When I tried to migrate one of ZEN applications to IRIS from 2018.1 I'm faced with the issue with Login Page, in this case used some ZEN page, completely customized. But when a user tries to get access, he gets the error like below.

The requested URL /csp/user/User.Login.cls was not found on this server.

I tried to test it with a fresh just created login page class

Class User.Login Extends %CSP.Page

ClassMethod OnPage() As %Status
  Quit $$$OK


Set it to /csp/user application as Login page, and

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I know there are several alternatives, but I would like to find the easiest & simpler ones to store data coming in Json format from post requests and also allowing me to do SQL queries.

I want to have a property called favouriteColors. I want to store a few colors, and I want to be able to do queries to get top favorite colors, etc... so not handling the list of colors as just a fixed string or fixed object.

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0 499

Hi all

Does anyone have an easy way of reading the cdata in the xml response returned buy a Webservice?

At the moment I have a XML class and then I use read.Correlate() to read through that XML bit.

However, depending on the message I have different things in the CData and I don't want to create a class for each one of these.

The API returns the cddata as KeyValueOfstringstring.

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0 514

Hello everyone,

I have a question, I am trying to use xecute command, but something wrong happen when i was using the command, and i don't know why hahahaha.

I created a file .mac with this code:

label(test) public{
       set routine="variable"
       set call="write routine,!"
       xecute call

But when i run the command, show me this message error:

<UNDEFINED>label+3^tstFJR3 *routine

After that i changed the code to:

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0 224

Dear ladies and gentlemen, in the last month I've improved my Tool Caché Monitor... but first: the name

The name Caché Monitor was chosen to reflect the close integration of the tool with the Caché database. The established name Intersystems Caché will likely be completely replaced by InterSystems IRIS Data Platform in the foreseeable future I think. So a rebranding step became necessary. In order to be less closely tied to a product name in the future, a new name has been chosen to be more neutral: SQL Data Lens

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Totally new to IRIS and Cache.

Trying to evaluate it and work out how we could use it.

As a standard application database. Object or relational etc. does not matter.

Issue is ObjectScript.


1) Can we develop, maintain and use an IRIS database and never use ObjectScript i.e. use only Java, Python, C++ interfaces etc. (exactly which one does not matter)? Would that make designing and using the IRIS database more prone to inefficiency and error?

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0 869

Hi, a client have a installed enviroment with mirror activated, but when you test SSL on webservices you can get an error, not SSL access correctly from browser because certificate problem apparently with TLS Version, someone have a suggestion to reinstall SSL Certificates on mirrors ?

Chrome : something wrong, no details or diagnostic

We try simple regenerate Authority an regenerate all certificates, but not worked. Same results.

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0 205
· Jan 12, 2020
Timeout for $zf

In one of the projects, when we have ECP with 10 ECP application servers, from time to time we faced the issue when our journals fail to purge, due to open transactions. While we have about 100-150 GB journal files per day, it quite quickly became a big issue, and with mirroring a very big issue. Mostly we just rebooted our ECP Data server, so it searches rollbacks any transactions, but such process is too long, may steal a few hours. I did not find any way, how to get the list of the open transactions from one place from ECP Data Server. We just migrated our Data server to 2018.1.

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· Jun 19, 2020 5m read
Migrate from Java Business Host to PEX

Migrate from Java Business Host to PEX

With the release PEX in InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 and InterSystems IRIS for Health 2020.1, customers have a better way to build Java into productions than the Java Business Host. PEX provides a complete set of APIs for building interoperability components and is available in both Java and .NET. The Java Business Host has been deprecated and will be retired in a future release.

Advantages of PEX

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As we all well know, InterSystems IRIS has an extensive range of tools for improving the scalability of application systems. In particular, much has been done to facilitate the parallel processing of data, including the use of parallelism in SQL query processing and the most attention-grabbing feature of IRIS: sharding. However, many mature developments that started back in Caché and have been carried over into IRIS actively use the multi-model features of this DBMS, which are understood as allowing the coexistence of different data models within a single database. For example, the HIS qMS database contains both semantic relational (electronic medical records) as well as traditional relational (interaction with PACS) and hierarchical data models (laboratory data and integration with other systems). Most of the listed models are implemented using SP.ARM's qWORD tool (a mini-DBMS that is based on direct access to globals). Therefore, unfortunately, it is not possible to use the new capabilities of parallel query processing for scaling, since these queries do not use IRIS SQL access.

Meanwhile, as the size of the database grows, most of the problems inherent to large relational databases become right for non-relational ones. So, this is a major reason why we are interested in parallel data processing as one of the tools that can be used for scaling.

In this article, I would like to discuss those aspects of parallel data processing that I have been dealing with over the years when solving tasks that are rarely mentioned in discussions of Big Data. I am going to be focusing on the technological transformation of databases, or, rather, technologies for transforming databases.

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I wonder if anyone could help me.

I'm used to writing Microsoft SQL database queries, but at the moment I am also trying to write reports on an IRIS database (used to be cache) in Microsoft BIDS.

My chief headache is parameters. They don't behave the "normal way" in BIDS, in that you can't rename them. Therefore, referencing them in the main code is a nightmare for me.

Say my report has two parameters. If i want to refer to both in a dataset, I have to list them in the order they are in the report and both by using a question mark, ie:

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