InterSystems FAQ rubric

If you want to run an OS executable file, command, or a program created within an InterSystems product when the InterSystems product starts, write the processing in the SYSTEM^%ZSTART routine. (The %ZSTART routine is created in the %SYS namespace).

Before you write any code in SYSTEM^%ZSTART, make sure that it works properly under all conditions.

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We are looking again into DB size. Looking at our Ens.MessageHeaderI GSIZE is 3767107

Looking at the global i'm not sure if we have had an issue in the past so much of the data looks the same, we only have 3 values in the $zwc and although some of the data in the $c between 1 and 18630 it looks very similar as if there was an issue in the past. But if anyone has any examples of their index param this would help to know if our global is abnormal.

Data below

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Hi, I am trying to optimize a method, I am only occasionally receiving Internal Server Error from GUI interaction and when viewing the Application Error Log in IRISHealth this is what I see. <UNDEFINED>%0Ac+3^%sqlcq.QM.uEgYAnxQ4duxnAiaOpZgvilz1tlo.1 *sqldata15d : CSP Error .

I have no idea how to read this and pinpoint the issue.

Full details below.

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Hi Community,

Watch the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Introduction to HealthShare Unified Care Record
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Hello Community,

I have encountered the following SQL problem trying to create a table from a SELECT statement.

I narrowed the problem down to the following example:

1. The SELECT statement alone works as expected.

SELECT m.Name, h.Status 
FROM EnsLib_HL7.Message m, Ens.MessageHeader h 
WHERE h.MessageBodyClassName='EnsLib.HL7.Message' AND h.MessageBodyID = m.ID

2. But if "CREATE TABLE ... AS" is added it fails

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· Jun 6, 2024
API Response truncating?

I have an API that does not have all the data. Like it is truncated. Magic number of characters seems to be 163,280

I do an <assign>


The error does not happen when the response is < 163,280 chars. And when < 163,280 chars, it is a complete FHIR Bundle. Have anyone experienced this? If so, what is the resolution?

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For some time I have been planning to do some type of proof of concept with the Workflow functionality, which, like so many other functionalities present in IRIS, tends to go quite unnoticed by our clients (and for which I say mea culpa). That's why I decided a few days ago to develop an example of how to configure and exploit this functionality by connecting it with a user interface developed in Angular.

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn how to use HL7® FHIR® Shorthand (a domain-specific, human-readable language for defining profiles, extensions, and other FHIR artifacts) to more efficiently create a FHIR Implementation Guide:

Using HL7 FHIR Shorthand
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Hello IRIS Community,

InterSystems Certification is developing a certification exam for InterSystems IRIS SQL specialists, and if you match the exam candidate description given below, we would like you to beta test the exam. The exam will be available for beta testing on June 9 - 12, 2024 at InterSystems Global Summit 2024, but only for Summit registrants (visit this page to learn more about Certification at GS24). Beta testing will open for all other interested beta testers on June 24, 2024. However, interested beta testers should sign up now by emailing (please let us know if you will be beta testing at Global Summit or in our online proctored environment). The beta testing must be completed by August 2, 2024.

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I am trying to work with the FHIR Object Model where I convert an incoming HL7v2 to SDA then FHIR. From here I would like to be able to process the FHIR Object by deserializing it to a Bundle object using the following code my problem is I keep on getting an error which is not explaining much about what is wrong with what I am doing any help will be appreciated thanks.

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Data Analysis

This is the sequel to Data Collection. If you have not had a chance to go through and install that you should first do that.

What is provided here is the analysis for the collection of that data that was collected earlier.

In much the same way as was done in that repository you will need to import the xml that makes up this repository.

Starting at the topmost level there is a task:

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Graphical Display of Tables

Here we will document how you can get the results of your Data Collection to be displayed graphically. The output of your project will look like this:


Note that I am working on a local machine. If you are doing this on a server then be aware to use the correct IP address.

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Hi Folks,

I am an architect working on a program involving Weblink. I am new to InterSystems and I am looking for information around basic capabilities of Weblink. I understand that the version we are dealing with (2014) is not supported no need to review that :).

Thank you,


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Hi Community,

Watch this video to see how HL7® FHIR® Implementation Guides allow you to restrict or extend APIs, resources, and terminologies:

What are HL7 FHIR Implementation Guides
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Beginning with the release of InterSystems IRIS® data platform 2022.3, InterSystems corrected the license enforcement mechanism to include REST and SOAP requests. Due to this change, environments with non-core-based licenses that use REST or SOAP may experience greater license utilization after upgrading.

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· May 30, 2024 1m read
How to avoid ODBC query timeouts

InterSystems FAQ rubric

To disable the timeout, set the query timeout to disabled in the DSN settings:

Windows Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC) > System DSN configuration

If you check Disable query timeout, the timeout will be disabled.

If you want to change it on the application side, you can set it at the ODBC API level.

Set the SQL_ATTR_QUERY_TIMEOUT attribute when calling the ODBC SQLSetStmtAttr function before connecting to the data source.

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I am attempting to make a FHIR call against the Epic Repository through Intersystems. I have setup a Service client per Create FHIR REST Client | InterSystems Developer Community | Business

but I have set it up using OAuth and HTTPS.

I have verified that the OAuth works by executing it manually via a Terminal to verify I get a response. Of course, when I do it is writing to the ISCLOG

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· May 29, 2024
[Video] Building a FHIR Facade

Hey Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Building a FHIR Facade @ Global Summit 2023
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