I have a simple app which tries to establish a connection with a Cache database instance via Global API for Java:

import com.intersys.globals.Connection;
import com.intersys.globals.ConnectionContext;

public class Assignment {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Connection connection = ConnectionContext.getConnection();
        connection.connect("SAMPLES", "_SYSTEM", "SYS");


The expection I am getting:

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I need to copy a bunch of globals from some crufty old databases to spanking clean brand new ones. GBLOCKCOPY has this cool feature that lets you create a batch of global names to copy and save the list in a batch. You can then execute the batch and go take a nap.

I like naps.

I need to do this for a number of old-new database pairs, but it's the same global names every time. Is there a way to export the batch configuration created the first time and import it to another environment/namespace? These databases will be spread across multiple hosts.


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Out of curiosity, I was looking in ^ROUTINE global to see how routines are stored internally.

I found out that lot of nodes are displaying "~pointer" as associated value (eg: instead of a string).

What are those pointers ? My guess is that it references some cache internal structure (eg: some nodes inside a B-Tree).

Is there a easily way to see what is behind ? Are pointers useful for user globals or is this something purely internal to Cache database ?

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I'm working for an organisation that is running a very old version of InterSystems Cache (5.016) which runs on AIX . The last two times we have re-booted Cache, we have encountered rollbacks. I've been asked two questions. During the rollback it was "How long is it going to take?" and after the system returned, it was "So what caused it?". My answer to both was "I don't know".

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I am inspecting our DB globals in order to reduce sizes of the worst offenders if possible. When I come to a large global, I am interested which of its nodes are the largest. Hence code below with unexpected different results. Any explanations why are results different?

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· Aug 25, 2016
Iterate through global

Let's imagine I have a global like this:

^Users(12, "SETTINGS", "IsAllowed") = 1

^Users(41, "SETTINGS", "IsAllowed") = 0

^Users(52, "SETTINGS", "IsAllowed") = 1

Now I would like to check for each user whether they are allowed, therefore I'd need to iterate through the Global. How to do that? It seems that I can't use $Order here like such:

S FF = ""
For {
S FF=$O(^Users(FF,"SETTINGS","isAllowed"))
W "User ",FF," is allowed",!

Is there any other way of doing this?

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If given a global, how can I discover information on that global? More specifically, how can I discover how many indices it contains? ie: ^G(1,2,3,4,5) How can I discover that there are 5 subscripts within the Global ^G if I did not already know.

Please advise, and thanks in advance for everyone's time.

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Hi! I have a local project written on Cache and Atelier on my PC. I need to move it to notebook. Tried to export globals, classes, MAC-programms and csp with frontend stuff, but after I created my apps on notebook and imported my set, it just didn't work. I think it's because I have some settings on Management Portal, so how can I export portal settings and what I should export to have my working apps on another computer?

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How to find a global's original namespace ? Potentially mapped from a different namespace .

I have a global ^Custom that exists in multiple namespaces but it could mapped from namespace Drone(A) to Launch(B)

Without access to Cache management portal how to find where is my global located using cache code ?

Like if ^Custom == ^[Drone]Custom ??

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Have very little XML experience and have been able to manually create output. Have a need to take data that I store in a M global (example: ^TML("HDATA", ) and out put it in CCDA XML format.

Are there any examples of M code using the XMLWriter to accomplish this?

Or can anyone provide some guidance

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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I like to validate some use cases and have the following question. I am relatively new to IRIS. Perhaps someone can help:

1. I have a global m[x,y,z,f] distributed across multiple sharded instances
2. I know that i can set assign computed SQL expressions to class variables using Objectscript
3. Is there a possibility in Globals API to do the same ? Set f = x + y as a computed expression in the global m[x,y,z,f] ?

a. We would want to use the global API to change f programmatically using code

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Hi everyone,
I have this global with 2 informations in it: Reference (ex: 1329) and Code (ex: JMMK-G1D6).

^DataTest = 3
^DataTest(1) = $lb("","1329","JMMK-G1D6")
^DataTest(2) = $lb("","1516","AMEV-GVPF")
^DataTest(3) = $lb("","2333","4QC6-4HW3")

With ObjectScript, i want to test if Reference 1516 exists in the global.
In the InterSystems portal, i can do it with SQL (SELECT count(*) FROM DataTest where Reference = '1516'), but can we do the same in ObjectScript without SQL and manipulating the global directly ?

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Hello. When you export and then import a table of data, is the import smart enough to figure out if a row already exists in the new namespace, and if so update the row rather than just save/add the row?

For example, we have a table in DEV, and the same table in QA. The DEV table has more fields than QA. When we moved up the class, the field definitions went with the table into QA, so now the table definition is the same in both.

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I wonder if you could help me with a problem with persistent globals and journals.

We have a few interfaces using a persistent global just to translate some codes. The use of that global is like a lookup table...an interface calls a method that search for a field (in the message) in the global. If found, the code is translated with another field from the global.

The format of the global is something like:

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Currently, namespace Alpha is configured to use database AlphaDB as its global database. How would we go about having namespace Alpha configured to use database AlphaDB for its global database except where global ^Customers(CustomerId) has a CustomerId greater than 10M, which we would like to have it redirected to database BetaDB.

In other words, ^|"AlphaDB"|Customers contains all customers between 1 and 10,000,000; and ^|"BetaDB"|Customers contains all customers greater than 10,000,000. Any help would be appreciated.

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