open it to see the updated value?



0 1
0 278

I have a serial object:

Class EmbedObj Extends %SerialObject

which is stored as a property of another object

Class ContainerObj Extends %Persistent

Property InnerObj As EmbedObj;

Property Foobar As %String;


From within the context of an instance of EmbedObj, how can I navigate to the containing instance of "ContainterObj" and find that value of its Foobar property?

0 8
0 655

Hello All,

I hope it's not a silly question.

Here is my issue:
I have 3 simple classes:

Parent class, let's say:

Class ParentClass Extends %RegisteredObject
Property a As %String;

and two children classes
Class A.Child Extends ParentClass
Property b As %String;

Class B.Child Extends ParentClass
Property c As %String;

So no issues - all compiles and seem to work.

But, when I add %XML.Adaptor to my parent class, so:

0 3
0 1.1K
· Jun 14, 2018
Single Row SQL.Snapshot

I have several stored procedures that when I execute them they will only return a single snapshot. In my BP I have been setting this to a Snapshot variable then looping using a WHILE through the snapshot variable just to get that single value.

Since it is only a single row, is there an easier way where I don't have to do a WHILE loop to pull the values out of that row? Can I call First Row or something like that to get me just the row into the Snapshot variable?

0 1
0 435

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to built a SSIS package thru BIDS Visual Studio 2013. My Datasource is a InterSystems Cache Database, I wanted to Import Tables records from the Datasource to MS SQL Server 2014.

As a Sanity check. I only created one Package to import one Table to MSSQL Server to try out. The connection to the InterSystems Cache Database was successful. The DSN for the InterSystems Cache Database is created in the System for 32 and 64 Bit.

0 6
0 2K

Without installing Kerberos has anyone Authenticated a SQL JDBC connection? Currently we are using local SQL Accounts to sign onto External SQL Databases, but we are being told that we need to switch to Service accounts that live on a Active Directory Domain.

I wrote with a little help a ZAUTHENICATE to do the Authentication for Ensemble, can I use something like that to connect to an External SQL Database using a Service Account on a Active Directory Domain?



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