· Jul 28, 2023
Class Documentation

I like to add documentation to the top of every class I write. Is there a way to modify or create a template that would automatically add the lines below to the top of the class? I primarily use Studio IDE but would like to be able to do this using VS Code as well.

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I have tried many methods from super classes of %CSP.REST but I can't find a method I can override that will run after the %response object is created so I can set a header that is common to each implementation method. It's one line of code in each method to set the header but it would like to make it super easy, simple and just have a method that runs on, before, after the implementation method to set this common header (we want to return the API version in each responses HTTP headers.

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0 126

Hello everyone!
Sorry for the vague title! But I wonder what would be the best way to easily import a large XML-file into a production, modifying it by deleting elements and nodes depending on what values are in those nodes/elements and later creating whole new XML-file from that?

I have gone through this: Using Caché XML Tools | Caché & Ensemble 2018.1.4 – 2018.1.8 (

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· Dec 14, 2023
LDAP Logging

I am trying to troubleshoot an issue with LDAP and a specific user. Besides what is in the Audit Database is there another way to look to see the LDAP functionality that is being called and the response, like there is with OAuth and the ISCLOG? The Audit Log is returning a failure (Unexpected - /api/atelier login failure | InterSystems Developer Community) for this particular user, and I want to get proof that it might be something with the LDAP and not IRIS.



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Hi All,

I have two tables LB_TestSet and LB_Transfer

LB_Transfer has a list if TestSet row IDs, so i am doing the following join

FROM SQLUser.LB_TestSet 
WHERE LBTS_CollectedDate BETWEEN '2019-01-01' AND  '2019-05-10'

Without the date filter the query returns data, but if i add the date filter no data is returned

I also tried using %INTERNAL, %EXTERNAL TO_DATE('2009-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD')

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· Nov 18, 2019
Cache vs IRIS install

Has the Cache install been replaced with IRIS? Sorry if this is a silly question. I remember downloading Cache before and using Cache studio. I can't seem to find a download for that anymore, just IRIS? I did grab that and I'm able to connect Studio to what I need.

If there is still a Cache download, where can I find it?


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0 788

Hi Team,

I want to save image/file using inter system iris web api.

I am sending file as Base64 formate in JSON object to api .and I want to save it at D/Images folder.

please refer below code that i was tried.

Obj.OrganizationLogoBase64--> has base64 value of image

Set decode = $System.Encryption.Base64Decode(Obj.OrganizationLogoBase64)

set file = ##class(%Stream.GlobalBinary).%New()

do file.Write(decode)

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After I loaded the intersystems/iam:0.34-1-1 image in local, I am trying to do the next step of configuration.

2) Configure your InterSystems IRIS instance

2a) Enable the /api/IAM web application
2b) Enable the IAM user
2c) Change the password for the IAM user

Do we need to change these settings in iris.cpf file? any inputs where we have to configure? I have IRIS 2019.1.1 installed in my machine.



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· Sep 22, 2020
VSCode and CSP - what did I miss?

Hi -

I'm trying to get my VS Code instance that is connected to an AWS IRIS instance to edit/save/compile .csp files, but it's failing to work and I'm not sure why. The ".csp" is associated with the objectscript-csp code, and the server is connected, but things just don't act like they are enabled.

Should this work? and if so, what might I have missed in configuring things?

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Hello there developers,

As I started to install the IRIS for community editing I came across this interface. (Image attached below)

Is there a major difference in these 2 types of installations and is there a place where I can refer with regard to this in detail please?

Please let me know.

Thank you in advance.

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