
Has anyone used Health Connect/Ensemble to receive results directly from POCT devices (Glucose monitors etc)?

I've been looking for information on the POCT01-A protocol, and as far as I can tell it is a HL7v3 XML schema, I should be able to get results from these devices, though I expect I need a webserver endpoint. (though I can't find any reference in the Health Connect documentation)

Does anyone have any knowledge of this?



EDIT: from the silence I'm wondering if this in normally handed off to specialist middleware?

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Hi all,

a HealthConnect customer of ours came across with a question to use an external service via REST and OpenID within one of his HealthConnect (2020.1) productions. The overal idea is to send data to the external system after receiving a baerer token to use for the communication between HealthConnect and this system.

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I am using a class based on %UnitTest.TestProduction to test Health Connect production.

I read in Class Reference IRIS for UNIX 2020.1:

Note: This class is not intended to be used in InterSystems IRIS instances.

Why should this not be used in IRIS? I have not seen any difference using this with HealthConnect 2017 or IRIS 2020.1

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Hi Community,

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

InterSystems Health Connect: New and Next

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In this article I'd like to share with you a phenomena that is best you avoid - something you should be aware of when designing your data model (or building your Business Processes) in Caché or in Ensemble (or older HealthShare Health Connect Ensemble-based versions).

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I have a HealthShare HealthConnect operation which uses the EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter. It is using a custom Operation class to send HTTP Post request. The request data that is sent to the operation and the response back from the operation is not displayed on the visual trace. Is there anyway to display this data in the trace?

Thank you for your help.

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· Dec 26, 2019
File System

Hello All,

I am working on Files where I have to compare contents of two files and display result.
e.g Suppose file1 contains data in Name and Roll form and file2 contains data in name and class form, so it should compare name from file1 and file2 and display those matching data(Name,Roll,class).

I have piece of idea about file system so any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.


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· Nov 13, 2019
Keep Alive Packet

does Health Connect have an out of box setting to send some type of "Keep Alive" packet? This is for a TCP connection. I have a vendor that will disconnect from the engine if there is a 2 hour idle time. would like to send something across every hour (if its idle) to prevent the disconnection. I'm assuming this may be something custom that needs to be created, but thought I asked the community first.

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InterSystems has corrected several critical defects that can result in data integrity issues. These defects were identified and corrected within a short time, so InterSystems has simplified the upgrade process by consolidating them into a single package. The effects of encountering these defects may not always be visible.

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What is a Foundation Production and what does it do?

We are currently on HealthShare Health Connect 15.03 and we are starting the process of moving to HealthShare Health Connect 2019.1.

The 2019.1 Installation Guide is pretty clear that it is essential, but I'm having trouble working out exactly what it does?

Leading on from this is what should I call it?

From the installation guide:

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InterSystems has corrected a defect in applications that use Unicode character 223 (ß). This defect can result in incomplete query results, class compilation errors, and removal of custom SQL privileges.

This problem occurs on systems that are running or have previously run on:

  • Caché and Ensemble 2018.1.0, 2018.1.1, and 2018.1.2
  • HealthShare Health Connect (HSAP) 15.032 on Core versions 2018.1.0, 2018.1.1, and 2018.1.2
  • HealthShare Health Connect 2019.1
  • InterSystems IRIS data platform – all currently released versions
  • InterSystems IRIS for Health – all currently released versions

The defect is triggered by data and component names containing Unicode character 223 (ß). In the versions listed above, an uppercase conversion incorrectly maps that character to Unicode character 7838 (ẞ). Applications perform this uppercase conversion using features such as $ZCONVERT and %SQLUPPER.

Problems can occur when accessing data or classes created or modified on a product with a different uppercase conversion than the one currently in use.

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