Start of Professional Activities!

The Institute of Space and Information Technologies of Siberian Federal University with the support of InterSystems International Corporation hosts the International Summer School "Start of Professional Activities" from July 9 to July 27, 2018 in Krasnoyarsk, Russia and invites all students majoring in IT to participate.

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Hi Community!

Join us at the FHIR event of the year in the US: the HL7 FHIR Dev Days 2018!
A unique chance to meet 400 colleagues and discuss all topics relating to your field.

InterSystems is proud to be the Host Sponsor of HL7 FHIR Dev Days for its first U.S. edition, Boston, June 19 – 21st! We support the HL7 FHIR standard as it is critical for rapid innovation. FHIR can be used as an accelerant to bring all the information that matters for a patent into a unified health record.

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Hi, Community!

There would be a webinar in two days by analysts Steve Duplessie and Mike Leone from Enterprise Strategy Group and Joe Lichtenberg, director of marketing for Data Platforms at InterSystems. They will present their recent research on operational and analytics workloads on a unified data platform and discuss the top database deployments and infrastructure challenges that organizations are struggling with, including managing data growth and database size and meeting database performance requirements. And Joe Lichtenberg will introduce attendees to the company’s latest product, InterSystems IRIS Data Platform. Join!

Building Smarter, Faster, and Scalable Data-Rich Applications for Businesses that Operate in Real-Time

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Hi, Community!

Recently we announced Developer Community Meetup in Cambridge, MA. Let me describe what is it.

Meetup it's a one evening event where you can enjoy some sessions by presenters (today InterSystems engineers, tomorrow you can be a presenter) and chat with local developers and InterSystems developers, engineers and product managers (depends on who is in town) and discuss your problems, experience, and success with InterSystems technologies.

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· May 16, 2017
Developer Community Meetups

Hi, Community!

We are starting InterSystems Developer Community meetups: events to discuss InterSystems technology in person.

This would be 2-3 hours evening events to meet and discuss the best practices, new features, share experience regarding implementation of InterSystems technologies and products.

Besides free discussion and networking there would be 3-4 sessions delivered by InterSystems engineers. Local partners are very welcome to participate as speakers too!

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For the first time, InterSystems Global Summit is being held in September – September 10-13th, 2017.
And it’s being held at a new venue, the beautiful JW Marriott Desert Palms in Palm Springs, CA.

Global Summit 2017 will have the Solution Developer Conference, Healthcare Leadership Conference (by invitation only), and Technology Leadership Conference (by invitation only).

Visit for Summit pricing and hotel information.

Online registration and agendas will be coming soon.

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