InterSystems has corrected several critical defects that can result in data integrity issues. These defects were identified and corrected within a short time, so InterSystems has simplified the upgrade process by consolidating them into a single package. The effects of encountering these defects may not always be visible.

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What is a Foundation Production and what does it do?

We are currently on HealthShare Health Connect 15.03 and we are starting the process of moving to HealthShare Health Connect 2019.1.

The 2019.1 Installation Guide is pretty clear that it is essential, but I'm having trouble working out exactly what it does?

Leading on from this is what should I call it?

From the installation guide:

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InterSystems has corrected a defect in applications that use Unicode character 223 (ß). This defect can result in incomplete query results, class compilation errors, and removal of custom SQL privileges.

This problem occurs on systems that are running or have previously run on:

  • Caché and Ensemble 2018.1.0, 2018.1.1, and 2018.1.2
  • HealthShare Health Connect (HSAP) 15.032 on Core versions 2018.1.0, 2018.1.1, and 2018.1.2
  • HealthShare Health Connect 2019.1
  • InterSystems IRIS data platform – all currently released versions
  • InterSystems IRIS for Health – all currently released versions

The defect is triggered by data and component names containing Unicode character 223 (ß). In the versions listed above, an uppercase conversion incorrectly maps that character to Unicode character 7838 (ẞ). Applications perform this uppercase conversion using features such as $ZCONVERT and %SQLUPPER.

Problems can occur when accessing data or classes created or modified on a product with a different uppercase conversion than the one currently in use.

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InterSystems has corrected a defect that could lead to invalid backups on Windows platforms. The defect causes upgrades to disable the EnableVSSBackup setting. By default, EnableVSSBackup is enabled (value set to 1) and the upgrade sets its value to 0. Windows VSS backups taken with this setting disabled may contain invalid CACHE.DAT files.

This problem is limited to Windows platforms on the following versions:

  • Caché and Ensemble 2018.1.0, 2018.1.1, and 2018.1.2
  • HealthShare Health Connect (HSAP) 15.032 on Core versions 2018.1.0, 2018.1.1, and 2018.1.2
  • HealthShare 2019.1 (Unified Care Record, Patient Index, Health Insight, Personal Community, and Provider Directory) on Core version 2018.1.2
  • HealthShare 2018.1 (Information Exchange, Patient Index, Health Insight, and Personal Community) on Core versions 2018.1.1 or 2018.1.0

The defect only occurs if you are upgrading to a version listed above. Once you have upgraded to an affected version, you must manually enable the setting; otherwise, it will be disabled on future upgrades, even when upgrading to versions containing the correction.

For customers using Windows VSS backups, InterSystems recommends enabling this setting on any 2018.1 instances of Caché or Ensemble. Once you have enabled the setting, future upgrades (including to affected versions) will preserve its value.

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1. Purpose

This is a 10-minute simple step-by-step guide on how to quickly set up various flavors of HealthShare docker containers from scratch on a Win10 laptop.

For example, we can build a couple of HealthShare "global edition vs UK Edition" demos as shown below.

There are a couple of frequently asked questions from HealthShare colleagues and partners:

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Currently we are using Health Share 2015.2.2, and looking to upgrade to the latest version in the next month.

From what I understand we have to upgrade to 2017 or 2018 prior to going to 2019.1 since 2019.1 is on the IRIS platform.

In trying to outline my steps in the upgrade process I came up with a question.

  • Can a Full System Backup from 2015.2.2 be restored into 2019.1?
  • Do I have to restore the 2015.2.2 back up into 2017 or 2018, then do the 2019.1 conversion?

Has anyone had experience with this? or should I open a ticket with WRC?

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Hello All.

In need of some help.

We are currently migrating Interfaces from JCAPS to HealthConnect 19.1 and have done a lot of work on our Dev server. I am looking to copy/export this work over to the Test server and have managed to export the production and Rules, HL7 custom Schemas etc. The only thing left now are the Data Transformations but so far I can only find ways of copying the transformations over individually. Is there some way to copy all of the transformations we have produced in our namespace to another server in one go?


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This is embarrassing. I should know how to do this but I have forgotten.

I know the slowness of the 'Source' and 'Target' parameters in Message message viewer being slow to load is caused by the Bitmap indices of Ens.MessageHeader.

I know I need to run the 'bitmap index clean up' routine for Ens.MessageHeader to fixed the issue.

What I forget is how to do this?

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When creating an outbound X12 file (834, 835, 837, etc), what's the easiest way to keep a segment count to use in the SE01 element? Other mapping tools I've used either detect it's an X12 file and do this automatically, or there's an option to keep a count after each outputted segment. The Data Transformation tool within Health Connect doesn't seem to have similar functionality, but I could just be missing something. Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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Hi Everyone!

One more session recording from Global Summit 2018 is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Productivity for Interface Engineers
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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Hi There ,

We are trying to do a small POC trying to integrate NHS Careconnect with Ensemble/Healthconnect. Does anyone have implemented this before. It would be good that you provide some suggestions or any sample implementation. It would be good to get suggestions any interesting use cases

within NHS England for the POC.

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I'm looking for options to create multiple DFT HL7 messages based on data contained in a ZCO segment in a single inbound DFT message. I have the following ZCO segment:

ZCO|CCC^Charge Code|1306794,1071301,23510,1071424|MFCD^Charge Code|14232,3542|||||

In this example, I need to create a new DFT message based on the data contained in ZCO:2. Each code needs to be in it's own DFT message and put in FT1:7.1. The number of codes will vary for each inbound message, but each code will need to create its own outbound message to the client.

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Is there any good documentation/tutorials on creating gateways in both directions between FHIR and Hl7v2 (for Health Connect)?

the scenarios I'm most interested in

1. Client application sends a FHIR demographic query to Health Connect - and the interface has to convert this to Hl7v2 QBP^Q11 message to the PAS.

2. Health connect sends a PDF document (from a file or HL7v2 interface) to an EPR over FHIR.




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· Oct 12, 2018
Healthshare/Ensemble Learning


I'm wondering what the path is to learning healthshare & ensemble? I've looked on the learning page and its minimally helpful. I've found that as a long time mumps programmer that new jobs are requiring this. I've just been using mumps to assist with epic emr. Everything I'm seeing is either VistA or Healthshare. Does someone know where do I go to learn these apps? Seems like a catch 22. You need to know these prior to getting a job but you can't get a job where you can learn them. Frustrating.

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· Sep 7, 2018
Remove FHS segment from file

Is there any out of the box capability in Ensmeble to remove an FHS segment from a batch file? We have a client that is creating a batch of HL7 messages and they insert an FHS but there is no trailing FTS.

We are hoping to avoid custom COS code to handle this scenario.

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