New to Health Connect so please forgive me if this is a stupid question! Is there a specific error code returned when a user initiates an abort from the jobs tab of the business host? I want to be able to treat the Abort as Completed due to our complex business process. Currently, hitting abort just retries the message to the same business operation. Want I want to do is provide the error code used by the Abort (if there is one) and treat it as OK

Thanks in advance.

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· Aug 4, 2021 3m read
IRIS Mirror in the cloud (AWS)

I have been working on redesigning a Health Connect production which runs on a mirrored instance of Healthshare 2019. We were told to take advantage of containers. We got to work on IRIS 2020.1 and split the database part from the Interoperability part. We had the IRIS mirror running on EC2 instances and used containers to run IRIS interoperability application. Eventually we decided to run the data tier in containers as well.

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· Jul 27, 2021 2m read
IRIS Interoperability Message Bank

I heard about Message Bank when we started redesigning a Health Connect production to run in containers in the cloud. Since there will be multiple IRIS containers, we were directed to utilize Message Bank as one place to view messages and logs from all containers.

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We need to upgrade from Healthshare 2016.2 to HealthConnect latest but we are too far behind the current version to do an upgrade in situ.

So I need to create a new instance of HealthConnect and the copy across all the database definitions, namespaces and classes.

I know its possible to script this stuff and pull all the definitions out of the old Healthshare system and then apply them to the new HealthConnect instance.

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· Jun 21, 2021

Hello developer community, I'm looking for Ensemble production sftp examples. I need to copy hl7 files hourly from several servers to a central server. The local documentation is no longer as good as it used to be. I remember several years ago, the documentation would take you step by step doing this. Any information would be appreciated.


Rob S

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· Jun 5, 2021 8m read
FHIRaaS overview


This article aims to provide an overview of InterSystems IRIS FHIR Accelerator Service (FHIRaaS) driven by the implementation of application iris-on-fhir, available in OEX developed for the FHIRaaS contest.

A basic tutorial will guide you in configuring a function FHIRaaS deployment, including an API key and an OAuth 2.0 server.

A library to use FHIR resources through FHIRaaS also is briefly discussed.

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I believe most of you have encounted this problem: a healthconnect/ensemble user get a slow response and ask measurement on how long it takes ensmeble to process this request, the ensemble 'activity data' gives no clue of the delay.

The reason is HealthConnect message measurement was based on ensemble message, which can’t give a correct answer on when ensmeble recevie the request and what time it send back response. when there is delay on inbound/outbound adpter, or csp gateway, there is no way to find out the delay from "activity data" .

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InterSystems Official
· Aug 21, 2020
Introducing InterSystems Container Registry

I am pleased to announce the availability of InterSystems Container Registry. This provides a new distribution channel for customers to access container-based releases and previews. All Community Edition images are available in a public repository with no login required. All full released images (IRIS, IRIS for Health, Health Connect, System Alerting and Monitoring, InterSystems Cloud Manager) and utility images (such as arbiter, Web Gateway, and PasswordHash) require a login token, generated from your WRC account credentials.

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7 2.2K

Preview releases are now available for the 2021.1 version of InterSystems IRIS, IRIS for Health and HealthShare Health Connect.

As this is a preview release, we are eager to learn from your experiences with this new release ahead of its General Availability release next month. Please share your feedback through the Developer Community so we can build a better product together.

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In 2020 we implemented HealthConnect as our HL7 interface engine. Having completed this, we are currently evaluating whether it would be beneficial to migrate our managed file transfers from our current MFT software, MOVEit to HealthConnect. I am interested in hearing from any InterSystems customers who have previously used MOVEit and currently using HealthConnect for file transfer managment. Any feedback would be appreciated.

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InterSystems has corrected a defect that may cause Windows Telnet processes that are secured using SSL/TLS to hang indefinitely; this may then cause an instance to become unresponsive. This defect is present only on Windows platforms.

This defect affects:

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My team is working on redesigning an Interoperability solution that currently runs on a HealthShare server that is part of a mirror. Most of the messages are delimited records processed using Complex Record Mapping. We were told to utilize cloud services available in AWS, use containers, autoscaling…

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· Nov 2, 2020

Hi All,

I know hundreds of people have done this but I'm looking for some DTL's as a start to do HL7 to FHIR, I appreciate everyone's HL7 is slightly different, but just some starter DTL's would be much appreciated? Can anyone help?


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