· Nov 15, 2024
DICOM Extended Negotiation

Is there a way to create and establish DICOM Association with Extended Negotiation?

I have implemented DICOM Query/Retrieve C-FIND, using EnsLib.DICOM.Operation.TCP and EnsLib.DICOM.Process base classes. My application, acting as an SCU, needs to query by Study Date-Time (combined date-time matching) range with timezone query adjustment. For this, I need to use Extended Negotiation.

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I'm trying to get the python external language server started up in a container I am starting. The container is up and running but I cannot get the python language server to start.

This is the error that is coming back when trying to start the language server. I have tried creating a custom image with that package installed but it still does not work. Is there something specific that needs to be done to to get this working? (FYI, I have the dotnet version working but creating a custom image and installing the dotnet runtimes via a docker file)

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Intersystems provides External language server connections for various languages which,
from a development perspective, is great as I can keep my application code separate but still interact with the IRIS kernel.

It becomes more complex though if you are using Interoperability etc where you might end up with some code in IRIS and some code in another language.

What would be great is having an IRIS to IRIS language server where the application code and stay IRIS based but separate from the database?

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I hit halt in Iris lite terminal within VS Code and was exited out to PS prompt. I was just curious what the best way / recommended way to get back into an InterSystems lite terminal would be? Perhaps it is just to start a new InterSystems lite terminal from a the options listed previously in this post I was just curious if there was a way to kick it off again from the PS prompt?

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Throughout the forum, I find examples of using the method getSegmentByIndex to get the segment as I loop through the HL7 message segments.

Today I spent way too long trying to figure out why I could not modify the segment with this same method. I reached out to my more experienced team and I showed where I got the base code from what I was doing, but I myself could not find the documentation of the method.

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We've got some web services that utilise EnsLib.SOAP.Service/EnsLib.REST.Service. These do some further requests to a few operations to call some other services and return the combined results.

An issue that we are noticing is that some of the usage involves users hitting the refresh button a few too many times and generating a lot of requests. This is mostly an issue when the service that the operations are calling are down or slow to respond. IRIS starts using a lot of RAM when this occurs and has caused outages by getting through an extra 50-60GB of RAM.

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Hello Community,

I have a stream property which uses %Stream.GlobalCharacter and I set some dummy texts like "a1a2a3a4a5a6a7...."(more than 1024 characters) in to that stream and the stream values are not compressed. However, The streams are compressed If I use the Lorem ipsum is a dummy or placeholder text or other text "This is part four of a long memo." which length is greater than 1024

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There are a select few in the group that have been using Github as a Local Client push to a Repository setup in GitHub. Questions were brought up today about the security, and possible issues when it comes to data being pushed in this method.

Looking over code we have noticed that there is Histogram data within some of the class files that could be considered a security issue. Does anyone else have concerns with the Histogram data being within the class files pushed up to github?

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I'm working on my first (!) IPM module and I'm a little puzzled with the registry authorization.

I have a working local registry (I hope!) and the module is loaded (with load-command) to the namespace.

Now publish-command fails because of missing authorization. I have set nothing authorization related myself and I'm lost how the authorization should be configured. All the material I have read so far seems to ignore that and only mentions one have to authenticate ...

Here's the command output:

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Please, we would need your help 🙂:

In a development environment, we have added quite a few presentation contexts to the DICOM configurations (the associations). We would need to find a way to export them from this environment to make it easier for us to import them in PRO (and avoid doing it by hand one by one).

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I'm running a query, joining nine tables together. When I run it with a SELECT COUNT(*) I get about 200,000 rows. When I run the SELECT with the columns I want, I get about 2,700 rows. Is there something inherent with the queries that limits the result set size, or anything I can do to make sure I'm getting back all the results? Rather, than trying to run it about 100 times limiting all previously gotten accounts.

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If both fields are numeric and the result of subtraction of field1-field2 is positive, only then put the result is a data field.

I am doing this within an Iris DTL.

I don't find any functions like IsNumeric(). Once I get that, I can test if field1>0 and field2>0, do the subtraction, and test if diff>0.

I just need a function to determine if they are numeric, rather than some cumbersome way like a regex where the only characters are 0-9.

I see functions in documentation but don't see them used at tests, only in WRITE statements.


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Is it possible to use one IIS server to configure Webgateway and external Webserver for management portal when implementing synchronous mirroring with VIP i.e Is it necessary to have two mirror servers(primary and Backup) , one Arbiter server, one Webserver for Webgateway and a sperate webserver for management portal?

If anyone can please point to any documentation on Mirroring with Webgateway and external webserver for management portal will be really helpful.

Thank you for your help

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We have a scenario where we use the best practice article of a BP and DTL to split up HL7 messages mainly ORUS

It is really useful but we have this code in many places that we are trying to consolidate it in one place.

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Hello Experts ,

Could you help to search message details based on MRN in intersytems iris.

We have created 100+ interfaces and currenly in live (interystems cloud) . Now I try to search message details based on MRN using below query. it is working fine in DEV. but in prod it is taking ages.

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Are there any objectscript functions (not wizards) to export and then import table data (including RowID)?

It doesn't matter what format the exported file is.

The import and export process should preserve all relationships, foreign keys, etc. I need to be able to export and import multiple tables at the same time.

I need this to implement the ability to export multiple tables from one instance and load them into another.

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